You know, if you want a better image how about fixing your product and actually communicating with your customers?

You know, you keep deleting post which are clearly jokes, and then some that I guess make sense but you realize what makes you and illfonic look bad is your own product right?

No bug fixes on issues that have been going on for the longest, no actual communication, just horrible management of your product.

We are not the problem, its you.

Like you wanna try to enforce rules to control what people say but you cant even fix the problems.
It’s a damn joke.


No. Just no. Even if they add new stuff it wont fix bugs or performance which are the main issues.

Also resetting everyone to 0 is a horrible idea.

Even if they fix the game it will still be the same boring game


We’ve made quite a few changes to the forum rules. I’d suggest taking a look when you have the chance!

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It’s not highlighted, nor does it stand out, so its honestly better if you post it here.
But nothing I’ve said here goes against any rules.

You think jokes are a problem, no idea why.
But the real issue is what I’ve mentioned.
Can you respond to that instead?


Its like playing a game with a kid who changes the rules as they go along so they always win


Censored this, please, blasphemia 😨😨😨

Could you please tell us what are the new rules ? Like @Fire said, there is a lot of text in here and the changed parts are not highlighed

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i think you wont XD

there is no way to respect those rules when you don’t even respect what you told us (yes i’m talking about the Your participation counts)


“We’ll let you know when we get more info on that”


So what are the actual new rules? I’m guessing not speaking against the developers is one of them?


F U C K @IllFonic forever and always 🗑


Its more than a Joke, its a meme.


I wonder why the sudden changes? once people question certain things and call it out…then boom . 🤔

I wonder who the changes will benefit

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Hey @Elliott626 @NomadClan you guys know the new rules?

Yeah I just saw Kass post them, what’s up?

Do you know the new rules?
@Kassinaillia wont specify.

I’m not the only one who wants to know.

Oh here:

Does this help?

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