Zack Snyders Justice League

They actually done the flash alot of justice, I hated him in whedons , in zack’s he kicks ass

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Superman 1978? Shazam?

Not crazy for the original Superman (it did capture the camp from the original comic) but I do very much enjoy the Adam West Batman series

I’m not very familiar with the character of Shazam so I had zero interest in his movie

What the?

How does that even work?

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Hey here’s a fun trivia fact. That is not the original Batman show.

I know there was one in black and white

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Joker kills Bruce’s parents
Batman deflects a bullet into the jokers face and drops him into the chemicals.

Did you not see it?


🤯 no on 78 Supes?!?!? Thats quite literally the first time I’ve ever heard that. My heart is broken for you.

Shazam is fun. It’s pretty close to the Geoff Johns origin story from a couple years ago. Well cast too. It’s like Big, Gremlins and Superman had a baby. Like, Shazam is a silly concept, and the movie knows it, so it has fun with it. It has heart too, it’s set at Christmas.

So it be 4 hours and 20 mins long means I have to smoke weed throughout the entirety of the movie gottca

You do know the makers of the last of us two want to make a punisher game right?

78 superman , Is that the guy that was murdered?..and i dont mean by Ben affleck playing him in a movie 😁 , the whole being killed was only the second worst thing to happen to him

No I didn’t.

I just find that awkward.

Oh, well… spoiler alert lol

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There’s a reason why I asked

DC ur villains are adorable new steppenwolf needs a hug

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After this movie he needs more than a hug

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That’s fine. The Uncharted series was great. Just TLOU is poop. They did some other stuff that was good too

No no, that’s George Reeves, from the 50’s. Christopher Reeve (no relation actually) was paralyzed from the neck down in the 90’s. Brandon Routh then continued his Superman in Superman Returns and again innthe CW Crisis on Infinite Earth’s crossover event.

Yeah I know who christopher reeves is mate 😁

TLOU2 won game of the year 2020 😁

Not poop

You just don’t like it for… reasons