Why the Predator feels "broken"

First: I have been playing strictly FT since challenges came out. I just started back up as predator an hour ago.

I feel like I’m being bullied. 4 vs 1 feels inherently unequal when I play bad. I also feel like should have won bc I’m a space alien. The rational thing to think is “I’m bad, I gotta get better (again)”. The irrational thing to think is, “I keep losing, the game must be broken.”

Losing as the predator feels exponentially worse than losing as the FT


That’s any asymmetrical tbh, not broken its just how these games are. Evolve was the worst about this because gameplay as the “monster” was just being chased by four people every match with no other objective.

Here atleast you feel like you can slow down the FT. Just hate how much it feels like a race though.


Huh funny how that works huh?

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And here I thought Predator felt broken because

  1. Constant freezing
  2. Constant slide show frame rates
  3. More glitches than I can count
  4. Bouncing off shit and getting stuck on shit like a person in a wheelchair doing parkour

" i think parry is fine i love it!" “when i play predator i feel broken i wonder why” let me guess your for LMG and Heal spaming and hiding in a building and you hate that the leap works through the walls right?

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You really have to argue with people don’t you? Nothing of what he said prompted that except you.

@PaperChamp I understand that. Playing predator just feels more stressful. But its like that in all these 1v4 games. You just need to get more practice in.


your the one too talk.

“parry is fine” " predator feels stressfull weird" just won a match no joke RIGHT NOW 2 mins in by parry stun locking a predator and hoseing him with an lmg and i did this SINGLE HANDLY on the roof on derailed parry is such a joke.


Good for you. Too bad you couldn’t find a good predator to, i don’t know, shoot you or anything. But congrats.

oh he tryed thats why i had to use my lmg ;)

Mobility, slam, cloaking, leaving the roof top and striking where you don’t know. I can think of many things you can do.

He could mix in plasma shots with his wristblades, forcing you to either parry and take his plasma, or shoot and get shredded by the wristblades. Killing a new or bad predator isn’t an accomplishment, but I’m glad you got your chance to boast without proof.

you cant move i dump 40 rounds into you your health drops to 30% you rush me with your blades i do the same i win easy.

You’re blind, having to figure out where he landed to dump rounds into him, and your health is now critical.

I won 1/10 Pred matches. Oof. That’s a new low for me. Some things I had to relearn/ mistakes/ advice

  1. when you find an FT member alone and isolated, DONT GET COCKY OR START COUNTING YOUR CHICKENS. You still have to close the distance and retreat. I would be like, dope, free kill. Then they’d see me land, and shoot or run, extending the time until contact.
    1.1) or they turn a corner and BAM there’s the rest. I didn’t look for them. I was short sighted.
    1.2) the amount of time spent reaching your target is equal to the time it takes to get away. I get SHREDDED while running. Completely forgetting to plan an escape route.
  2. I’m bad
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Lol i dont have problems with the blind it only blinds the middle and bottom of my screen i can see just fine. plus i heard where you would land so its not as big of a deal as you think

hey man you said it not me.

Cool. My screen goes completely white. What settings are you using?
It sounds like this going to turn into the game abuse vs exploit thing again. Are you defending an exploit?

It’s called humility my guy. Practice it.

Epic on everything for somereason if its on full settings i lose like 30 fps for no reason befor the update wasnt the case but even then my screen when i was maxed on setting it never blinded me fully

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