What would you nerf in FT?

Too many different threads about running speed or spotting or something. Meanwhile I think therere a lot thing could be nerfed in FT’s.

1 - Spotting. No wallhacks, no Preds silhouette with boards, only eyeball left like a marker means “I see something here may be”
2 - Running speed. It’s literally near impossible to run away from FT when in second wind. Maps are too small, so you can be cornered too fast. Nerf their run speed at least 50%! This dude (recon if I remember it right) runs easily like a Pred I checked it myself, just take a Knife in your hand and you will not lost him in SW.
3 - HP. You know it’s a real problem that contains two separate problems.
3.1 - HP of FT is huge. I dunno how it works this way, but sometimes it feels like you trying to hit concrete wall with a wooden stick. I like using bow. When arrows hits some men 3-4-5 times and they are still on their feet, that’s what scares me, but not the predator at all.
In one of my matches I killed two of FT, first soldier was laid down from first arrow and it was nice good hit from a bow and honest earned trophey, next was killed in melee, I don’t like melee fight but it was a case he was alone and I was running for him, then slam, but he survived, then some hits with my blades and another good trophy was earned. But then i met two left men which I couldn’t drop. I used exactly all from my arsenal - laser, bow, traps, slams, was lowered my HP twice and looked for pigs and eat, but they were stand still near one house with their LMG’s and I couldn’t do anything with them. I even didn’t see they were healing themselves. So here is the second problem about FT’s HP.
3.2 Playing Predator you can’t say nothing about “how feels himself this man”. FT always knows if Predator hurted, healed, bleed or SW. Human team can plan their forces and play tactically from Pred HP’s. Pred is always blinded and plays at random “may be yes or may be not… I may be hit this guy, oops he didn’t fall, ok I’m dead again.” It’s broken. Predator must see FT’s HP to play properly, but not like punk from subway.


From my rework guide in feedback


All the best in slot guns that solo a zerk in 5 seconds lol. Allows one person to solo carry which is silly on a 4 man team.

Syringe should honestly be a staggered heal its kind of silly parrying the pred and popping a syringe as he literally runs out of stamina tired of swinging at your el grande support.

Other than that scout and recon need to not be shit. Dying from spear throws and headshots is useless. That or make the beefier classes not headshot immune.

You’re definitely playing beserker if you still can’t shake a scout now that second wind has leap.

I’m playing hunter. Try to shake whole team pushing you. Sure thing you can if you run all the map across… but sometimes it ain’t works too. If they really want - they will get you - speed allows them to chase you as long as they want.


If you hear gasping keep leaping around corners until it stops. Second wind shouldn’t neccessarily be free either since it’s your punishment for overcommitting.

The ideal should be no second wind ever because that means “I made a pretty big mistake and lost more hp than I thought I would” not “well my second wind is up I can go for a melee quick claim and get away scott free after.”
Aggressively pushing the pred with double time and knife out is literally all scout is good for so you can’t take that away from them lol.

ITs bull***. Not a ideas. This Predators main never stop cry.

Most of whats in there is ironically buffs and reworks, not even nerfs.

Which tells me either you didnt bother to read it and assumed

or you tried to read it and didnt understand and assumed.

Either way, dont assume.


This is based on your personal wishes instead of statistics. in addition this is one sided Pred main wishes. nuff said.


This is based on 8 days of playtime, which is equivalent to about 192+ hours.

My original post was spent with purely predator gameplay. The most recent revision, and my past 48 hours or so of gameplay is fireteam as well.

Which is why I am a super advocate of the damage resist that berzerker has being stripped by about 10-20%

I understand the FT frustrations, but I have played through plenty of predator to know that the real core issues with pred arent fixed, pred has just been buffed half hazardly to try and counter it. With the changes I propose in my post, I believe that we can fix the abuse FT can dish out against predator, whilst also making fireteam strong enough to punish ANY predator class for dumb plays.

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Every time with you. How many people have called you out already?
Learn to talk, discuss things with other people.

You can have your opinions. But at least learn to speak instead of just talking shit.

If you disagree with someone, or something, tell them why.
Tell them what you think is better.

