What do we know about Cleopatra?

Some actually conversation where we are happy to talk about the future of the game rather then the problem. Join us we welcome all who wish to discuss the new addition to the game


50% of the reason I even bought this game was they gave us not only Predator Character Creation but Fem Preds in a game at last. The other 50% was I’m a slut for Predator content and we haven’t had a solo game since Concrete Jungle. Some people need to loosen the fuck up and learn to have fun again.

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Just get some space tiddies and u be ok

Ive been on these fourms since last April, its nice to see a fourms topic not be toxic.


I think our goal IS to be looked down upon by Cleo, as she steps on us.


More of an Xeno fan myself lol.

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Yeah, definitely. Peeps would be more comfortable around one another.

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EXACTLY THANK YOU!!! I honestly freaked out when I saw the female Predator in the trailer, though it wasn’t comic book accurate I could care less it was awesome that Illfonic finally decided to give such a mystery character the spotlight.

Also yeah I’m a sucker for Predator content and will gladly play it whether it be good or dog shit bad to fill the void that was Shane Blacks Predator movie.

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Trust us we know, I kinda try and stay away from it as much as possible, well what do you think Cleo the new Predator will be like?

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Your fucking profile picture reacting to the comment I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣


Oh…nah, not a feet person nor was that strange fetish awakened in me.🤣 Ya’ll wanna have fun with 400 lbs+ of alien muscle, I ain’t stopping you. Y’all could get stepped on, lol

Why the fuck did you have to make that descriptive 🤣

I just see Cleo stomping out Dutch and I can’t remove it from my mind💀💀💀

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Valkyrie literally just got side lined, Cleo is now the newer bad bitch on the block and all Predator fans newest wifu

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Female predators are all over the place in comics, books, novels, etc. Sometimes they’re just males with a vadge, bigger males with a vadge, don’t exist and instead they can switch between both genders, or are what we have in this game.

What I do know is that I prefer them the way they are in the game; Though I wouldn’t be against having Big Mama in the game

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Oh fuck no neither am I. That shit freaky. But it does have a really funny scientific explanation IIRC, something about the neurons in the brain for recognizing the shape of them being right next to the sexual arousal part of the brain and so they overlap in some and that’s why it happens. But yeah nah, I can’t jive with that either. Don’t see the appeal. I just wanna be thrown around by an 8 foot tall space MILF.


Yeah!! That last part, I agree wholeheartedly. That neuron thing;never heard of that. I think I shall look into it, certainly is brow raising.

The Beta Valkyrie Huntress…

The Chad Sigma Cleo Huntress!!!🤣

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Everyone simped for Valk, then here comes Cleo being the bad bitch she is talking our attention by force💀

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