What do we know about Cleopatra?

is she melee based ?

yeah that has hits scan 😈

I mean kinda…? They gave her 13% extra melee damage and 1450HP. But she has Energy & Energy Regen comparable to the Elder and can easily be played at Range as a result, plus she came with a semi-unique Smart Disc and is able to carry Bear traps.

There’s a secret trick to make her move at 9.7 metres per second whilst sprinting permanently throughout the match and give her Scout tier Stamina regen, effectively turning her into a Hunter with 250 more HP, 3 more gear points, 13% extra melee damage and vastly superior energy and regens. But I don’t feel like sharing the trick to it openly in public.

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Save your money on cleopatra, I’ll just shit on you for free.

So what’s the “trick?”

Run enraged, it’s bugged and lasts forever once it’s procs

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Not all crusaders wear capes.

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its not the jump while sprinting trick is it ?. If not sounds like an exploit that should be put in bug report

It is to do with a certain Specialisation applying its buff for the entire match once activated. Same as what Hunter, City & Scout use with Analytic & Fervant being bugged to never end.

You macro

I can fire as fast or faster than a Macro with my bare hand, no need for such a tool. Plus I’m on Console and it’s more tedious to set something like that up.

You heckar

oh i see is it a new spec or an old one ?

Enraged. Let it proc at low health, gg enraged for the rest of the match

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thats nasty just tried it on viking and wooooh fat boy finaly fixed his asthmatic ass