Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?

If you’re ft, why do you care about the ping?
The pred is the one that needs good ping and day map

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Always ggs with you sir.
Always fuck me up lmao
Need a full team for your sweaty ass.


Your a potato on pc dawgie
Who couldn’t beat a console player while exploiting.


J-A-S-O-N-X-13 is my name in game.

You have accused me of lag switching Public Match Lobbies just because I have 100+ms ping against you, also on night maps both times.

I don’t use Axe, I have 100% of the trophies on the game, and it’s not possible for me to lag switch a public match lobby. Genuinely, how am I even supposed to do that?

Which is exactly what I didn’t have playing Vs them both times lol and they still can’t use anything other than grenades and impact grenades. I got hit by more grenades than I did bullets, and then they magically bluescreened with their full team ofc.

You too bro haha 😂
I genuinely cant think of a time where ya haven’t dealt me over 3000 in our little 1v1s🤣

Is there a difference between a PC player and a console player using keyboard/mouse with macros? Lmao dipshit. And I was on a random squad with absolute potatos, with one guy even running right past you as your video shows. And had a meme loadout of rockets with field medic to boot. Don’t act like you were up against a deathsquad with all meta loadouts exploiting, gimp.

You can’t even beat a console squad of 3 FM’s using smart disc with 0 ping because you’re hosting the match. And they weren’t even good players either. Just an average squad, and you went and cried “I wOuLd HaVe BeAt ThEm iF tHeY wErEn’T rUnNiNg FM waaaaahhhhhh”. You can’t even overcome legit shit in the game and are trying to talk about overcoming exploits lmao. Anyone who can’t beat a team of ANYTHING while using smart disc and hosting is absolute trash. It’s the most OP weapon in the game, and it’s an absolute dream with 0 ping. I can guide that shit in and out of small buildings like nobody’s business. You’re just garbage

It is possible. Few years ago it was a thing in Star Wars The Old Republic PvP.

You would start taking damage and the player isn’t even on your screen. When the player actually appears, your HP is at 30%.

I only saw players in that game using lag switch in order to get advantage.

What’s Harman’s gamer tag?

That’s mostly the fault of the developers. They could design the game to be less exploitable.

The most obvious bad game design that gets repeatedly implemented, but rarely fixed, is open or very high firerate semi auto weapons. This design basically begs people to use macros or turbo controls. The fastest tuned 9mm pistols could be shot around 8 rounds per second, so NO FPS should have a semi auto weapon faster than that, and only the weakest of pistols would meet that limit. All balancing should then be made with the assumption that the highest firerate will be achieved.

There are other examples, but this is the most simple and easy to explain, imo.

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Honestly, no one should feel bad about backing out of ANY server on any game that gives them or their opponents over 150 ping.


Those games were ggs, it’s why I posted the games. I was also getting suspicious health ripped off, with what has come out what the pc people can do I don’t doubt that batousi has tweaked damages to one shot preds.
Either way don’t care to lose bud, I’ll play anyone it’s game😂.
I still beat you though potato.

Get a life.

Seriously, lay off the trans kid’s pills.

Who gives a shit about hackers? And on this game, of all the possible ones to complain about. Seriously, anybody reading this, move the fuck on lmao


Ah, so you are the Jason who keeps messaging Dice and begging for us to play with you. Your ping is not just high but quite unstable. We did fight you after we pulled out once, as you put such a talk on with Dice and we love a good fight. And yes, we did get kicked out of the game after you got second winded.
As I said to Dice, we are giving you the benefit of the doubt and will be playing you and have not left your lobby since, even when it was just dice and me and two very bad randos.
But love how you conveniently left out that you got second winded and were on the run with us chasing when we all got kicked from the game… dude, this is just a game, it does not define your worth so just chill. I know Dice is keen to play you again and I’ll keep an eye to make sure you’re not exploiting and the ping thing is just a bad connection… we love a good fight so maybe we blocked you some time ago when you were learning and running the axe, maybe it was a ping issue. I don’t note down the reasons but as stated before, to get blocked it has to be something that is either obvious, dishonest or makes for a pointless match.
I’d sure hope I have dice and panx with me next time we run into you. No need to whine on the forum, especially since you whined to dice in DMs already and we have played you since and second winded you. It’s time to act like a grown up cause your post reads either like a desperate plea for compliments or one for attention and that seems quite sad. Hope there is more to life for you then this very very buggy game.


I agree. Nobody should feel bad about backing out of a game regardless. Free will. Want to play somebody or not, it’s up to you. Bigger problems with the world. I certainly don’t take offense and spam the players with messages and then post about it on here even after they played against me, leaving out half the info…
Anyway, I said my peace and moving on now.

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Thank you. I have stopped responding to the comments around lag switching as either they are people trying to hide their own lag switching or people who really have no clue (though a simple google search would educate) so it seems like a waste of time. I was called out by name so responded. Only saw the post when I checked for existing server issues. People will continue to exploit and cheat and tell everybody they are good players but they are just lying to themselves and deep down they know how sad they are for doing it in the first place. I choose to improve my skills instead so when I get better it’s because I worked on something. But my feeling of self worth is not defined by this game.

When you second winded me, it took only 3 grenades to take my health from 90ish percent to 0. Learn something about balancing. Particularly as grenades are the only thing you’re “skilled” at using. I had also healed from second wind, and had time to do 1 or 2 whole leaps back in the direction I came from before I even saw one of your Dantes chasing me. Yeahhhh… Sooooo close to killing me… Congrats.
Not to mention the 120-150 odd ping I had to play on, on a night map.

Also, you got kicked from the game after I downed 1 Dante Field Medic and one other player who was probably a Dante Unleashed as thats when I noticed the one guy running straight into a wall under the bridge by the North camp on Overgrowth, not while I was second winded.

I have also never used the Axe against you ever, I know that for a fact. The only time I use it is against potatoes doing a Jason Voorhees build for my YT channel. And I also haven’t done one of those since roughly Halloween time.

One thing I find funny is that you think its an achievement to second wind me XD

But overall I find it funny that people actually think I’m hacking or similar accusations and so back out of my lobbies every time. Surely it says a lot that I don’t even understand how hacks etc are supposed to work on PC let alone Console. And yes, you’re right, its a very buggy game, practically unbearable at times, which is why I find it so dumb that I have to queue up 8 mins to play Predator, only for people to leave.

Just had erros and drossochr back out on me again now lmao

I don’t play with them but Erros but it takes a lot for Errors to back out so I guess you not as clean as you claim if several players don’t want to play you. And you sure have proven you like to only tell half the story.
And honestly all your whining is quite off putting so I will let Dice decide if we play you again. This whole drama is way too exhausting and unnecessary.

yeap, when u can shoot 3 arrows and a hit with wrist blades in less than 1.5 seconds something is wrong. play innocent or the victim on people that think that it is possible to shoot arrows like that. actually i never bothered but they send me that video. still wonder why 90% they dont bother?

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