BLACKWATER the new map.

(Not Backwater guys, sorry, bad at naming stuff)
From the winning Community Poll. New Map, with the winning color. Black.

Thank you to all those that participated. This is your concept!
Welcome to Blackwater!
A Swamp map set just after the suns sets.

Here is the full drawing.

Blackwater is a large thick water rich environment. Trees covered in vines surround this large wetland. Thick brush and vines everywhere. Mud for miles. And a wonderfully orange and blue sky as the sun just sets. The map is dark, and FT will all get automatic flashlights, which can be turned off if you really really want to do that.

So let’s talk about BlackWater, and what awaits both FT and Predator in this water rich environment!

  • BlackWater includes the usual missions like every other map. (Sorry guys)
  • The deep thick waters of BlackWater slow down FT and Predator movement. You’ll have to stick close and trudge together with the best of weapons.
  • Thick dense brush line every edge of these swampy lakes. Providing plenty of cover.
  • Vines hang from tree’s and roots. FT members can easily get caught. And will need to struggle out of this natural environment trap. If you’r lucky, a FT member can cut you free; if they don’t abandon you first.
  • Predators will also have to learn to navigate these thick deep waters. Be prepared to Jump to your prey if you’re slowed down. Cloaking will not work so easily on this map, you’ll need a new tactic.
  • Mud is everywhere, and easily accessible to the FT.
  • Fish are everywhere, and easily accessible for Predator health restoration.
  • Tall grasses in the swamp water can also provide a place to hide, but it’s not always the best cover.
  • Shacks and small wooden set ups will be where many main objectives take place. Of course, AI will be present to set off Alarms as well.
  • Off Beat Paths exist on this watery waste land. But they take longer to get to objectives; as they curve through the swamp. Will you choose the dry rout? Or trudge through the waters get to objectives, now faced with NEW risks!
    The Predator is now, not the only thing to watch out for here.

3 New Extras interactions.

  1. Blackwater is mostly thick water. Off Beat paths will take you the long way, but, they are not the only other way to get to objectives.
    Around Black water, there are gas containers. (Like the ones you blow up on any other map).
    If you are lucky enough to find Blackwaters AirBoat.
    Collect gas cans and fill this boat up as you travel from objective to objective on the waters.
    You’ll have to fill the boat up.
    And, One of you has to drive it.
    So be careful to avoid the Tall grass , or be ready to get out and run.
    The airboat can be pushed as a 2 man team to get it unstuck, if you’re willing to do that.

Keep in mind, these gas cans still blow up.
And I’m sure Predators will gladly try and limit the amount of these cans to force you into thick waters.
Or Blow them up in your hands.
Remember to pick your best gunmen FT to protect you, or get ready to start running.

  1. Alligators. Get ready FT, the Predator is not the only threat this time.
    With the Predator now on a map that is water based. Effecting it’s cloaking abilities,
    and speed just like the FTs.
    Trees are not always accessible.
    And these large open waters with tall grass provide little aid for Predators.
    This is an unforgiving map type.
    So to keep you on your game.
    Watch the waters carefully, because getting to close to an Alligator here can mean life or death in the dark.
    Together, it can be shot down, but alone?

Predators, do not mistake this new challenge to the FT as your friend in all times.
Keep on your game.
With that.
A special tactic Predators can use will be, killing fish to lure Alligators into areas FT might travel through.
This is an environmental trap.
Just don’t forget that you lured the Alligator there Predators and accidentally stumble across it.
Predators, you can be hurt by Alligators too.

So now, Predator can eat fish to heal, or leave it to lure in Alligators.

  1. Weapon Crates. Both FT and Predators have access to their own weapons crates. For FT, the weapons crate will be at spawn. The crate will drop in when the FT ropes down in the beginning cut-scene. Predators on the other hand. A new cut-scene for Blackwater will be made. Where Predators step off their own ship. Predators weapon crate will be inside the cloaked ship and both crates will be accessible at all times. This is to allow both sides to change a weapon to better suit the fight they’re engaging in during the match. You cannot change classes, or perks. Just weapons for now.

