Where is the jungle map?

Whatever you say, Mr. Circular Logic!

Wow! Just wow!

Some people just take a slice. You, however, take the whole shebang!


Evidence, Facts, Common sense, logic. Thats what my arguments are made of. Now Ill be honest I wont be surprised if it takes more than a few days, because its illfonic we are talking about here. But seeing as they said they already have a fix in the works, I doubt it will be much longer than that.

Meanwhile, All you have done is either A, use your biased perception of me to argue, or B, Tried to twist my own argument against me. Hence why the argument occuring right now is pointless.

Now if you can get past the shallow insult stage, please feel free to continue arguing. Otherwise ill just ignore you for the time being.

I hardly ever see them responding to anybody that tells them about game bugs and glitches. I also hardly ever see them take Predator fans seriously because they are more concerned with a supposedly balance experience. There is no balance in facing off with a Predator. Your lucky if you survive. It should take all 4 of the FT and all their ammo and stamina to even put down a Predator. Look at Arnoldā€™s character he was half dead facing of with a Predator same with same Danny Gloverā€™s character. Look at all those that died on the planet in Predators. Also in AVP it took Aliens to take down those Predators and in the last one they made, The Predator, it took a Super Predator to take down a normal size one. This game borders on the realm of insanity, thinking that humans have a fair chance against the best hunter in the universe.
Now with game breaking bugs they expect fans of Predator to be OK they will fix it when they get around to it. That is BS and a copout plain and simple. Fix the game and make it more of a realistic Predator experience and fix the bugs that everybody has been telling you about over and over and over again and donā€™t add shit just because you have a money making deadline if it is gonna take anything away from an already lackluster game in the eyes of many Predator fans.

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I agree with you there, They have been highly ignorant of most bug reporting over the past few months. But I have seen plenty of feedback that people have suggested be implimented. Status effects, Reduction of predator clicking, etc. They have done quite a bit to push towards what the community wants and what the game needs.

The problem is, the effort, as well as the product of this feedback is just as shallow as the game itself. Its disgusting and honestly sad.

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Normally I wouldnt butā€¦

I told you so fam.