What can really beat Predators

Lol cold weather

“ However, a huge storm suddenly breaks over the city, signalling the end of the heatwave. In response, the creatures return to their vessel, departing Earth with their ships.”

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Well, predators, as a species are dumb as hell. To dumb to even reach that level of technology but whatever. So to answer you question? Well quite a lot. We have far superior body armor today then they do in the future. Even better guns, far better guns compared to almost anything they carry.

He thought so to

And him


Big deal, you can 1 shoot the predator with a high caliber weapon. You’re showing me what? Plasma Caster? Mounted on the shoulder. Retarded, there is a reason why weapons are in your hand.
But let’s look more at it. The predator is a stealth hunter, having a big blast of energy coming from his position and not only that but 3 bright laser points! The predators must be geniuses! How about a pistol with bullets and a silencer in his hand? That would be FAR better.

Alien, do you know what else 1 shoots them? Simple shotguns. Hell, I’ve seen them go down from pistol fire to the mouth. I’ve seen humans (female in Alien 2) pin them down and shooting them.

yo wtf. You cant see lasers ! Only when there is smoke / dust or any other particals in the air so the light can hit the particals and then you can see it. Damn.
Of course high caliber weapons can one shot them. But they can one shot you too. When every soldier wears infrared glasses/scopes and cold suits it will be hard for the preds.


Looks like we are safe up here in Canada lol

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Canadians are so polite, Preds would never want to hunt them anyway. Y’all are safe n sound in your igloos or whatever you live in.


I frankly like it when Predators are defeated by cryogenic weaponry or by a simple battle of wits.

Also the thing about the Xenomorphs. Okay, the Colonel Marines at that point use Pulse Rifles that fire explosive tipped rounds. They tag Xenomorphs if not accurate enough and definitely have a moderate time to kill. Sure, a shotgun to the face would kill anybody, but even the movie shows why that’s a bad idea. Xenomorphs are immune or at least extremely resistant to 9mm ammunition, so I wouldn’t think anything we have in say, Hunting Grounds besides from explosives/ O.W.L.F shit would actually do much/effectively to save lives or your own skin, as proven in AvPR.


You can see the pointers man. Its also a give away in any situation where particle are in the air (as you said). Its beyond dumb to use it. Imagine in this game having a sniper rifle like FT has instead of that plasma caster. IMAGINE THAT!

The only thing going for them (in a ground warfare, no ships) is the stealth. The moment people start using tech to nullify that… Humans with conventional weapons would do far better. The weapons the predators have, are really badly design. The plasma caster exposes your entire body to shoot (torso and head). Spears? Bows? swords? There is a reason why we don’t use medieval weapons anymore.

The weapons HUMANS use for warfare are far more efficient for the job they perform.

Check that out :D

This video pretty much proves my point lmao. Ofc Pistols rounds to the face would tear chunks off. Then when Gorman shoots at the Xenomorph crawling towards him from a distance, the same pistol rounds are practically deflected from the Xenomorph’s carapace. You want to see how we would handle Xenomorphs rn? Go watch AvPR lmao. And this isn’t even talking about the Weyland Yutani’s Storm Rifle, the Pulse Rifle’s bigger brother.

The entire point behind Predator weaponry and technology we see in the movies is that they’re, I dunno, hunting? You want to see Predators pull no punches and go for full scale war? Aliens vs Predator Extinction is for you then. Dark Plasma could tear apart Queens in few hits, Killscreen Generators eat bullets, protecting the Predator and we have Smart Discs that tear inside the opponent like mini chainsaws once a number of them have been torn into them.


Nah man, aliens are weak shit if faced with a military force. The only reason they do anything against a military force is because of numbers. AvPR and see what? Them killing civilians? Teens? Most unarmed? LOL! Imagine if in Aliens 2 those marines where facing an equal number of aliens… BUAHA! Of course I’ve watched it, the gore is nice but that’s it. If we would have a military force that knows what they’re dealing with and an equal number of aliens the military force would anihilate the aliens, if they bring tanks, choppers its not even funny…

I think you also missed the point of the vid, its not only the pistol to the face, its also Vasquez pinning one to the floor in a cramp enviromant as those vents.

That excuse that they’re hunting is nonsense. They have no issue with using certain type of advanced tech, like the plasma gun, stealth and so on. They just use retarded weapons for what they are meant to do.

Yeah, let’s stick to what I’ve meant about predators and what they do as person and the weapons they carry. I have never played that Aliens vs Predator Extinction. But I’ve played most games and seens the movies. Nothing they carry would make be believe that Predators would be able to take on the battlefield and equal number of humans. Nothing but handheld weapons (so no tanks, ships etc). Predators have yet to achieve the level we did in medieval times and equip God damn armor on. They use fishnets.

