Why don't we have a predator with a long range bonus ?

Like some ppl have mentioned, downrange with the stalker spec is pretttttty good at long range.

Not to mention with the disc.

Now… we do need different long ranged weaponry for sure. Different options.


I agree. Throwable tomahawks anyone??

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I can name a couple canon long range weapons from the Predator Universe off the top of my head:

•Super Plasma Shoulder Canon (is the size of a Tanks barrel canon that’s basically meant to destroy war or mother ships)

•Spear Gun


•Wristblade Launcher

•Bombs (Plasma, EMP, Fire, or Sonic)

•I believe there was a Flamethrower Predators had too but I don’t remember if that was true or not.


Not unless it comes back to their hands - because then it would be goofy with most players being completely terrible at playing and loosing their weapon right from the get go.

The smart disc call back isn’t always successful, especially when you have to wind around obstacles to hit someone. So many players have to go pick up their smart discs, as they may need to for this. So I respectfully disagree

I made a post on this not too long ago that Preds have very little diverse passives. Its either dishing out more or less melee damage and having more or less bullet resistance based passives. Meanwhile you have Isabelle having a long range damage passive for being a sniper or Support’s damage resistance bonus for his team if they are in a certain radius of Support.

What about more long range damage passive or maybe longer cloaking time passive? Less damage taken when sprinting damage? There is more that can be done for the classes here. Would be great if all the Predator classes have more diverse passives.

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It would have to be indestructable and have a huge payoff by being a one hit kill. Otherwise the game play would be a shoddy mess with dumbasses hurling tomahawks every ten seconds. Then it would seem less like an alien weapon.

I want the whip


But you didnt do anything wrong! How many lashes this time?!




True but FT still has the advantage with long range in my opinion

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No question

I still rest my case lol. Make it a one hit kill then