Why Does Illfonic Not Respond to Comments and Posts?

If Illfonic does not start responding to its community, PHG will “die” even before launching the next scheduled content.

It is frustrating to see that the Community is Active, but rarely does an Illfonic representative respond to Comments with something like this:

“Thanks for your Post. We will evaluate your idea, and see if it is possible to add the requested Content to the Game.”

Or “Thanks for your Post, but this content is Very Complex, and we will not be able to add it to the Game. But Thanks for the idea.”

Since the launch of the Game, I’ve never had an Comment Illfonic in my Post.
Only Community Members debating over my Idea.
Which is also cool. But the important thing is to be heard by those who can really make significant changes to the game.

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Cause they cat ppl and cat ppl are the worst


So basically how this works is Oldkinghamlet/Courier looks at the feedback forum (sometimes) and they try to get the general idea of what that thread is saying about whatever it is the people are asking for/talking about then they take it to the team and explain it to the best of their ability and the team then decides whether or not it’s a good idea to implement or not somtimes they implement things in a way that we didn’t expect them to like lotta people wanted cloak buffs and we got it just not in the way anyone asked for
and we got war club buffs one of which i specifically asked for in giving it a disorienting effect
otherwise all the changes i assume come from internal matchmaking data and just internal play or whatever ideas the team came up with in the office(well home offices but you get what i mean)

would it be cool if they made real comments yeah but i suppose at this point it’s better for them to take the silent approach as uh community perception is at an all time low for them (not saying is was ever good just that it keeps getting worse)

they also do this with bug reports but more consistently cause it’s more important on the totem pole of things to do

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There just seems to be alot of toxic accounts being created and people acting like their here for only one purpose alone, which is to trash and hate on the game in order to get nothing more than self-gratification of having them know they exist.

This perception that every programmer,artist, manager, CEO would make it their hobby to get down and dirty with forum goers needs to stop. A reality check: this shit takes more out of people than you might think. Having to respond to reckless, careless people whom share no kin with anyone that can improve their life is probably the last thing on their list of things to do.

They couldn’t give a shit about you or your game that doesn’t work.

There is no such thing as a ‘fan base wellness check’.
and to sport hateful and cringy trash talk on the game is only propoganda for the masses which does nothing but make people start banning each other in the forums.


I used to dislike and troll you. But you get a pass. I have more concerning sjw to deal with


Some loser nerd made death threats that’s why they don’t post here anymore

Just do what any sane person would do


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Dont make me cough on you lol


Another reason why we aren’t getting more interactions from Illfonic is because Illfonic has all hands on deck in trying to make fixes and content
Hell I bet they even have the janitors are working on this game


“Hey Jimmy, mind modeling this Predator for me?!”

“I’m just a janitor, Fred…”

“Well too bad, you betta learn how to use Blender if you wanna keep this job!”


Jimmy goes on to make Samurai and Viking Predator


Idk what the gripe with the viking is. With the right setup he is a beast


I really like Viking
I made the Viking Thor’s Day Challenge before he was released, and I’m having a blast playing as him


Same. The Sickle on him is just dirty: been 3 swiping supports

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Beast is a little strong. Playable yes but, not exactly a wrecking ball against the fireteam. Way too easy to get yourself into trouble you can’t get out of with his speed

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Ever think about participating in my challenge and posting your victories

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The long jump perk was made for this guy in my opinion all other preds dont need it but its great on him

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Idk man I had a game where they camped the ruins on excavation and I literally stood in front of all 4 of them trading plasma and bullets until they died

I ate everything they gave me like it was a tasty snack