Would FT memebers want a Compound Bow as a weapon?

Would you guys want illfonic to bring Compound Bows as weapon choice for the FT?
Share you’re thoughts to why yes, or no.

I pick yes.
I think it be a nice silent choice.
New weapon to play with.
But it defiantly would have it’s downfalls against any AI with thick armor.
A compound with a broad head arrow going through soft armor would be effective.
But tanky AIs, will not go down in the first shot.

As for the Predator.
Considering the lack of body armor.
You have a better chance.
But you’d probably do shit to the Predators mask armor.
Like throwing a pencil, but the eraser side hits the mask; kinda shit.
But I’d think it be a new fun tool.
And maybe you can customize it up with explosive heads to give it more UMFF on that hit.

But thoughtwise.
Would you guys be interested in a future Compound customize-able bow?



During the last poll we did.
You guys got.
The BlackWater Map.

So do you guys want me to do another PHG concept Poll for the future?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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you know a compound bow for a human might only go 40m straight… and the reload time of a compound bow is straight up bad

Unfortunately I’m gonna have to say it’s a video game where realism can be suspended since you can put away a minigun on your back and run as if you’re free balling. The concept sounds cool but I just don’t see the point when there’s snipers in the game that can out perform it.


How memeee would it be? Could it be hitscan? I am in favour of a hitscan bow for ft 100%

I mean the bow for for ft… that’s fine… the predator ditches the bow for spear gun… if they ever implement the spear gun the FT doesn’t stand a chance. I can already see the rambo memes. Machete forFT but give up second weapon slot? I always said parries shouldnt stun the predator it should just do no dmg to the FT member. A parry isn’t a stun. Pretty much when ft parries predator its a stun.

I think if they were going to have a spear gun like in avp games they wouldn’t have the bow functioning how it does :3

Unless its a bow that 1 shoots the predator… No, I don’t want it. The reload speed would kill any bow that is not like that. Predator can afford to use the bow with stealth and its insane mobility, the FT can’t do that.

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maybe a crossbow. I mean the hunter is a predator… the FT is meant to do a mission and get to the helo… maybe the bow for ft if it hits the predator leaves tracking on him for like 9 sec. but it shouldnt hit like a truck… you have guns for that


That is even worse, a crossbow takes even more time to reload. It will need to be a 1 shoot kill…

No the crossbow will stay loaded when you swap weapons… just have to make it count… its houldnt hit harder than knives… since knives are the hardest hitting weapon FT has. Or you give up the secondary weapon have a bow or crossbow and your arrows have sensors on them and when the predator is near is activates as a motion detector

uhm. I’m not sure if you understand but if it did 25% of a scout hp bar and took 30 seconds to load it would be absolutely OP.

true… I mean the 50 2nd 50 cal already makes the scout scream like a little bitch

no opposed to a bolt action single champered 50 cal with tank round that take a long time to load but does 1.5 damage of the 2nd 50 cal.

I don’t see how it would add to the game. Range would suffer, reload speed would suffer, and we already have silencers for every weapon. What area would it excel where nothing else does? If we’re gonna add a niche weapon we have to figure out it’s niche first

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With an AR clip I can put the predator in second win. Again, unless it does 1 hit its not going to see use! If you miss and with the reload time its going to be useless.

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Its good to get your guys opinion.
As someone who mains Predator, and mostly makes concept for my fellow Yautja brothers.
I feel bad leaving FT out.

At least I get an idea of what you guys are looking for and how you feel about the game.
I’ll try better next time for you guys.

Honestly would like a more variety of weapons maybe a crossbow or more LMGS or pistols SMGS and or maybe a RPG or Rocket launcher but I could see which the explosive weapons the likes and dislikes with them

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