Was The Predator necessary?

The movie probably would’ve succeeded if; the original script was used(emissary Predators), upgrade was actually smart and didn’t rely so much on his skin armor to protect him, no humor, explanation on how disabled humans are the next step of evolution for predators, yes I know some disabled people are able to sometimes hear better than others or think quicker, and an explanation on how the kid could read Yautja language, and finally the predator suit shouldn’t have been an Iron Man rip off, or at least have it be a weapon that can disable predator technology…
So what did you think, when reading this?

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I think the predator is still a cinematic abortion. Taking too much of the mystery away from predators (on film) is always a bad choice.

Shane Black was trying to make another Marvel movie, and needs to stop using his role in the 87 movie as some sorta pass that he’s legit deeply invested in the lore. The whole movie was evidence he doesn’t understand Predator, and can only make mindless popcorn flicks for kids.

Predator, unlike Wu Tang Clan, is not for the children.

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But still ain’t nothing to fuck with.

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He said in an interview that he hadn’t seen any other predator movies. He smells.


You fix the atrocity that this franchise has become by showing us predator history from their perspective. The human DNA aspect can be because the Predators evolved on prehistoric earth millions of years ago, they are kind of reptilian after all. According to science don’t we all share similar DNA with every other living creature on earth ? So I think it could be a plausible explanation. Then you could dive into the alpha predator story with the amengi enslaving the hish. Perhaps finding them on prehistoric earth and kidnapping them off world until they would eventually break free. Killing and taking the amengi technology to become the intergalactic hunters that we all know and love. Personally I think a Predator origin story would be epic! Whether it be done briefly in a film or explained in depth through a series. What do y’all think ?

I’d like a movie about the uprising of the hish from the amengi. Would make for quite some action


I’d love to see more Predator films, with one stipulation: don’t suck. The Predator was a mess of ideas. Keep it simple.


And keep it adult. No more comedy nonsense. No more special kid characters. Just raw, suspenseful, chilling and action packed…sexy female soldiers are welcome though 😏

Imagine the Alpha Predator in cinemas 😳💥💯 That would be fucking epic!! A movie about how he freed the people, showcasing the gladiatorial aspects…no need for any human elements, just pure Yautja adrenalin!! Someone needs to float that idea to Rodriguez, he did a sound job with Predators.


That sounds awful

I’d see it