2020-2021 Archive of leaks

I want the shuriken to act just like a boomerang from one of the The Legend of Zelda games
I want it to lock on to a target and follow them, if the hit connects it should automatically try and return

Didnā€™t the shuriken not come back in the movie though? Or am I misremembering?

The shuriken has been in AVP, AVP R, and The Predator
Thatā€™s all the movies I can remember itā€™s been in anyways


Oh you mean actually come back sorry yeah it did
With no input from the user
Scar got a tail swipe from the queen when he caught it
In The Predator one of the Stargazer guys threw it, it came back and severed his hand

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I still havenā€™t gotten around to watching The Predator. Iā€™m saving it for a day when Iā€™m particularly bored haha.

I have a bit of a crap memory when it comes to details like this, unfortunately. All I remember is Wolf throwing it into a wall or something in AVPR?

Ahh ok

Sorry one of my examples is a small spoiler then

I wouldnā€™t worry about it. I donā€™t really have a whole lot of interest in the movie anyway because of all the word-of-mouth. I basically just bought it to complete the collection haha.
Iā€™ll probably get around to watching like a year from now anyway so Iā€™ll probably forget all about your spoiler anyway šŸ˜„

Trust me all the bad reputation that movie has is true

Would you say itā€™s worse than the first AVP? Because I remember walking out the the cinema thinking that one was a travesty.

It thatā€™s how high your bar is, then I doubt you could even get through the movie.

Oh goody.

The third Jungle hunter image is Mr blacks Spinning barrel PC from predators.

yup, but my question will it work like his or will it shoot like a regular caster and gives you an idea Mr. Black may be the next predator

I think Falconer is probably next just from the fact that his drone is textured and colored in.

The dev team probably isnā€™t going to make the barrel spin and shoot rapid fire shots for blacks PC. If it does Iā€™ll be surprised.

Could be a special gimmick to his predator, and where is it his drone textured in? I also want more leaks

Well Scarā€™s caster and shuriken are done as well
He might be the next Predator

We need an update on order to get more leaks

If they add Scar might as well make skins for Celtic and chopper as an added bonus. Their basically the same predator.

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update on order?