Yautja "honor" code

Humans will make trophies out of any animal catch, doesn’t necessarily has to be hunted.

example, most people take pictures and make trophies out of big game fish.

And whoever come here and says fishing is essentially “hunting” in water, please get out, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Please get some outdoor fresh air, you need it.


Sure they can, but you’ve missed the point. I was speaking from my own opinion on hunting lethal animals in relation to Preds hunting humans. Nothing about fishing ( if you’ve ever heard of Demitri Martin, "they should call it what it really is… tricking and killing lol.) was in the topic. Fishing is just fishing really, unless it’s like for shark or marlin, etc, making a sport out of a peaceful hobby that also could feed you.

And only a loser would make a trophy out of a squirrel or rabbit. Those are not trophy animals.

What if I want to create an army of stuffed squirrels?

Why do people keep using that retort? yOu MuSt Be FuN aT pArTiEs hurrrRRR. Its fucking cringe, find a new insult.

Also, I got the joke, because I was born in 1986 so THEREFORE I know how to take a joke heehee. I was just trying to bait someone, which…worked. :)

…but then

Doing this is worse tbh…trying to bait people 😖

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Uncle Ben


I’m bored at work. Sometimes you gotta resort to cringe to find some level of entertainment.

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You ever bite a lemon after hours of not having any food or water?

Thats how I feel sometimes when I browse this forum


The specific example that inspired predator honor was someone they knew that hunted deer with a group of friends and used bows instead of guns.

Using whatever weapons the predator brought is already limiting themselves because if the Pred just wanted to kill, they could bring something more powerful. The game gives the predators a number of weapon options that are appropriate for a human FT, and they can use it as they want. If the FT gets demolished in a minute, clearly they were not worthy prey and the predator needs to keep looking.

I love fishing


They wouldn’t accomplish much. They’re dead. It would look amusing though, especially if they had uniforms and tiny rifles, etc, like the little green army men

“a wolf or mid-size cat, like a leopard (lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) are too big IMO to be considered “prey”. IMO, they’d be considered highly honorable trophies to any hunter because of how dangerous they are.) is how I see Predators vs humans.”

All these have high physical advantages over humans if you remove our tech and sneakiness, just like the predators being way stronger and faster naturally…

It’s a sci-fi philosophical discussion on a gaming forum, calm yourself.

Some, yes, but a lone wild dog like a wolf “could” either overpower or be overpowered by a human, especially if said human had, say, a Ka-bar with him. That’s why I excluded the big ones like lions, etc. The leopard is a poorer example, due to their insane speed, stealth and claws, but its still just a cat. In Africa for a long time hunters with spears hunted lions to protect their herds. I figure a trained fighter with a simple, yet proficient fighting knife against a leopard or wolf could win. Or due, but it’d be about as challenging as a Pred vs Billy

“I figure a trained fighter with a simple, yet proficient fighting knife against a leopard or wolf could win. Or due, but it’d be about as challenging as a Pred vs Billy”

Except when the beast gets injured it just gets into a pure fight mode with no feeling of pain, pure savagery and ruthlessness. Like a bear who is truly going after you, nothing you can do, you WILL DIE if you have no weapons and even with good weapons like shotguns the bears can take lots of hits before they go down so they’ll maul you faster than you shoot them…

This guy got extremely lucky hitting a vital weak point, if he hadn’t he’d be that lion’s meal…

All I’m saying is your thinking to much about it
Movie gotta movie

Well it did, Dr. Evil.