PC low graphics vs PS4 standard

Comparative screen shots of pc with lowered graphics and ps4 slim graphics. Apparently, pc can also widen their FOV.




That little black smudge is the predator across the map.



yes, widening the FOV is possible. Didn’t know this option wasn’t available on PS4…

I actually don’t widen it, but quite the opposite, I narrow it. I’m partially blind so I need to see things as big as possible.

Lol man I knew it was bad on pc, but this? Holy shit.
And people still think those Russians groups are good xD.

Did you buy it on pc to compare?


No. I took screen shots from YouTube. Then I recreated the same perspective on a PS4 private match.


TBH, PS4 looks worse than PC on Medium graphics… I don’t get what all the fuss is about. You still see less foliage than I do on Medium settings

The PC pics are when shadows are on LOW (which is the lowest possible settings of shadow). One step higher is identical to PS4.
It also looks like the viewing distance is set to LOW as well. Looks like PS4 has it set to maybe CINEMATIC.

and to compare FPS…you need to set the PC monitor (or application window) to 1080p which I believe is what PS4 is locked to and scaled up to anything your monitor is if it is higher than 1080p.

You don’t see the difference?
Cause I do. Its extremely easy to see everything on low pc.
Literally no cover, leaves or anything.

There is a huge difference. It looks like a completely different game.

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It looks like a completely different game.

But I doubt anyone plays it in this state and if they do, its by no man’s eyes and mouse reflexes can they achieve anything close to a miracle.

Theres a lot of people who say they play on low.
This gives a huge advantage cause it’s way easier to keep track of pred like that.

I know a lot of people play on low cause the game is extremely demanding on higher graphics.
So I think the important thing Is performance get fixed on pc.

The game shouldn’t even be able to go this low.


stop. they are just trying to trigger you. Ive seen another thread exactly the same, and you @Fire talk way too much about. Buy a PC, play it. Don’t look at an odd photo. Play it on PC. Play it yourself. Its like arguing about nothing.

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Draw distance should be locked.


I can buy it for my pc, which ive thought about doing just to compare.
But it would just be a waste of money.
This game, I like it, but it’s not worth buying twice.

Theres very few games I would buy twice.

Not only that, I hate playing on pc.
It doesnt feel good or fun.

Btw I’m not trying to piss you off or trigger you, I didn’t really understand what you meant by the trigger comment.

I’m also not trying to argue, these are just my thoughts. That’s all.

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Did I say I saw no difference? I said the PS4 looks worse and with less foliage than PC on MEDIUM settings

What doesn’t feel good or fun about playing on PC?

Because you can play games exactly the same way on a PC as you do on a console.

Get a controller if you don’t like k&m. Hook it to a TV or use steamlink, a raspberry pi, parsec on a laptop or even your phone and you have the exact same comfort if you don’t like sitting in front of your monitor.

The only excuse you can give is that you need to invest on a high end GPU because the performance on this game is trash.

Draw distance on this game is crap. Even on cinematic settings it takes a few seconds for all the foliage to appear. Even on low settings the foliage will appear if you start walking.

Only snipers take advantage of the draw distance. I play with a lot of PC players and the majority don’t use snipers and kill the Pred at close range. Sniping IMO is boring AF.

So, what’s the excuse? We still tank the predator body 90% of our matches because the vast majority (PC and PS4) are just one trick ponys that get predictable in the first 3 minutes of the match.

And before you go and say “that’s because FT is op and the game is unbalanced” we do, from time to time, face really good predators that are really hard to kill and some that we haven’t been able to. FT isn’t OP and the game isn’t unbalanced. There’s just way too many lame players playing Pred out there.l

I have a gaming lap top.
I’ve only played one game on pc that I absolutely enjoyed, called dfo, but it’s not good anymore.

Which was depressing, cause back in its prime it was such a good game, and my favorite game to play.

Aside from that, I used to enjoy playing flash games on pc.

But now?
Playing on pc just feels lame, to me.
I dont care if other ppl do, its what ever.

But console just feels way better.

I wouldnt use a pc for any actual gaming I would do tho, now a days.
I would rather use it more to edit videos, or something along those lines.

Truth be told? I regret buying that laptop.

I got it for dfo, but, since dfo sucks now, this laptop I got is kinda pointless tbh.

I dont see how In a 1v4, a single person being able to kill the solo faction is balanced.

I find it funny you’re saying that to school. He might honestly agree with you xD.

I don’t however. I dont see how the damage ft does with some of the guns is balanced.

Before I started playing a lot of ft, I always thought of the ft as having the potential to be gard to kill, but not op.

And then when I started playing ft with a consistent team, I saw that, ya, ft is op, considering how easy it is to kill any pred.
As long as everyone stays aware and covers each other, there’s no real reason ft should lose.

But I can see if somethings broken, unlike most ppl.
Like how roof slam at full damage was too much?

But that of course, because it suited other people, they agree and are all for it. The moment someone brings up something they dont agree with they start getting an attitude and talking shit and tresting you like you’re the antichrist, instead of trying to understand where the other person is coming from xD.

We can agree on that.

Ha. You called it.

But seriously, being able to see through the jungle like that is a huge advantage for roof campers. That’s probably why derailed and backwater get so much hate. If they patched out low graphics, you’d probably see the effectiveness of roof camping drop dramatically.

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Effectiveness maybe, bu I doubt it would stop happening alot.

Cause I’m on ps4 and even I love going on the roof to snipe. But that’s cause I’ve always loved sniping in games.

man it’s worse than i thought

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