What do we know about Cleopatra?

Egyptians cooler than Vikings anyway.

Oof carful their partner, you just basically spoke fighting words about my favorite era of history.

We don’t even know what she looks like and she’s already like; “Move to second place, Bitch. There’s a new Hunt-mother.”

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Still fucking mad we haven’t gotten a Kunoichi Pred DLC to compliment Samurai. Where’s my Space Ninja Wife, Illfonic? Where are they?!

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Real life; Nah! In game, I am about to certainl find out!

Well I can be sure she’s not gonna be ugly, Cleo might outshine Valk in style for sure

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Bro! I made a post about this not too long ago!😅 I called her Ronin. It was like a pretty indepth post and everything.

For real no cap.

They nailed the Fem Pred faces in this game. Hell they nailed the faces in general, these are the best Yautja have looked since the first two movies and Concrete Jungle. Even AVP 2010 fucked up their Mandibles and such.


I have yet to see an “Ugly” Yautja design, whether it be armor or just appearance. I think they look cool AF and the fact they have this sort of chimerical appearance (mammals, reptiles, and insects/arthropods) is just fucking insane.

Valk, love her armor but you might be right…Cleo might just have an ultimately better design.

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Oh I made an entire thread about a hypothetical Kunoichi class too. Suggested she’d have the Natural Perks of making 25% less noise both in Cloak & out of it and moving faster in Trees than others by default. Make her really squishy in terms of HP, like Scout, but have them be incredibly fast with good energy metre to allow them to stay cloaked and use the caster for a while and with a lot of gear slots so they could carry more traps and such: and also come with a new Shuriken Gear item and a pair of Wakizashi short swords.

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Well hopefully shes as good or better than Valkyrie,

My guess is she will have good melee damage and health and hopefully a new ranged weapon.


Fingers crossed, you might get your wish

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Man I just want a good ranged weapon, Im tired of melee weapons, that put you at a disadvantage.

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Females were only mentioned being bigger than males in the AVP: Prey novel if I recall. All other works either show them looking not much different than males or like in PHG, smaller with feminine body proportions. Usually on both movies and other works in the expanded universe its an male elder that is the leader.

Apart from AVP: Extinction bringing the concept of the Council of Ancients leading Predator clans (which they don’t even go deep into) there is no sure confirmation of how the structure of their society as a whole works.

Gear too. FT has more than enough gear!! They’re all damn set for the forseeable future!! They can get a few more weapons; More Lmgs and submachine guns and shotguns and pistols. That’s it.

Maybe some new universal attachments such as different types of scopes, a flame thrower and grenade launcher, outside of that, they’re all GOOD!!

Us Hunters however. There is not only many weapons in movies and noveks and comica that can be cool gear bur ofc their is aslo the Dev’s own unique creativity too.

I’m talking snare traps, laser baricades, plasma mines, scanning devices (like a device that triggers an alarm/notification for the predator if someone sets it off) the other visions (EM, definitely Ultraviolet, night vision black and white, and perhaps an alternative thermal sensor)

I’ll take glaives, acid bombs, disorientation explosives, Plasma claymores, etc.

Predator has needed more gear for awhile,electric bolas, plasma grenades, wire snare, laser trip mines we should of had the laser mines at launch.

Their body sizes & shapes have varied across the years yes but they’re consistently shown as at least being way smarter/more in control of their emotions & hormones than the Males, with very few examples of them falling prey to the same problems with self control & humbleness as the Males. It’s all fictional alien biology so it doesn’t have to make total logical sense, them having the smaller more traditionally feminine body frames but still being on average stronger & smarter is the best of both worlds and seems to be still consistent within Hunting Grounds as Valkyrie is shown to be Viking’s superior in the lore and was unbeatable in battle whilst he fell to a Human Viking warrior, and then there’s Cleo who manhandled and effortlessly defeated Dutch in 2008.

Cleo about to fucking handle EVERYBODY

On homeworld/ Yautja Prime, females are mentioned to have very high positions and that the elder equivalent of a woman is Matriarch, with ancient being for both genders.