Who here has finished their achievements?

Wait…that’s some incorrect maths XD I got the game 24th of April, and got the plat on the 18th of July. So that’s 86 days, not 24, hahaha

My wisdom would’ve been shit, haha, I was still learning a month in

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I shit. my maths gone done crazy! you’re right Billy Phillips!

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I thought you said you didn’t do the meths!

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Thats why i shouldnt!

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3 Remaining -

Run In The Trees like an Imbecile

Use the Smart Disc to hit two Potatoes

Ultimate Hunter

well shit i actually just got it today



I got my last achievement ,Predkour, yesterday. I cheated on the spear throw one, and regret it.

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Also with the 100KM in trees I think people think it is bugged and it very well could be, but maybe it is just the distance you move in the actual trees, not the distance leaping to other trees or anything like that. I should be close to it, but I can’t tell because there is no way to track progress on trophies.s

Thats what really grinds my gears. Its not that any of the acheives are silly its just that some take a long time to do, and we are never really sure how much further to go.

I hope they plan to revamp the section to this respect and add additional ones.

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Yeah, I hope that we get more acheivements, a way to track progress for trophies, and either fixing the tracking for Predkour Master or making it so it counts the leaps.