What does everyone do?

janitor is always a good job. you should merry that girl.

R u being a dick? Seems like your being a dick, u be dickish alotā€¦ Iā€™m tired Iā€™m going to go to bed I hope youā€™re not being a dick. Iā€™ve known a few high school janitors and they made bank for what they had to do.

Yeah, kinda being dickesh. Are you part of the Dick Police? Thatā€™s a great profession! You should merry that boy!

U must have had a horrible childhood to have to make fun of others lives so that u can feel better about yourself.

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I was trying to be polite. You have a nice day now.and donā€™t trip over a rainbow .

Basically I get paid to assess the living skills of the disabled/elderly.
Fairly laid back but sometimes kids throw stuff at you and old people are old people, takes some patience.

Neat, what kind of game?

Why do you hate these kinds of posts so much? Insecure?

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No just trying to keep my dignity amongst people living out their strange fantasies. You canā€™t secure yourself from people who are willing to throw shit in your face for fun.because there are those types of ppl out there. This place probably isnā€™t the most dignified platform for public discussion. Iā€™ll just wait until they link these accounts with Linked-In.

lol why even reply then?

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Maybe because itā€™s watermelon season ,and were ripe, sweet and tasty! Ready for smashing! Its insanity!

Dinosaur survival horror game, kinda alien isolation esque.

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I am an Owner/operator at a Avis/Budget Car rental group.

Work 6-7 days a week if Im lucky enough for my employees to want to work the Sunday shift lol.

I deal with Mega Karens every day and I get to tell people that a Bank card is not a credit card.

I enjoy my job cause its pretty easy, the people are stressful and I have had some pretty close calls with some unsavory customers. The price I pay for having my rental location next to a Train station that comes directly from NYC!


Grocery store worker with the position of everything but paper work. Otherwise I 3D print on the side. Genuinely donā€™t know which thing is more stressful.


3d printing lol. Cause one miss snip the whole project is ruined lol

I was printing a Predator gauntlet last night and woke up this morning to the spool of filament having been tangled (Overture filament being tangle free is bullshit) so thatā€™s 8 hours on a day and a half print gone.

Hell my CR 10 has a single wire screwed up and I have to wait on a replacement cable cause itā€™s broken in such a way I canā€™t fix it.

This hobby can suck sometimes. Shit looks great though when prints finish.

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I am currently saving for a 3d printer.

Ender 3/pro is a great starting point. I also recommend using a glass bed as a magnetic one canā€™t go over 80 degrees for too long before it ruins the magnetic one. If you use a glass bed just use the companies own brand of bed cause you wouldnā€™t believe the disasters people have with picture frame glass when they couldā€™ve just spent the 20 dollars.


Thank you.

Im never one to go the cheap route. I appreciate the advice on the mat tho I would have not known that and im sure the website i will buy it from will not inform me and I will have learn the hard way lol

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Typically they donā€™t. Creality products can be a massive pain in the ass due to language barrier and just not knowing how to do tutorials (both of the BL touch tutorials are bad). However the Ender 3 series of printers are solid machines and easily modified (even if updating firmware can be a pain in the ass). Theyā€™re cheap and while need assembly itā€™s maybe 30 minutes to an hour to build.

Check out Chep on youtube as well and Teaching Tech as well for advice.


Best Karen story?

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Happened on Friday

In walks Karen with no mask on or even in her hand

Me: Can you plz put on a mask its company policy

Karen: I am fully Vaccinated I dont need to wear one!

Me: Plz its company policy we have many people come in and out of here all day. I dont want to risk exposure to you or anyone else.

Karen: here are my records ( flashes papers quicker than a fake cop on a movie)

Me: Im even if I was able to read those in a sort manner of time. Plz put a mask on or I will have to ask you to leave.

This is where she gets angry.

Karen: I will not and you will believe me cause im right your wrong! NOW DOOOO YOURRRRR JOBBBBB!

Me: if you will not put on a maskI will have to ask you to leave:

Karen: let me speak to you managee, ( i cut her off)

Me: I am the owner and operator of this rental agency. So either put a mask on or leave.

Karen: you are being very rude to your elder there young man.

Me: your being an entitled brat, now plz leave.

Karen: im calling the cops and corporate.

Me: go ahead. I have already notified my Regional Manger about this situation, and She has already called the police they are on her way.

Karen: how dare you treat a customer this way!

Me: you are not a victim here you are the aggressor and are making this situation worse.

Karen proceeded to slam the counter breaking my plastic sheild that is put up for safety!

Me: I have to engaged the lock on the door for the destruction of property.

Karen: ohhh now your going to hold me hostage.

Me: you caused this lady. You simply cpuld have out a mask on

Karen: you could have believed me.

Me: safety first.

Karen: fuck you.

Me have a pleasant day.

Cops show up, I press charges for destruction of property.

Cops say ask of I want to press charges for possible exposure. I said no I was wearing my mask.

Come to find out she was lying about being vaccinated and was also already charged with the same thing at some other store!

She was rather unpleasant lol