4/28 - We hear your feedback!

Yep I got a Wolf Skull yesterday, looks sick.


Well, I spoke too harshly I think.

I appreciate the acknowledgment and if the patches are right I’ll even applaud you.

Well done!


I have my fingers crossed and hoping for a small pred Health bump for hunter n scout. And a reduction in the millions of healing items on the maps… 😅


You can blow those healing things up and the ammo crates with Plasma Caster AND you can see them from far away cause they’re lit up in thermal vision… even the wall Med-Kits


Of course, but while you are wasting your time firing on the ammunition boxes, the fireteam spots you or does the mission. in view of the number of ammunition and medikit cases you risk wasting your time …
I do not know (because i’m playing predator only) but I believe that the fireteam takes a ton of ammunition and medikit cases with them


EGG-ZACK-LEE FAM! bunnhop 360 noscope headshot no stamina. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAP BRRRT BRRT!


If there’s a combistick nerf in there then…

You better buff the other weapons in return, actually I want every weapon to have it’s own playstyle with no nerfs across the board preferably.


pred stamina fix plz.


not sure it needs nerfing but i dont use it cuz people think its OP, im just nice like that.

The issue is they all stand too close and yeah, it got reach bro! u all guna get wiped.

Fireteam dont stand up eachothers arseholes and you can keep firing on the pred as he takes out 1 guy, and then you are far enough away he cant just get you 1 second later. dont all be in the same room, only 1 guy need to be in there to do the objective. rest stand outside and cover. also practice parrying the pred it can end a melees career with that…


Lucky, ive open over 400 hoping for a pred trophy, have almost every cosmetic and color scheme, just no trophies yet

I will be happy when we can’t directly “spot” the Predator. I really really despise the spotting


i despise it as it is right now. pressing the SPOT/E key should just have a default 5 second cooldown so it cant be spammed, then when the pred is spotted it should be like 15 - 20 seconds before ANYONE can spot it again. not each team member spotting it one after the other.

I think to have it there as a mechanic is fine, its just abused right now.


Thanks so much @IllFonic! Keep up the hard work! It’s definitely acknowledged and appreciated immensely!


I don’t mean to be rude mister, but the real problem is not balancing. Every quick match I queue only me and AT MOST 1 other player joins as Fireteam. Everyone is queing as predator. Most of the time it’s only me as FT actually. Does Illfonic expect players to go 1v1 against the predator?

Remove the class opt in in quickmatch. Let the server choose whos FT and whos predator. That will fix the queues!


Please just make it so I can play the game- if the performance was better I could look past all the balance problems but I can’t even play as of now

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Press at high lvl r too OP. Plain and simple. Fucking rediculous. This game is shit

Give us 87 skin. I bying this game only for 87 skin.

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Exactly one team spotting it after the other, how are u suppose to play scout predator when your spotted and have to keep swapping tress I know ppl say don’t use trees but for scout class u need trees

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this game is dope, excited to see how it develops over time :)


This is a great game and it can be super fun! But PLEEEEEEASE fix Cross-platform invites! OR acknowledge it in the slightest. Dont be like Hello Games and promise us good features so we will buy your game, and then not have one of its staples work days after launch without a whipser from the team even in streams