A 4v1 match when everyone dies or resigns. How to survive when a 1v1 match happens during a game

Hi, this happens to me quite often that my FT team is defeated even after the second call to reinforce the fight. And in most cases, I remain the last survivor. And now comes the moment I have to do to survive or how to defeat Predator?
Like when I go to fight the great-grandfather, this doesn’t turn out well either, I usually die. I tried to escape to the jungle but the predator found me after a while and the fight was very fast.
It happened to me that I came across such a strong opponent Berseker, in which I almost did not strike out only with minimal damage due to its flexibility and speed of movement. He drove me to the dark zone of death when the time counts down and after the time limit you die I tried to get from there there but it didn’t work anymore his attacks were so intense that I would die either by his hand or in the death zone

Soooo you got fucked by a good predator?

No, I can’t say that on my own. Predator will find you anywhere on the map when it uses the view’s ability to search for an FT destination on the map in infrared. But for the predator to find you even without this ability, and even if the predator didn’t have a mask on. And you are crouched overgrown with tall grass and your movement is minimal even so they will see and find you. I need to know some effective strategy tactics
So that the match does not end without proper action and not so easy for the predator


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They need to change how last man standing works

Thermal temp should be normal or lower not burning hot

Also the last man standing should be able to lay down natural traps and get access to a makeshift bow


So a hour of wearing a mud bath isn’t enough, is it?
And what about the ability in PERK ICE COLD to reduce the temperature you could be effective with a combination of mud?
Will Predator see you even if you’re wearing mud camouflage?

The predator hears you yell “IM MUDDING UP” halfway across the map. Most of the predators tracking tools are redundant because the map is so small and the FT is so loud. FT sprinting is as loud as most of their quotes and the low stamina breathing is probably the loudest thing in the game. People don’t NEED thermal to track you, infact it muffles their hearing which is the strongest tool in terms of finding the FT. Thermal is toggled just to hit the target isolation button, find pigs, and tag players. The rest of the time thermal is off because the FT is always at one of three compounds anyway.

Wish it was a stealthy game, atleast for the last man standing in a P1 style hide-and-seek but its not. I’ve had like two games ever where people split up with silencers and its way more interesting to play. Shame.


This is why I suggested it be reworked

Last man standing is its own status effect I think so I dont think perks would affect it

First, if you’re on PS4, turn off crossplay, because many PC players turn their graphic settings to low and basically have x-Ray vision through plants and distant trees.

Second, make sure your mic is off, because thermal vision can detect sound bubbles of your exact location through in game voice chat.

Third, mud up as often as possible. This is every 44 seconds, if you’re not playing recon or Dutch’25 or if you have pig in shit equipped. This is important to hide your foot prints, even in last man standing.

Fourth, don’t sprint if you hear the predator nearby or you don’t have sound cover. Foot steps while sprinting are very loud.

That’s all I got right now. Good luck.


This is still missing in the game.
If it were possible for the last standing man, the apartment would have been much more interesting. Hidden and trapped. Without it it seems frustrating and you are marked by a higher temperature and you are easily found on the map by a predator

thanks so much for the tip.
How did you mention that the PC can be set to low detail and thus the predator gains the advantage that he will see you through the dense vegetation, should these problems not be fixed in any way?
I know that in the past there have been problems with smoke grenades which, after being thrown into medium details video, were not smoke smog visible that fixed it well.
Well if more players find out then they will not hesitate over it with that low setting to play in order to have some advantage over others. It’s getting clear to me how some predators found me so easily

i’ve only found 2 real builds that work in solo que FT
OLWF op Spotter/sniper
sniper rifle of your choice or the GOSLR/hammerhead
2nd doesn’t matter but the recon GL is a good choice for synergies otherwise your taking the PDW or the 1011
field syrretes Anti cloak grenades regular grenades or med bags and thermal decoys or UAV and anything else listed here
thick skin/Ice cold and OWLF take ICE if your going spotter take thick if your going sniper with sniper your goal is to literally just kill the predator spot before every single shot
ICE + spotter means your literally immune to thermal vision as operative this means the predator can’t easily shoot you from far distances as he can’t switch thermal on/off to see you from farther away accurately so you might want to take suppressors and focus on just getting exfil but you could just be a dick and shoot the predator as long as he can’t see you your gonna do fine


Dante field medic/fanatic: were gonna go for the build that gives you 255 hp (not joking)
field syrette med bags
OWLF thick skin body armor
guns should be a sniper rifle + any fast firing 2ndary weapon like the first SMG or the 2nd pistol
whenever you sprint you gain damage reduction remember that whenever you use the syrrete it gives you a fast regen of 100hp which brings your hp up to 355 (WOW) without that regen you have 255 hp when your sprinting literally just run as often as you can if your not shooting
it takes literally 2 full combos with the alpha sickle to kill you as a berzerker with fearless which is the fastest DPS available to the predator

you could say typical assault deadly would also work but mostly only against predators that love melee
that sort of build would look somthing like
field syrette + anything

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Sometimes, fighting back is your only option. Try to find over head cover and keep moving. Never stop moving. Try to hit and run and trust in your DPS when the predator commits to melee.


Unfortunately, both PC Predators and Fireteams do it, and I don’t think there are any plans by Illfonic to change their options.

OF course after that point you have to find a place where there is lots of cover like derailed trainyard so you can very quickly run between areas and then just shoot the predator and win the 1v1 which takes alot of skill keep in mind the PDW can kill the predator in melee range in 3.8 seconds with no buffs all you have to do is not miss in case he tries to melee rush you now the AK is faster but not by much

now of course option 2 is to rush down the objective and make as little noise as possible and then when the chopper gets called hide a ways away from the rope point and just stare at it if you see traps shoot them from where you are its only a 2s channel to get out and unless you have less than 150hp it’s literally impossible for the predator to kill you he doesn’t have the dps

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Agree with @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK that sometimes you’ve gotta fight back.

Based on the Pred you can either parry/knife them down or if you’re using one the faster classes, keep moving and strafing while firing at then. Most Preds get pretty linear and predictable in 1v1 situations where they’re melee focused. They’ll go back and forth but completely lose tracking on you if your moving side for side. It lets you get those few extra hits in that make the difference


oh and in case your wondering what Skoolboy is talking about

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this has been a thing since it came out we’ve complained about it before it appears to be intended

in the scope one you can literally see that the PC player can actually take a shot where the PS4 player cannot now the branch hitboxes might still block a bullet or 2 but if the predator is standing still looking around PC player gets to do dmg and the PS4 player doesn’t

You should always fight back

In fact you should disregard the mission altogether and hunt the slimey sucker and either kill it or die trying

Just take over AI camps

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Also, remember that a 1v1 isn’t really supposed to be fair for the fireteam. Personally, I like to accept that I’m probably going to die, but I’m going to be as big of a pain in the ass as I can, while I’m going down.

Oh yeah, if the predator has a netgun, just accept the GG.

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