comics are of Fanfiction by too many Author
Alien is of killings the old and nuking city but absolutely CANNOT be of killings pregnant woman or 1 child.
is dumb story.
comics are of Fanfiction by too many Author
Alien is of killings the old and nuking city but absolutely CANNOT be of killings pregnant woman or 1 child.
is dumb story.
punchings of human man when you are being 2 ton Alien is not Hunt.
is hittings of toddler for Fun.
Like I said, no lions, tigers or bears. Waaaaaayyy too big.
A toddler with an m-16…
barehanded punchings
he was of havings no ammo after fightings Invisible Asshole enemy…
I can also of fighting toddler with m16. It is not skilled to be of invisible and Stronger and Faster.
My toddler would perforate any intruder
The Predators though aren’t sick psychopaths or serial killers.They don’t kill the young,pregnant, or elderly unless they pose a threat and I,doubt they’ll kill any pups or pregnant women even if their attacked
They hunt to stay rooted ,not to become lazy and weak,to test the strength of one’s character,I doubt they’ll fly halfway across the galaxy just to kill something.They we’re enslaved once so that may have something to do with it.They want to keep the selves strong,alert for any threat, but they do enjoy the hunt.
Honor is … a problematic topic in the lore.
In the comics it exist and it’s important, they are REALLY explicatory about it, but comics are expanded universe, and so “not canon”.
Talking about movies I think a code of honor does exist, and I’m going to analyze why briefly:
in Predator (1987), Jungle Hunter uses only wirstblades and plasmcaster, he’s alone against 7 trained soldiers.
He plays smart, attacks when they do not expect him to, strikes in the back and uses the cloak,
but should we blame him for that and thinking that he’s just “toying with them” like a sadistic, with no honor?
The answer for me is simple, and reside in the question “could a round of assoult rifle KILL him?”
Well, definitley yes.
He’s using wirstblades (really close ranged weapon) and a plasmacatser, easly detaclable by the laser and “dodgeable” (Dutch does it) if you’re fast.
Yes he is stronger, faster, probably smarter, but they are seven:
Hunting Ground ironically represent pretty well the situation,
a careful Fireteam will melt a yautja with bullets.
So no, Jungle Hunter does not play unfair to me, he’s just smart and cold headed.
When it comes to killing the unarmed girl he doesn’t do it, if he were “just a psycho killer” there would be no reason in sparing her life;
similar but different goes for Dutch, when the fight is over and Dutch is defeated, he doesn’t kill him right away, but as we know he gives him a physical confrontation: it is unfair because a yautja is stronger than a human? Yes, but that is not the point, the “fairness” and the “honor of the hunt” were not in that physical final fight, but in ARRIVING to that,
the point was to defeat the whole team of humans,
the fight with Duch was for me just some show of respect, he had all the rights to kill him rightaway, but that’s not what he choses.
In Predator 2 I think it’s even better,
City Hunter has a vast set of weapons yes …but he fights against a f*cking dozen of armed criminals, or cops, at the same time! Like Jungle he uses surprise and fear as tactics, but as we see in the movie, a well-trained and clodhead human could easly kill him:
Harring fires 8 shots at him, because City made the mistake of getting cocky, and the yautja IS DOWN.
Just one good guy with a shotgun
(yes there were all the OWLF agents before, but they did not interfere with the moment when Harring shoots him, and City was not incapacited in any way).
Keeping going, City survives the shots indeed, but he got his butts kicked by Harrigan once again, on the roof,
leading the yautja to take the decision to self-destruct for such a defeat
(only AFTER Harrigan prevents the self-destruction, City decides to heal and keeping on in the fight).
So, how could someone consider City a coward or an honorless fighter?
That’s just not what I saw, and not what I think the creators wanted to communicate.
And going deeper, as we know he spares Leona because she’s pregnant, he spares the kid,
and he also WAITS to strike after Harrigan is on his knees in the final fight, like “The battle is over, I have won, now I’ll take you’re lif- Harrigan doesn’t give a shit about honor and stabs him F*CK”.
icing on the cake, then the Lost Clan arrives, and they doesn’t even think of hurting Harringan, the Elder even gives him a trophy.
Then there’s Predators, the matter here is a bit different because we got the Supers, who are no fair hunters in my opinion, and same goes with Assassin in The Predator, but I hope the movies are clear enough on why they are not honorable players, so I will not analyze it.
The only thing I want to say on Predators specifically, is the proof, ance again, that the yautjas in a fight are NOT in an advantage, becuse every one of the Supers is basically killed by a single human, Tracker explodes, Berserker (Mr.Black) is shot in the chest and chopped to death by an axe, and finally Falconer gets killed by katana cuts.
that was why I think there’s is an honor code, and it’is one of the things that I love the most about this creature’s lore
(in fact, i despise the hunting that humans do, it is for cowards, patetich men sitting in a bush with a rifle, killing defensless animals, only miserably inadequate people does it).
Based on that last sentence or 2 I can guarantee you live a very sheltered existence and know nothing about hunting, conservation or big game hunting.
Sure thing man. There is nothing about that topic that I need to know more than I already do, thanks anyway.
Then whats your opinion on big game hunting? Like when people travel to Africa to bag a lion/elephant/whatever?
You got it up here, in my previous comment,
it was “miserably inadequate people” if I recall. But there should be more.
Oh, I’ll add that I would love to be the one with the loaded gun, watching them trying not to get the bullet.
And you are a pathetic little coward. Some people do it to save money, and for conservation.
We pushed out all the natural predators, it’s our duty to take their place. Better a few die a quick death to hunters than the whole herd slowly starving.
Your ideology is not just wrong, but proves your lack of intellect.
you are havings never killed anything in your life beings upset with Outdoorsman
are eating offs slaughter conveyor belt or Corporate Deforestation Soy Vegan
Ahahahahh ohhh you guys, always the best.
Wait what’s wrong with hunting
Nothing. It’s actually very beneficial.
Ppl are just being special as per normal on here.
killings things yourself is of making him very sad
But Mcdonald chicken grinder is Ok
I’ve always found hunting enjoyable
Plus if we don’t kill the white tail they will eat all the vegetation and die
Yeah pretty much my point.