Cause all your doing is being an asshole.
And for god sakes man.
Try to speak English a little better it’s hard to understand you a lot of the time.


Its you wishes. We don’t need game which designed personal for you.

Iv just logged off after a night of playing exclusively FT and For me it’s mainly the speed at which they do EVERYTHING. Mudding up is too fast, interacting with objectives are too fast, reloading is too fast, their movement speed is too fast. I think reducing all of these by a little would go a long way in terms of slowing the matches down and highlighting the speed difference between the other worldly life form and the humans.


Yeah I try to avoid getting personal,

but you are correct.

@DK12 , Please do explain your points and identify what you dont like and argue them

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I agree, but if you simply slow interaction speed and such it will become VERY tedious for the FT

Thats why I love the minigame idea someone suggested back around 1.06 and which is now in my guide.

Its a good way to keep FT members who are interacting with objects a bit more occupied.

It also adds a bit of stress because with the assassination concept, Doing said minigames leave you open to get assassinated by pred. So you would want to do them as quickly as possible, whilst also listening for sound ques like preds footsteps and such.

And thats something I feel the need to remind you of.

Every iteration of my post incorporates ideas from people on this forum. Ive only added more and more, and while obviously for the sake of balance I cant take everyones ideas. I have tried to do my best to stay true to my fellow gamers and predator fans.

So no, its not just my pipe dream alone.


Well then guess I single handedly killed the thread! Sorry op lol!

Does your guide contains something about I mentioned in Main Post? I mean about Predator must to see people’s health somehow, it’s absolutely necessary. Because I think I could win many of my lost matches If I knew who was at low HP level.

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OH! I believe I actually answered this somewhere else but it wasnt you.

Predator actually CAN see the FT health. You can tell how damaged an FT member is by how bloody they are. just as you can tell how damaged pred is by how bloody he is.

So if you are playing pred, Always look for red!

When I’m playing Pred I have no time to look for red lol. If seriously they can be in mud and my graphic card doesn’t load such small details very well. And more often I watch only my thermo-visor, cuz I barely see them without it. In thermo-vision I still need to understand who is weaker to make right decisions. It should be like some technical feature in Predators equipment directly showing health status of FT’s. But in fact when I’m playing FT I can see Pred’s health without any trouble and even hear it lol. But playing Pred is lottery. And this is in 1vs4 match dude!

Trust me fam im running on the lowest settings too.

But thats just how it is, the blood is the telltale sign of a damaged FT member. It can be difficult to see at times, but if you really look for it im sure you will be able to see it.

That being said I suppose a rough estimate of a FT members health could be put into the thermal vision mode scanning which I suggest in my post. Its not like it matters as health is already visible by blood.

Disclaimer: Not sure about any of the numbers.

  1. Assault, Dutch, and Support cannot spot the Predator anymore. Recon and Scout can only spot the Predator while uncloaked.

  2. Reinforcements should not bring you back with your gear and anyone who dies after they are called will stay dead. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have that? It’s really stupid. I actually long claimed an FT member after reinforcements were called and finished shortly after they arrived and he still came back. Do know how incredibly stupid that is?

  3. Knife damage is decreased. To make up for this, swinging speed is increased.

  4. Parrying is now based on what weapon the Predator has. You lose more stamina based on the weapon. Wrist Blades and Smart Disc can be parried up to three times. War Club and Elder Sword can be parried twice. Combi Stick can only be parried once. If a seven foot tall alien swung an eight foot long bladed stick at you, it would take a LOT of strength to stop it. A causal swipe wouldn’t work at all, and the person wouldn’t be able to keep fighting like the FT does.

  5. Parrying will either stun the FT member (they can move around but can’t use weapons, gear, or interact with anything) for longer or take some health away. The Smart Disc and first two attacks with the Wrist Blades will not add anything extra. The Elder Sword, War Club, and third strike from the Wrist Blades will take a very small amount of health away or have a slightly longer stun. The Combi Stick will either take a small amount of health away or have a longer stun. Parrying some of these weapons would take a lot more effort than the game shows.