Why the hate for BloodThirstyLord???

Ugh, I dislike when BTL says that lol

I’ve even told him, “If that was true why don’t you accept P-willie 200’s challenge to fight you in PHG” on one of his post

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Whether BLT wins or looses it still won’t prove the claim either way

It’s just going to be one data point

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Or play against anyone else besides his fan bois that gargle his balls 😂😶

True but still would be nice to see P-willie-200, do some t-bags on him lol


Right lol

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If @P-willie2000 plays with his team, he is sure to win, but if he plays with randoms BLT has a good shot of winning.

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Wow wow back it up, what’s that guys deal???

10 out of 10, Fantasma strikes again

Gotta admire his tenacity at this point like Jesus christ


He is going to be even more angry once he finds out I’m on ps4 😆

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Hes a annoying british family friendly stereotype and im pretty sure he stages his matches this dude would get absolutely fucked if he played against a semi component ft

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Fucker’s a psycho who can’t comprehend that he’s a complete hypocrite and demands people stop making fun of him (basically a meme at this point) even though he wishes death or rape on everyone, calls people cowards as he hides under the maps through exploits, racist as all hell.

Several people including myself have tried to see why he’s so fucking insane and usually got the same copy paste answers, a couple of days ago I told him that I would no longer talk shit about him or flat out say anything about him at all so long as he does the same. We agreed and it was good for about two days when he started talking shit about me as well as several other people, again threatening rape and death and yadda yadda. Now he’s playing victim… again.

Best advice I can give you or anyone else on these forums is to mute him and tag @Courier and @OldKingHamlet so they can ban him for the what 14th - 15th time now.

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We can ban him ourselves and it is much more effective than the moderators doing it


Okay new Question, whos this Fanasma guy?

A worshiper of gringos

And prostitutes

And hidey holes

It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking sad

Fantasma is who I’m talking about, he makes several different alt accounts because he keeps getting banned for saying the same ridiculous shit. This time he was going by that profile that just got banned lol but you can spot him by his wall of copy paste text usually starting with I shit on your dead or all the females in your family are prostitutes or something like that.

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Except for his therapy.

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I hope his therapist is a energy vampire amd is slowly stealing his soul

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Not very nice. I dont wish sexual assault on anyone even my enemies

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