Wristblades shadow buff

see i don’t have this experience at all when my team goes up against predators that run a simaler loadouts there is some back and forth but in the end they just lose cause either one person gets out or they just fucking die cause it’s too easy to track the predator’s movements or it’s too easy to just not get hit by anything the predator does that isn’t the plasma canon aoe

I assume your on PC so maybe it’s a PC superior aiming thing but whenever i do premades as i said before it’s just too easy to dodge and i’ve never seen a PC predator from randoms ever stand a chance when we bother to not farm VT in a public game

It’s because of this i stand by my statement unless your incompetent as the FT you should never lose

and yeah 2nd wind leaping was a must otherwise FT who are all faster than predators which is scout and recon assault and dutch with perks they would always catch you now as long as the map is in your favor you have a chance to get away but if the FT wants you dead your dead if 2nd wind triggers

and pigs have to heal for 90% cause of how much of a risk they are to even eat i don’t understand this notion that pigs are easy to find when they really aren’t in my experience pigs only spawn near FT aside from that one game i played where a pig spawned at the church on backwater where the predator spawned (1 single pig)
all other pigs spawn by the FT in my experience which tells me if the FT doesn’t want the Predator to heal on pigs they can just stop him meanwhile they can heal just fine by walking in a building placing medkit and having someone cover a door cause if the predator walks inside he’s dead if he tries to do the plasma poking thing and FT has headphones he loses 20% of his hp minimum and slamming does so little damage through buildings now (which was a good change) that FT will always get a heal off this doesn’t even mention the free syrettes they get which requires no channel to heal whereas all the preds do and are a risk cause FT can just decide you aren’t healing regardless of where you go

I say that this must be the way the game intended as i only ever see the devs playing in premades
so i assume the perspective they are using are the premade perspective with feedback of the latter

that and i hate the notion of balancing a title around the lowest level of play when you should assume overtime people get better at games so eventually any issue they would run into they would simply overcome like everyone else until they reach the meta of the game which the devs are responsible of changing as they see fit so that we don’t get stuck in 20XX

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I guess the big problem is I think that just getting a trophy should be difficult.

Whereas most people on here seem to want the predator to be this scary supernatural force, rather than an humanoid alien that is searching for a thrilling hunt and a worthy trophy. Humans are supposed to be dangerous, especially the highly trained fireteam. That’s why they are the best prey.

If I could make 2 changes, I would remove involuntary clicking but also cut all predator health by 50%. Then you would have no excuse for not being stealthy. However, make a mistake, and you’re definitely getting second winded.

I should also point out that this game would not have so many issues for PS4 FT players if the aiming were more like call of duty or destiny 2. The inputs in PHG are very stiff and the aim assist is almost non existent.

I suppose at 40 dollars, you get what you pay for.

I dont loose as ft much and predator only if city hunter creep walks bug.

Ft is easily winable

Yes that’s your big problem. Because the game is a 1v4 where the 4 can kill the killer by being even remotely coordinated and you think this should be made easier to do but killing 1 player should be harder for the pred? Was Jason OP in F13? In comparison it’s become largely a “kill the pred while waiting in this open area for 10 mins” game rather than a “do the objective” game.

Yes its a 1v4 and yes you’re supposed to coordinate its the whole point of the genre. If the pred cant fight two people because “headshots from pred shouldnt nuke me! Caster shouldnt nuke me! Its not fun getting shot in the back by arrows!” then what? Quadruple the TTK across the board so you dont feel like you got cheated and killed quickly neaby your 0 awareness team in a game about an alien ambushing people and killing them quickly?
If you’re going to balance around 1v1ing the pred to carry randoms with 5k dmg solo then remove pings, spotting, split up the FT.

No. I don’t believe that even the best PC squad can kill the predator, unless the predator pushes too hard. The predator has too much health and too much speed. It’s one thing if the fireteam escapes, but only garbage predators get killed.

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Could be a bug. Theres a some what common bug where you’ll do a double hit that (though according to your numbers this doesn’t add up. Just spitballing)

How much damage they do now? Btw I can garantee this Shadow buff. Yestarday I saw in a YouTube video that one guy get downed by one wrist blade attack when he had 35hp. Fuck those silent buff without writing in patch notes, as well as AI shadow buff.

^^^^^^ THIS!!!

Name me one video game that is “real enough” for you … I fucking dare you.

Video games are fantasy… hell… the fucking predator is fantasy… its all made up… and here y’all arguing a human cannot beat a fucking unicorn… GTFO

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That’s the deal. I’ll be honest, I’ll probably play, at least occasionally, even if I don’t feel like the game is totally balanced.

But how can I execute a plan when I don’t know the variables. I would use up my syrettes earlier if I’m going to take more damage and I’m not going to engage ai if I hear the predator in the same area if there is going to be more of them, but how can I know if illfonic makes changes without telling the community. If it’s something like a new female predator roar, then okay that doesn’t effect gameplay, but changes to damage values and number of enemies needs to be announced.

It’s unbelievable!

They did 30 damage before the shadow buff


Escape is a LOSS for the pred. Kill, no kill, reinforce etc its the same. If anyone escapes that is a L for the pred by the games rules.

You’re arguing that the pred can stand in a corner maybe kill one rando and if the rest of the the team doesn’t find him and snipe the shit out of him you consider that a win for the pred because “lol he was too fast to die”

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Well, that’s brilliantly taken out of context. Good job.

No. My point should be obvious.

The 1 killer decides how much risk to take in order secure trophies. The 4 hunted can only kill the predator in defense, but they don’t have the speed and DPS to actively hunt the predator. It’s like a lion vs buffalo. A buffalo can kill a lion, but the lion has to take the risk of initiating the engagement.

It’s not like there is any stat tracking beyond trophies earned outside the game. So who cares if one or two commandos escape. The predator gets trophies and the fireteam gets to try to be the one who survives.

If the bolt action sniper is too strong on PC, then I’m totally down for a nerf to long range damage on that.

The game? Because its a loss? The game doesn’t revolve around killing the predator its about speedrunning objectives and maybe pushing the predator in second wind to end the game faster. Alternatively you’re also free to just chase him around with snipers for 10 mins if you want but its unintended. Why do you hop in balancing threads and then be like “who cares theres no stat tracking whats the point in not losing?”

Who cares if you’re playing rainbow six seige on defense and your whole team hides in a corner & gets a kill while the bomb is planted and goes off but you still lived so your KDA is saved. Surely thats a win by your book?

Does Rainbow 6 Siege track your win loss ratio? Figure that out, and you’ll understand why your rhetorical question is wrong.

Your making this way too hard on yourself. The predators goal is to collect trophies and the fireteams goal is to survive. The game can be balanced in such a way as to make both of those things happen most games, and everyone gets to enjoy the experience of being hunted and the hunter. It definitely should not be balanced, so that eliminating the fireteam is easy.

If your argument is that its a casual game with no stat tracking or ranked so nothing matters, then why are you even arguing balance?

A loss is a loss. A win is a win. Even without a stat tracker. How many games don’t have stat trackers?