What do we know about Cleopatra?

Im okay with it, honestly an oversheild that envelopes the body and acts as additional armor would be cooler imo, having a seperate armor bar deplete before your health goes down.

Halo Shield Break Noises

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Yeah basically like that, they have samurai pred in this game, I think an oversheild isnt too far fetch, granite it wont happen that would give pred a good fighting chance.

Honestly, I have never read or touched a pred novel, Lol. I tried to read a comic but…meh…it was fun but I couldn’t stay interested."

Also here, cited from the website " * Matriarch: A Matriarch is the female counterpart to a [Clan. While Clan Leaders rule in off-world affairs, Matriarchs rule and command and presumably any other world they inhabit. Among one of the highest titles in the species. Some Predator females (called “Brooders” in the Hish have been known to be larger and stroner in some cases, with Hashori being one such example, even sporting more prominent mammary glands Other Predator females have been witnessed in extended cannom who superficially show little distinction from males with Big Mama being perfect , a female predator, has been seen in the nude, the image suggesting the female predator reproductive anatomy and female human reproductive anatomy do not differ, at least superficially. Male predators have comparable anatomy to a male human, or at least both are phallic and designed for

Male predators also have visible gonads, again comparable to most mammals, who have exterior testicles. All Yautja onscreen and most of them in the expanded universe have been male, but Vagouti and Wendigo are two more examples of female Predators.

I like that idea!! Projected from the gauntlet, creating a small, somewhat durable and compact barrier attached to the wrist.

Similar to Gibralter from Apex legends

Movie was a shit show, wrecked canonnicity, but the fugitive’s design was…kinda cool.😒

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Wolf’s Power Fist & Whip when?

His design is sick as Hell!! I would love him in the Game. His equipment obviously coming with him!

Well I have, I think I’m just missing a few alien/predator novels and comics post-2019, cus too much shit going on so I didn’t have time to get the last ones but they don’t mention the kind of stuff you are getting into.

I don’t know which website is that from, but feels like some random fanfiction stuff, some words that appeared in 1 or 2 old novels which have been pretty much retconned and ignored are thrown in there to make it seems legit but no, that’s not an official source in any way. Like Hish, that was the name given to the Predator species on the Forever Midnight novel, while Yautja are their name on AVP: Prey and other works.

The Hish were hermaphrodites that changed sex at random, currently in canon Predators aren’t like that. there are males and females. The Viking isn’t gonna become a girl when its gets to his turn to take it. That was a concept the author of that novel brought it up but then everyone else apart from a minor mention of the name in Flesh and Blood novel retconned cus the reception was negative. Also the Hish on Forever Midnight weren’t Hunters there were space slavers and conquerors, one of the reasons that is the most hated Predator novel among the fanbase. And Predators had this killer gland which if activated they go berserk and kill anything in their way including each other, which is how they are defeated by the main character.

The Hish is has been made into their Canon Ancient name though. The Alpha confirms this. They changed their name to the Yautja when they freed themselves from the Amengi and were no longer a Slave race. The Alpha is in this very game, Fox’s official stance on Hunting Grounds is that it and everything in it is 100% canon to the main movie timeline and such.

Sure I saw that, that origin story is as oficial as it can get in this franchise I guess, didn’t like how they reused the name from that mess of a novel though. At least only the name was reused, all the other stuff its not part of the series right now.

I mean their backstory is basically the same as the Transformers, in Generation 1 anyways, and that’s fine. An Alien Race rising up against another is a good back drop.

Hmm, Yes, I am awaree of the Hish nonsense and the herm stuff. Was simply just bringing up what the webpage noted. It’s probably just ultimately a “big ass list of all things ever mentioned in Pred” pop culture and whatnot.

I more or less was just trying to back up my whole “matriarch” tittle thingy in which it seems likely women wousl be more dangerous.

Now, I will simply quit while I can bc I don’t like arguments, many people on here are fucked and toxic and last thing I want is a friendly discussion to go sour. Agreed?👌🏽

Okay…so like; Even if it is, I won’t count it. The whole predators being slaves, rebelling against bug people overlords, taking their tech and then going on to become space dictators is a big ass NOPE!! For me dawg. The Hish are like…literally everything horrible the Preds could be. It just fuckes with the “good” and established lore.

Hish could be a completely different race that looks similar or a proto subspecies of neanderthal-yautja or whatever. They’re not cool, lmaoo. At all, with all due respect

They never went on to conquer and slave. They seem to have immediately went to Hunting. The Hish was just their slave name it seems like.


Okay back on Cleo. I hope she is pay to win cus FT got pay to win Dante and Dutch’87 so Preds deserve something. Bring something unique with her stats to set her apart from the others and nice hidden passives. She was said to have taken Dutch’s team from range if I recall, I assumed bow when I heard the tape I think, but maybe a hitscan long ranged Predator weapon ?

That would nice, the game already have enough melee weapons. I don’t want her to be build for melee, I want her to be useful against pc premades.

And I will kill so many Cleo Preds tomorrow as Dutch 2025 they better make it canon.

Illfonic can APPARENTLY track global kills on both sides so it’d be hilarious if they take like a month or two to let the playerbase duke it out and depending on whether or not Cleopatra or Dutch players have the higher amount of deaths, defines who wins the battle.

Oooohhh…so just the name? Mmm…still don’t necessarily like it…but I’ll tolerate it I guess

I only know the name from the novel that said they were world conquerors and shit. Only time I heard the name in recent memory was with Alpha (which I despise because of the whole Amengi thing)

Yes. Please! More ranged weapons.