Yautja "honor" code

I wanted to talk about Yautja “honor” code because I have some contradicting thoughts regarding it…

So this is the “honor” code: https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Yautja_Honor_Code

I wanted to point out a few of those (for fun, sci-fi philosophy sake) and ask your opinions as well. So here we go…

First of all:

  1. Hunting Worthy Game: When hunting, the hunter must be sure that his prey is considered game and lawful to kill. Worthy game must fill the following criteria: Can defend itself and/or is able to kill the hunter himself, of age (killing children and the elderly is considered highly dishonorable), not linked to other lives (so that removing the prey will not doom another, e.g. pregnant women), and not weakened by diseases. This excludes self-defence.

How can Yautja consider prey like humans worthy when they’re using such advanced technology to kill them (that is far beyond what the prey has) + they’re physically so much stronger and faster? It’s like burning ants with a magnifying glass for a human and saying it’s a “worthy” kill. How can they think that blasting someone with a plasma caster or sneaking up and backstabbing someone while being almost invisible is considered “worthy”? In my opinion it’s the exact definition of cowardice.

You’ll say they will give you a 1v1 physical fight, but once again it’s an unfair advantage due to how naturally strong and fast they are, so again where is this “worthiness” against fighting humans?

  1. Equalize the odds: Killing prey when using less equipment is considered a greater prize, and hunters should typically give their prey a fighting chance for honor’s sake. If the prey demands close-combat, the hunter is to fight to their prey’s standards, and should minimize use of their Plasmacaster or other projectile weapons.

It’s more of the same of what I wanted to say I guess, but this perfectly sums it up. If you want to equalize the odds stop using insanely advanced technology against an inferior species. Hunting xenomorphs is indeed worthy, hunt more races like that, that are actually just as strong or better than you, then you truly prove how mighty of race you are, but I guess this never ever occurs to the Yautja.

I really enjoyed the Exhiled predators comic and how it showed them hunting without their fancy tech, however they still have their alien strength and speed advantage, so it’s still unfair, but the 5 issue comic is very cool I think from that perspective…



Well humans can kill them, I mean jh 87 died a fkn log.
He was sloppy.

It balances out because its usually more than one person.
Like I think to them what they use is basic bare minimum, so to them it’s even.

Maybe theres a lore reason.
Who knows.


Their technology still outguns the human masses, it’s too advanced, especially the cloaking, one of the most unfair advantages they have.


Stop this non-sense

The only valid honor is winning… by any means necessary.


I mean its humans.
Fk humans.

This world has too many fkn idiots and scummy people as it is.

But I definitely think there might be a lore reason.
Also, considering they look at people as prey, doesnt that imply the hunter needs to be above or stronger in a sense?

So ya kinda contradicts their code a bit, but given that when people hunt animals they use stealth to remain hidden/undetected, I think it makes sense.

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“So ya kinda contradicts their code a bit, but given that when people hunt animals they use stealth to remain hidden/undetected, I think it makes sense.”

Yeh I thought about this too, this is exactly what we do in reality.

It’s just from a sci-fi philosophy point of view their code of “honor” is not so honorable and very contradicting.




In terms of tech, sure they have cloaking and caster, but practically every other weapon is modeled after a more primitive fashion. The blades, spear, net and other shit.

We have guns. Lots of guns. While in game they’re not effective cause its a game. We see how they actually work against the super black predator. Took 2 rounds in the chest (i think it was 2) and was incapacitated.

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Cus what people think of “Predator honor” is mostly bullshit from comics that varied on different clans and individual Predators. The Elder Predator from P2 might have showed honor towards Harrigan by letting him live but could be just an individual thing of him than a rule all Predator follow.

The Original Predator wasn’t honorable, he killed Hawkins and Blain from behind and he beat Dutch with his bare hands instead of killing him right away with his wristblades not because he wanted a fair fight but cus he wanted to enjoy his last kill.

They are sadistic psychopaths that get off in hunting and killing other species, many times taking their time and mocking their prey, everything else is people projecting their own fanfiction delusion into them. They kill “worthy prey” cus its more fun for them not because they have a problem in killing those who can’t fight back, they are just hunting in the way they enjoy the most.

AVP Wiki isn’t not an official source or anything, its made by fans and if its contradicting the actions of the original predator its wrong.


Its not unfair at all. Dumb it down to how humans hunt; we use camo tents and clothes, bury ourselves in the brush, hide in trees, use scents and calls and everything.

Preds are doing the same thing; hunting inferior prey using the techniques they have. There’s literally no difference.

Also, as stated, this is a video game. Proper honor and movie-style playstyle went out the window when they overbuffed the FT.


Finally someone gets it.

There IS a sense of some honor, at least towards what they can’t kill. P2 displays this more, as CH didn’t kill the kid knowing it was a fake weapon, and didn’t kill Leona because she was pregnant. JH also didn’t kill Anna because she was unarmed. So while I completely agree with you (and this has been my playstyle from the start lol), the species does have some set of rules to their hunts.

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Or maybe they just thought that killing them would be boring and waste of energy. They didn’t do it cus it wouldn’t be fun.

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Could be that, too.

or maybe they thought, if a kill a woman Hollywood will cancel me…


I consider myself to be pretty versed in the lore and I hard to disagree. The fire team, at least now in its current incarnation, is stated to be specifically aware of the predator and their gear indicates that they have had past dealings. Plasma spamming a poorly managed fireteam is completely acceptable. If they’re not smart enough to scatter them to go splat

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It’s a sci-fi movie calm yourself

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Cancel culture didn’t exist in 1990. People actually knew how to take a joke.

In the same sense that modern humans, even going back centuries, have technological advances over say, a wolf or mid-size cat, like a leopard (lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) are too big IMO to be considered “prey”. IMO, they’d be considered highly honorable trophies to any hunter because of how dangerous they are.) is how I see Predators vs humans.

A single wolf, though large and dangerous is still smaller than me, a human, and with proper training and some arms, like a good fighting knife, I could presumably kill it 1v1, but I may get fucked up. But I also have access to guns, camo, scent covering sprays, etc, things to turn me “invisible” to the prey. I COULD sit quietly in a tree with my rifle and just snipe it, like Blaine, or I could strip down and fight it like JH and Dutch or Billy.

I would also never intentionally kill a pregnant animal because I love animals and I want the species to continue.

Finally, I wouldn’t “hunt” a severely injured or extremely old animal because that’s not really a hunt. Depending on the animal, it could be considered a mercy killing, which I’m also ok with because I don’t like to see things suffer needlessly.

That’s the way I see Predators anyway. I just put it through my own modern human hunting filter.

says the one who clearly didn’t get the joke… you must be fun at parties