What Makes the Perfect Predator Game?

What would make a good Predator / Yautja Game? Well that’s what I’m here to do, Imma throw my 3 ideas on what would make an excellent Predator / Yautja Game that the fanbase truly deserves! This is something I’ve been wanting to make for awhile, just to get off my chest and interact with the community on what would be awesome to see.


Not illfonic


This game’s graphics and mechanics + concrete jungle/AVP 2010 gameplay/campaigns/mechanics + none of Illfonic’s bugs and sloppy coding = good pred game


I’d like a VR predator game. Or at least a mod for a weapons simulator type game.

Kind of like a predator mod for blade and sorcery.
There was a fucking awesome Star Wars mod for it that I’m hoping to get vr to play it in the future. Full dismemberment and all.
Here’s a video demonstration.

Now think that but predator.

On another note I really wish that there was an online feature for it so people could actually dual sabers, so I could flex my mastery of all 7 lightsaber forms and my classical fencing training.


We need predator in Garry’s mod


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Fool. I’m a better shot than a fencer, and I’m pretty damn good at fencing!

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laughs in woodland hunter
Good luck even finding me before you say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklenuts.

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Faith in transformers, misplaced may be. As is your faith in your faith.

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Star Wars YTPs, always a classic!
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Tragedus the wise?

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Now that would be a great modern game to have today!

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He was so powerful and so wise, he could use the force to create


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Is it possible to learn this power?


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the first time i saw the darth sand trilogy had me crying with laughter

You fool…I’ve been trained in your Jedi arts by Willy wonka’s father

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Ought to be called cavities on a stick!

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take a seat, Chancellor.

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While the idea of a VR Predator Game is interesting to me, I’d like in my game a layback single player game to have the full Yautja Predator Warrior Hunter Fantasy

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It’s probably best done as just a mod or dlc for something pre existing.
I don’t think it warrants a full game, especially as a story would be harder to pull off with the format, but just something to simulate combat to just kill time and mess around would be cool.

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Totally gotcha and yeah I mean adding a Yautja Predator as a Mod for any game could be badass

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