When THE FUCK are you people going to make the models accessible to female predators for Elder, and Samurai?

It’s NOT that much work to do. Fuck you people. I was excited buying it, and angry loading into the game. As usual. It’s something of a trend with you people. Even the things I LIKE you doing let me down.

I can only take so much. I pre-ordered. I bought dutch JUST to support you people, since I almost NEVER play FT ANYWAYS . . .

This was the drop I was excited for, and I really didn’t expect you people to be SO LAZY that you don’t just copy paste some assets and add some boobs.
I have boobs. I want my predator to have boobs.

I’m not even jerking off to this like some of your fanbase CLEARLY ARE. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that #Seinfeld)

If you want to be loremonger dumbfucks you can even rename the “Elder” to “Matriarch” like some dickweeds would mention in other threads. . . but literally IT’S A GENDER NEUTRAL FUCKING WORD. RESPECT YOUR ELDERS! MEANS GRANDMA AND GRANDPA NO? WTF?

And the Samurai predator. . . REALLY? You’re telling me he’d REALLY keep his clicky lips clamped shut about his favorite hunting grounds?! BULLSHIT. He’d have flown back home, and bragged his clicky ass off, and there’d be more than one Samurai Predator in a short amount of time for their species. Which apparently is a couple hundred years. . .? You’re telling me NO ONE ELSE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE NEAT TO HUNT IN JAPAN AND PICK UP / MAKE JAPANESE THEMED SHIT? NO ONE ELSE IN THEIR ENTIRE SPECIES? Get real PLEASE?


I think there’s more to complain about than the elder and samurai predators not having tiddies and coochies 👀


Well, it’s a good fuckin thing no one ASKED YOU, isn’t it?
Also, coochies? Where the fuck have you seen a Predator vagina? For all you know they have alien genitals. For all any of us know all Yautja begin intersex and agender, and choose a gender as they get older, and get Predator Hormones to help them grow the way they want. Seriously. Skies the fucking limit with spacefarring eldritch horror monsters that hunt us the way we hunt animals. God you’re a dumbfuck with a limited imagination though. How’s that working for you?

What the fuck were you even thinking with this comment? I bet you really thought you GOT ME with that, didn’t you? That you typed that up, and went “looks good!” and hit “reply” with such an inane thing to say shouldn’t surprise me, but here the fuck we are genius. “Predator coochies.”

Calm down, bro.

At this point I would rather have a female only class(after CH of course).


Imagine being THIS MAD over alien boobs. Don’t you have a neighbor to go scream about gendered pronouns at?


He has boobs?..




Who is this? For scientific purposes of course…


I’m not a he, fuckwad.
Stay edgy tho


Imagine being this dismissive over something that actually makes lots of people mad.
Imagine being this ignorant, and self assured when you can literally only BE THAT WAY because of this forum being an unmoderated sewer.


I don’t think i’ve seen someone this angry on the forums. Great way for everyone to not listen to a single word you say! :)


I’m no ones bro, least of all YOURS.
I don’t care about a “female” only class. That would be stupid to me, but go off I guess? Also I don’t really care about tits for fanservice purposes. They’re not sexual organs to most of us. They’re just hypersexualized because the majority of you losers will never get to touch a tiddy, and so this is other “Bros” tossing you some digital pity titty.

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Stfu Thot


Nah, a great way for revealing smug dudebros who think that showing ANY emotion automatically invalidates anything anyone has to say though. There’s a word for that. . . it would be illogical. That’s right. It’s illogical to dismiss something someone says just because of emotions. In fact that’s kind of why the USA is currently ON FIRE? Because cops keep killing unarmed people before they even get their day in court, and people keep telling the people who are mad to STFU and go back to work, or whatever? That’s the kind of logic you’re supporting.

Really looks like its just you. I also have boobs, but i’m not an attention whore hung up about boobs on aliens in a fictional video game. Imagine that.


OK, Boomer



LMAO Dude, die mad and lonely? I’ve got 2 girlfriends. I also bet your dad would crawl into my inbox in secret and beg me to fuck his ass. I wouldn’t though. Not without a big payday upfront.


I don’t remember this forum having a Politics sub section


💊 This is a chill pill. Maybe you should take one.