What is this? (Plasma pistol)

This happens in different situations and I never bothered to question it. The plasma pistol creates a “crescent like” symbol next to the crosshairs that seems to drain but I don’t think so. Im usually just plasma blastin’ away…should I be paying attention to this?

Not sure what you’re talking about but it does not need charged just reloaded so I doubt it’s anything to worry about . I know squatted shots keep the pattern tighter

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That’s the “ammo”.

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I got this from bloodthirstylords thumbnail…

Not the ammo.

The blue meter. And while were at it the gold and white ones too which must mean contact with the prey.

Isn’t that the damage to range indicator? , cu it fizzles down over longer distances

Idk bro , I mained the pistol until they changed it and buffed ft

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It’s the ammo bar. Tells you how many round you have left before you gotta reload… Reload a plasma weapon…

Ok mine has the number in the left side of screen

I love the pistol it’s just too weak to realistically use

Boy you guys dont have a clue. Just meandering on a 3 second whim of what you think it is even if the question isnt clear. Interpreting it like hyroglyphs.

Tell me. Tell me now.

no, because nobody want to answer a question that nobody wants to take time to understand…
No. dont even open up the game
no. dont even pretend to make an effort.

You have dumb ass going “its speghetti!”
and everyone else is going…“yeah i think so”.

Look you don’t have to be ugly , but gave my best guess , haven’t messed with pistol in a long time but that has no reason for you to be rude to any of us

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It’s just mass being a triggered cunt, what else is new. Just ignore him.

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Sometimes easy questions takes less than a few minutes to answer. But this easy question took 2 hours where people are looking into a mysterious abyss of confusion not knowing where to look. When they could just ask the guy who posted the question as to why he hasn’t figured it out yet.

Actually I just recently noticed this post cuz unlike you you egotistical cunt , some of us have lives to live . But rather than help with the answer you wait and decide to show the entire world you’re an asshole

Then why give a damn if the question hasn’t been answered? Just ask more questions! Who gives a fuck about the answers! Nobody even is asking how he goes about doing shit…its been 2 hours and nobody nobody even bothered to look into…including himself. I consider that an incompetency.

All i see is a plasma pistol…a bar at the side…which means i dont know. The more you shoot …i dont know !! Finish my sentense why dont you! And then the OP will be have his answer for god sakes!

Some other dude is going…“um oh uh, spegettios!”

really and no context as to wtf you;re even asking about.