Nah its fine man i see your point of view and appreciate it…
However… i see this not as an issue really about having movie based stealth? as of right now its 50 50 between movie and dev concept… aka in other words ur able to see pred clearly if he moves when aiming n stuff… but when standing still the bow charge gives him away and so does pistol and shoulder plasma… But yes i agree to some degree ur able to take atleast 2 people down to very low if u properly time it with being fully hidden… HOWEVER i wanna say this… after that is done u better bet u start running for your life then XD…
But my idea is if its 50 50 stealth gameplay right now right… make it atleast 80… not fully movie realistic based but pretty realistic that it gives u chance to actually traverse trough branches and jump without u being shown miles away or the textures being weird lol…
Now again i will assure u by saying this… The sound still gives predator away and so does him charging and his laser… and for bow u can probably determine which side if ur enclosed and protected… if ur outside n being a dum dum then thats on them if u agree lol… its obvious predator can literally just get u if ur on the open lmfao…
But in reality making it more stealthier than now wouldnt hurt really