What is the best looking Predator in the game?

What do you guys think is the best looking Predator in this game? Could consider it by the default look or by the way you customize your own Preds.


Imma do it like this

Top 5, Ilfonic creations

1.Valkyrie, solid design and love the mask, the armour is unique
2.Samurai, Just overall great design
3. Viking, Badass, chunky big boi
4. Cleopatra, Bit to much going on but overall really great looking, but im not a fan of the dreds at all
5. Exiled, im not a fan of the mask and the armour, wish it wasnt looking like it was made by wood.

The Hunter, Beserker and Scout are cool designs, it mixes the Fugitive sleak look with the Jungle hunters look into a bit more “sleak, upgraded” look, but not also going overboard.

As for the rest, they are awesome however Ilfonic blew the gun with the Super predators bodies and faces.

Same goes to Wolfs face, lack of netting and the oversized mask.

Elder, Jungle Hunter, City Hunter (expect for the mask) looks great.


Any pred that’s still alive when match ends

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Lmao so true🤣

And whatever build if I ever get sturmi lol

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The Elder & Cleopatra have to take the win for me, followed by the Scout class. All 3 are my favourite looking designs in the game, wish I could say the same for Wolf but they utterly butchered him and his model is horrible. Sad.

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Cleo would’ve looked better if she was thin.


so wolf’s really not getting netting huh

How do you even overlook that?


Cus incompetence + indifference

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Probably… https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1820024273720355490/118C60ADF834FB66782E3E59592DB2CA850E8B25/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

Is there a way that I would be able to play against you as Predator? I just wanna see how I’d fare against you and your god-like friends.

Oh which platform you play ? Do you have an Epic Games account, if so just send me the name and I will add you. Then if we have enough people online we can play a private game.

All the girls love the Viking, because he’s a big, strong, beefy, norse daddy with a fur piece.

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No. He’s a fat, lazy mofo who ate too many 🐖.


Elder with the prophet mask
Alpha with the mandible looking mask
Jungle hunter with his mask
Viking with another mask

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Me of course


Jungle Hunter.

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the yellow duck

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JH probably has to be the best looking Predator but in terms of customization? Probably Samurai. There is almost no such thing as a bad Samurai outfit.

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this is the proof that I changed my game, in his day I spoke with neca about dutch 2025 and they said that his figure needed a new remodeling, today I have no news about it, however now neca has signed for afte, illfonic did it wrong, he is doing it wrong and will continue to do it wrong