  2. Blackwater will have no timer. You either complete your objective, or Die trying. Making for longer more calculated matches. Good luck hunting on both sides! 💚


I hope you guys enjoyed this silly concept though for the time being. ¯_(ツ)_/¯



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isnt that Art form Huntshow down?

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but other then that love the idea.

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Nope I actually made that. But neat to see that’s what it reminds you of.


buttom left looks like the boat you go too to win or live in Hunt so i thought huh maybe thats what it is.

come to think of it if the devs just Riped the maps form hunt and used it for this game i would not care in the tinny least bit that would be sick.

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It looks sicc gloomy and spooky my shit for playing pred seeeemsssss dooopwpeeee

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This sounds pretty cool tbh.


A bit gloomy, spooky, on your toes cause you could get dragged away by an Alligator. I just want you guys to have a bit of tough love fun. lol.


Fire, this map would be terrible for you, your character has no legs and tiny T-Rex arms, you’d drown/not be able to free yourself from the vines…🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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Not another jungle wooded map lol please

Magine an alligator to fucc you up 😂 this is a sicc idea


hey man they can make the game more fun as long as you do it right. a map just needs to offer something new and the argument " it has trees so its not new" doesnt work, as Huntshow down ever has a problem with maps feeling boring yet all of their maps are out doors and mostly in the woods. if you add night time maps and swamp maps and maybe a forest map or frozen map or really something new players will jump on broad so wooded maps can work well for this game if done right

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I’d be way more scared of an Alligator.
Like think about it.
You and 3 other teammates with your flashlights on just slowly trudging through thick water.
You don’t even hear the predator.
It’s been a bit.
it’s really quiet.
Next thing you know, you turn around and the water behind you just moved!

And then BAM! your character is just dragged down, While your health is being chipped away, your ft members are like trying to shoot it to death.

The predator is far off in the distance. Sees four flashlights and then, just one flashlight disappear and hears over the mic. “SHOOT IT, Oh my god, fuckings allgitators, who thought this was a good idea.
you know it be exactly like that. lol.

As a Pred main, if I saw that. I don’t know if i’d want to intervene , I’d either be to busy laughing. Or like to scared I might get fucked up by an alligator too. Preds have the heat vision but still, its creepy to see a heat blob like sneak just creeping up behind you. No sound, just drifting slowly after you.


Lmfaooaoa that would be sicccc well with a dark map I could only hope for flares and flashlights which as a pred main I want to see the flashlight vision mode from pred 2 lmao
Not to mention in a map like this unless your in the trees cloak wouldn’t wrk which is great

But imagine jumping through a dark maze like swamp with alligators peeking there heads up as u jump by and in the distance over the tree heads u see strong lighted flash lights pointed up in the dark sky bexouse the ft is looking in the trees for you with there lights on so now the pred knows there location

Also with this type of map I would love mini lamps and a dark sortov lit area with lamps based off the swamp camp in backwater but instead of missions where the ai spawn and it’s super loud and annoying you can also play very stealthy as a ft member and complete all missions without making a sound if your on a priv party this is a sicc idea

I picture it being a pretty big map lmao


This guy doesn’t even know the alligator spawn mechanics. Gitgud.


I believe this would be one of the biggest maps. Especially with all the water and the amount of travel distance. With an Airboat usable by FT. Plenty of things to go wrong and interactions to account for.

The idea of seeing little flashlights flicking around in the dark though. lol.

You’d really crap yourself if I used this map and the tactics to hunt you like I did last time.


Nbs lmao I’d be terrified I love the idea of it
Slowing the pred and ft movement and very long time limit it will add a great new map


Get this man a Job!!!
This is amazing


This seems way to good to be true…is this a real thing that is actually being put in the game…?

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