Ways to make pred play harder for the benefit of weak fireteam

I wish it was a predator game. I wish it played like a predator game. I wish it felt like a predator game.

But it doesnt. Its the most generic assym they could slap together, and what content we do have is unbalanced, broken, or boring. It just has a pred skin on it and thats enough to keep it floating, even in such a shitty state.

I dont want the game to die but the devs need to find a new sense of direction for where to take this game. Otherwise… Well. You know.

Lazy, “Well. You know…”

I totally got a XCom Dr. Shen vibe from that. Awesome!

I don’t disagree with your assessment, though I enjoy its Predator flavor immensely.

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Worst part is. This game is a gold mine of untapped potential. Yet here we are on the surface playing with the dung like a bunch of neanderthals. Instead of getting down to them riches

Ofc u do. We have all been pred blue balled for 10 years now. We are like that desperate guy thats hit the point where he has no standards anymore.

Dude the whole wanting a rage quit penalty just feels and sounds petty.

About a good 75% of the time at least 1 person leaves on my team.
Its whatever tho.
Let them leave. I killed them once, I really don’t need to kill em again.

Not my team sorry. Idk what the hell I was typing. I meant my match.

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Not for my sake. I could care less. But being on the ft losing even one teamate makes the rest of the game feel worthless.

Yenno why? Because preds health is balanced around getting blasted by all 4 (unless you are using meta weapons then its a different story lol)

Most fts I face are 3 ps4 and one pc. One dies (usually the ballsy pc player) and then rage quits. Now the 3 ps4 guys are guranteed gonna lose if I try in most cases. Its lame.

This is why ppl must all learn and abide by the t bag of peace. I’ve been seeing it a HELL OF a lot more recently.

And when I see it I’m just like… well fuck. You are free to go do the mission xD.

Usually happens after the first wipe lol.

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Yeah lol I do the same if I see it. Ill even help them with the mission. Might as well, free xp for being near them and killing the ai

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Sorry for the thread hijack lol

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I do it just because I realky dont need to win. I’m max lv have everything I want. So if ppl are still leveling up, I dont mind letting em finish the mission.

But this is purely me. I dont expect others to follow lol.


Honestly i do it so I can enjoy playing as pred for just a few more min before I go back to queue simulator

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You basically try to simulate a boss fight for them. It’s pretty fun lol.

But if there wasnt such long ques, how would you get any notes posted? XD

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The reason I kill the first 3 up front and force the reinforce early is because I know it scares them when they dont have a respawn to fall back on. Thats how playing ft should feel. Not this dumb shit where every pc player feels ballsy enough to run at you with a knife.

Because I would ragequit the game sooner and for longer times.

Hey I feel balsy enough to run at you with a knife. En gaurde you aliem fuck.

Good luck. U better pull ur gun because ima just spam quick fire arrows at you till you go down. U aint parrying shit.

You elf wanna be baby back no nipple having bitch!

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U god damn octopus dildo taking ass weaboo fuckstick

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Hey look its like were in a match xD.
Abide by the honor code you yaujta fuck!