An equal number of Aliens? It wouldn’t have made a difference in the beginning. The Sqaud was ambushed in the hive and was unable to effectively counter due to plot related dangers of setting shit off and just plain ol not knowing where the targets were at. The Colonial Marines only escaped because Ripley actually recognized the danger and crashed into the hive to rescue them. That and their weaponry were keeping them alive just barely, like the Smart-Gun blasting a Xenomorph to bits because that thing also fires explosive ammunition meant specifically for softer targets.

The idea behind that scene was that the CM thought it was gonna be a average Tuesday until the Aliens ripped them a new asshole. And sure, you can make the arguement that “Tank beat Alien”, sure, but a single Xenomorph literally brings down a Cheyenne (Dropship) in the movie, stranding everyone on LV-426 till the end of the movie. And then the Queen straight up hides in the second one.

Okay, the only point I feel you have here is Vasquez pinning a Xenomorph inside of a vent. With what we know now, it’s as stupid as Wolf man handling two Xenomorphs by the neck each in a sewer. Badass, but stupid and both characters literally get whipped afterwards.

So the Elite Predator Mothership taking down the U.S.C.M Marlow in a short Plasma Burst right after delcoaking in AvP 2010 isn’t battlefield worthy? In Three World War, we have actual War Bases with Planetery defenses that reach out into space, taking down both U.S.C.M and Yautja Ships alike. Hyrda Predators in Extinction are literally Rocket Launcher Predators except they fire all the rockets from their back which also split into many other mini rockets that are also E.M.P bombs. Blazer Predators fire lasers at massed groups of enemies that are stated to be hotter than the cores of most stars. At that point, fishnets are traded in for full battle suits.


Dude, the maries where overwhelmed by insane numbers in the hive. That is why they where dropping. Also and yes, the ambush did get a lot of them killed. Think how many aliens they killed in that movie (excluding the nuke). In equal numbers, like an entire colony of marines, would make short work of the aliens, more so if they would use some other type of weapons then rushing in and killing them in close quarters with guns. Imagine actually using ships to fire, long range weapons like missiles and shit.

What relevance does the aliens crashing a ship in the movie have with anything? Yes unarmed pilots getting attacked out of nowhere when focusing to fly the ship tend to not do well against an alien.

Now again, imagine 10 marines, going inside a city, fully knowing what they will face against 10 aliens. Who wins? Now imagine using this:

Imagine the fun the marines would have. Imagine going in with one of those cars that have a cannon on top.

In the first Alien movie, a grappler type of weapons (very blunt end) pierces the alien at the end trough the chest.

Yeah, I did say no ships. Its obvious if they decide (in our time) to attack us with ships they would just bombard us from orbit. I said with what the movies and AVP games showed as the predators carry on them. No ships or tank like things. If you start braking down how effective those weapons are, and more so for a stealth assassin I serious don’t see them doing much on the battlefield against current age marines assuming they EMP the area to take down the cloak (or some other way to remove the cloak).

Try to fight the marines in this game with no cloak (and they are not potatoes) see how well that goes, why? Because predator weapons are really ineffective and not only because gameplay limitations.

Quite frankly this also comes to mind:

Logs, bullets and blades have worked so far

If we were to ever get in a World War against the Predator species, we would be demolished.

For some reason you say we have better armor which you know just isn’t fucking true, the armor they have would deflect damn near every round we have on Earth. Let alone if they were to suit up in full combat armor and not their hunting armor.

Then you know there is the case that they have ships that have shields that literally we couldn’t damage even if we tried. So, like 20 of those things would easily take out an entire army of us.

Then there is the point of their bombs which alone are practically mini-nukes. Taking out giant craters which just a simple wrist sized bomb, now let’s imagine that on a much larger scale. Their very large explosives could probably level entire small countries, because of our technology can do it they sure as hell can too and a hell of a lot easier.


Oh, my bad on the no ships thing, little tired myself.

I’m not saying that the Aliens didn’t lose numbers in the Hive fight, I’m saying that they had already won the fight when Apone was struggling to hear Gorman and unable to direct his Marines in the chaos that was about to follow, regardless of how many Xenomorphs were actually on screen in the Hive Fight. They also had home field advantage; sneaking into their hive constructs and mechanical installations in equal measure. They wouldn’t have even gotten to the “horde cleansing” moments of the film without someone who understood the danger, that being Ripley. It wasn’t just being overwhelmed, they were fumbling over themselves over not detecting the Xenomorphs and the loss of their comrades, which was just human nature and Xenomorphs are indifferent to that and so don’t relate.

Now, I understand what you’re saying with everything like facing them with long range weaponry and different weapons, but think about it for a second. No matter how little you may think the fact of a Xenomorph effectively hijacking a Cheyenne may be, that’s just evident of their intelligence on the battlefield. They understood that the flying hunk of air to surface missiles as the CM’s way off planet, and then sent a martyr to ensure it wouldn’t turn out that way. This combined with disabling power and other facilities that would have benefited a human force approaching to face a Xenomorph Threat. Sending Xenos to fulfill suicide tasks to ensure the disabling of said weapons isn’t out of the question, but if your entire argument is “We have the advantage because we launch a bunch of missiles at the hive from very far away”, then you’re just putting yourself at very high ground to begin with, like with this next one. And note, I’m only talking about 1986 Warriors here, I haven’t even brought up what other Xenomorphs could do in a war situation.

