Want some candy?

Oh it felt good believe me. My only regret is I didn’t drag it out longer.

Personally I would’ve done the “over here” “want some candy?” To some of them but that’s just me

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Haha. That would have been gold. Sadly I don’t have that bound to a key right now. I should though

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“Guys I’ll take care of the predator!”
Jesus Christ, that kid is about get his ass handed to him ;-)

Well, you at least had fun hunting them… I had them on my team XDDDD Mayby not the same kids, but Fortnite kids… what a shit show that was XDDDDD

Omg I feel so bad for you man. Some kids just make your ears bleed and they don’t even know they are doing it!

Tons of fun. Honestly if more people used ingame mics the game would be a bit less sweaty and more entertaining. If I go into a match and no one is on mic, my firdt thought is: “ah shit it’s a premade and their on private mics. Guess I better pucker up.”

If people are on public mics in game I generally don’t go tryhard. I try to make it more interesting.

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Check those kids… Jesus Christ man XDDDD

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As annoying as that will no doubt be, its not as dark as the predator/wonderwoman crossover porn web comic that is SUUUUUUPER messed up. Its turns Pred into a space-rapist and basically all the big name DC heroins kinda like it.

The WOMAN who tricked me into reading it (she left out the part where is was hardcore porn. I thought it was a neat crossover I had missed) hyped it up a lot. She clearly really wanted to bang CH. Not the actor, a real 9 ft alien murderer.😟



Yup. Its a thing. Found about it in 2018. Very fuct up

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Help! Ow ow ow ow



That boar put up a good flight


No doubt.

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Since this whole game is canon, do you think that the predator’s ability to recover from dozens of gunshot wounds by eating a pig is also canon? Or is this as dumb of a question as I think it is?

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Yes and no. It was in some comics but I forgot exactly how it affected the Pred

Huh! I had no idea this was actually based in fact. I thought this was just a game mechanic that the devs made up to give the predator more longevity. I suppose I’ve never read any of the comics anyways, so it makes sense that I’ve never heard of this before.

Yeah but I doubt it’s to the level that game portrays it lol
I think eating a pig wouldn’t instantly rejuvenate him

Ahh yes I’ve seen that comic… randomly… for science.