Ways to make pred play harder for the benefit of weak fireteam

Whenever I reply to someone I be like

My thread now.

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The only honor you will recieve is an arrow (or 5) in your puny FT skull

That is until my alpha appears behind your shitty pred and fucks you in half.

Hippitity hoppitity, you’re spine is my property.

Bitch please. Spend some of your 450k vert on a fresh skin u cheap bitch.

Basic bitch ass alpha headass

I love you too. XD

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It’s ok lazy. You can have 50k vert xD

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Lord knows I need it. Can I have your elder pred too? I have 28 levels to go still and thats not koscher

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Fire. Explain to me how my rework post doesnt survive an hour without bumps. But something as basic as that “I want to play pred but…” Post has been front fucking page for longer than the time it takes to cross the universe at FTL. Big sad.

Im sick of bumping my shit man. Too much effort lol.

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  1. Do not engage fireteam while they are fighting AI.

Ya I honestly dont really like elder so sure, borrow it til you’re 150.

As for the threads, its cause ppl like simpler threads xD.
You write a book and they’re like, pfftt fuck all that.

And honestly the ppl who have actually talked and discussed your notes, a lot of them are gone. Theres only a few ppl I think, that are left, that care as much as we do about the game getting to a good point/state.

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Sorry again for the threadjack. Lol. Please, continue.

I refuse. Embrace the chaos.

Tho I don’t if if theres only one guy left.

Just suggestions for more enjoyable matches. XD

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I agree with a lot what you’ve said tbh. Its maybe not exactly how I’ve worded it, but it feels like you try to just simulate a boss fight, kind of like I do when I get the chance.

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I like your rules for teams you want to give a chance too. Makes sense from a game health perspective too.

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Honestly if they are coming into the game fresh, then they should learn tactics by playing with friends or by watching you-tubers. If they get screwed by a predator, it is how it is. I myself like to tease them and such as I finished a game in less than 3 min as they all just huddled together and camped a certain spot so I didn’t care to go easy since that’s how they are going to play. If its a 1v1 then I often help them if they are peaceful( I’ll give them a slash at the end to to have a laugh) but if I’m trying to be nice and t-bag to tell them I’m friendly but if they shoot me, its over. That’s their choice to be hostile or not.

This sounds all good and well until you screw around let them live and get hit with a bug that sticks you in place, and instead of returning the favor and letting you try and get unbugged, they just mow you down lol

Ohhh does DBD do that? I hadn’t noticed (sarcasm)