Actually? With 10 of these guys just lumbering around in the city? I think that the Xenomorphs would just patter around, get some slashes in on the exposed pilots and even cause some friendly fire in a bid to cause chaos before really engaging. Especially in a city environment where they could utilize the sewer system or even just hide in the foreground of the city, having a bunch of decked out Powerloaders and nonthing more that can compensate for the slower tanky soliders sounds like a bad idea.

Fighting someone with no cloak is like saying “Hey, shoot at this guy but don’t shoot from behind cover, break from your cover and run towards the enemy while you’re shooting at them.” That’s just Stormtrooper Logic. I’d be stuck healing like JH.

As for the 1979 thing, I’ll have to rewatch.

I remember mentioning how tools used in the movies were literally for hunting. Just because it’s meant for Hunting doesn’t mean that it inherently isn’t well adapted for gameplay in a asymmetrical game. It just means that it isn’t as powerful as it could be and I’d say for good reason.

You saying this makes me think you never played AvP 2010. The Combi-Stick throw one shotted anywhere on the body. Smart-Dsic on upper torso and above? One shot, two shot at best. Plasma Mine? One shot unless you were only hit at the edge of it’s radius. Plasma Caster? Oh, fucking one shot machine.

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BadBlood In medieval times. Sure.

Idek I guess you have yet to see any of the movies or play the games. Modern armor > fishnets. In all the movies and games the weapons seem to work fine, including knife and swords (check the video above).

I already said in a combat scenario where both us and them where only fighting with foot soldiers and whatever weapons the movies and AVP games as well as PHG showed for preds. Not ships.

The bombs they carry can be walked outside the blast area and effect other predators.

Again, this is just about the retarded weapons they showed to use on themselves in movies and games mentioned above. Weapons completely dumb for stealth hunters. Again, imagine would would be more useful for a predator. The plasma caster or a sniper rifle with a silencer? Aha, yeah. Even the wristbaldes are stupid, knifes are far better as melee weapons (assuming equal length) because one can be manevered and changed in hands, the other is fixed, limiting its mobility. I can go trough all the weapons but suffice to say the most eficient weapons I’ve seen are the pistol and the dart type weapon in predator 2.

Xenomorph_2099 They won just that first fight, by the end the nuke seem to make it a win for the marines. They where not only fighting against a superior force (in numbers) but also in a very bad terrain for them where they could not even use their weapons. That instance is not a fair fight to judge how marines would do. Again, put them into a neutral area, arm the marines with whatever they want and see what happens. The smart gun alone can take down countless xenos.

We don’t know if the alien on that shuttle was a on purpose or not. Perhaps he just got there to kill the human it detected. They do seem to have some intelligence but it seem to resume at throwing countless bodies until they fix the issue. Again, they do have some intelligence but count the number of aliens dead in the movie and how many marines died. Its not even close, even BEFORE the nuke.

10 marines knowing what they are walking into and having access to whatever gear they want? Smarguns alone would mow down the aliens with ease. There is no way 10 aliens can take 10 marines that know what they are walking into and allowed to use weapons! If you throw in that armor in my pic above the aliens are not even going to put a scratch on them. Again, count the number of aliens killed by the marines in alien 2 and how many marines the aliens killed. The ambush where they not only could not use the weapons abut also underestimated the aliens (I am not sure they even believed they exist) got them killed. Later on, in the other compound they killed a ton of them. The armor thing is almost immune to drones from AVP2. A single soldier with that thing would anihilate the 10 aliens.

The hunting predators go into warzones. Some go not to really hunt but to stop the aliens (AVPR) or to stop other transgressions (like in the last AVP game).

I’ve finished avp 2010 a few times with all the carracters. Normal spear 1 shoot humans from other humans, put 10 indians with spear against 10 marines with AR and see what happens. My point is not that spears don’t kill, my point is that they are no effective at it compared to modern weapons.
Point is how stupid it is for most weapons to be on a stealth hunter when it messes up your stealth and how you can replace the plasma caster (for example) with a plasma gun (think of something like predator assault rifle) and be far more effective. It makes no sense for a stealth assasing to use a rocket launcher (plasma caster). I could go trough all the weapons but you get the idea.

Not using armor is also another very dumb idea.

This guy gets it.

What I love with @Xan84 is that he dont get that predator have restricted weaponry and body armor when it come to hunting. Their plasma shoulder mounted canon are their equivalent of an old hunting rifle made for kill pigs XD they just dont have the right to use war weapon for hunting. But hey he is just trolling so who care

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