A list of bugs that can lose you the game

I’d just like to post a list of the different bugs that have caused me to lose a game as Predator. This may help Illfonic make a checklist of things that are in dire need of a fix:


  1. No pigs on map
  2. Stamina glitch
  3. FT jumping during a melee attack and not taking damage
  4. Arrows/plasma shots being blocked by invisible geometry
  5. Getting stuck in the map
  6. Getting stuck in a tree
  7. Trying to leap but just going straight up in the air
  8. Frozen while trying to eat pig glitch
  9. Leaping to tree while trying to interact/claim
  10. Trying to mount a tree but missing
  11. Leap sometimes sends you much farther than it should
  12. Players using extreme fire rate exploit


  1. Objective not appearing
  2. Predator energy slam exploit
  3. Stuck in map

Am I forgetting any? I don’t play FT nearly as much so I’m sure there’s more things to add to that list. Though I would say this list is WAY too long already.


What’s the predator slam exploit?

Also another bug I have experienced is where I go to fire a plasma bolt and it fires way to the right of the reticle, same with the bow


After using energy slam pressing the leap button again allows the predator to continue moving rather than finishing the slam animation in place. It’s not devastating unless the Pred is built around it. It’s an exploit because the pred still goes through the recovery animation and slides around. It’s bad for FT because it takes a desperate move and gives it no weakness.


energy overload is a weakness, that can not be avoided.

otherwise I agree with you


  1. No pigs on map
  2. Stamina glitch
  3. FT jumping during a melee attack and not taking damage
  4. Arrows/plasma shots being blocked by invisible geometry
  5. Getting stuck in the map
  6. Getting stuck in a tree
  7. Trying to leap but just going straight up in the air
  8. Frozen while trying to eat pig glitch
  9. Leaping to tree while trying to interact/claim
  10. Trying to mount a tree but missing
  11. Leap sometimes sends you much farther than it should (Collision bug that can bounce/throw the Predator across the map)
  12. Players using extreme fire rate exploit
  13. Magnet Melee bug causing every button press to become a melee attack
  14. Plasma Cannon bug where you can’t charge your shots and will shoot instantly
  15. Automatically attaching to trees while jumping while not looking at them dead center
  16. Not attacking to trees while looking at them dead center
  17. Equipment bug making it unable to use throw-able equipment after retrieving said item.
  18. A.I. spotting the predator while cloaked + standing still
  19. Absence of a slide into sprint animation
  20. Inaccurate leap trajectory, not registering objects you will collide with.
  21. (PC) No option to change Disc flight sensitivity I need 5x more space to turn, than playing the normal classes. Which is bad for your wrists, and mouse. And you will miss your corners at times.
  22. Item select wheel not reacting to input. Or items not equipping after selecting them.
  23. Bugging out of a tree, while still being stuck in “tree movement mechanics”.
  24. Throwable items not being thrown into the direction selected.
  25. FT hitboxes not correct while they are doing animations, like mudding up.
  26. FT abusive parry mechanics/expoit that cancel out the FT parry animation (I believe by right clicking with the knife equipped straight after a parry)
  27. Marcro’s for insanely fast spotting or quickfire options. (We need a micro cooldown to prevent this)
  28. Leap target visual not in screen. Camera refuses to center to your target destination. Often the case with vertical movement.
  29. Base alarms don’t spawn enemies when the Predator activates the alarms.
  30. Combistick throw flash not activating, or passing straight through players without damaging them. (often hitbox issues).
  31. Not being able to claim a downed enemy, or taking 1-5 seconds to get the claim-popup


  1. Objective not appearing
  2. Predator energy slam exploit
  3. Stuck in map
  4. Unable to use ammo/health packs. Either thrown to close to walls, or they fall through level decor
  5. Killing the Predator during the helicopter “escape” timer, and still lose because the chopper left
  6. Shots not registering, or “spotted” not registering
  7. No cooldown timer on weapon swapping causing some more sensitive mouses to “skip” the weapon you want, and return you to your original weapon (it basically skips forward twice). Quite annoying carrying an empty LMG.
  8. Unable to mud-up on certain dirt patches ‘without reason’, but be able to do so in other matches in the same spots.
  9. Defusing the self-destruct, but the icons start to rotate automatically, turning it into a slot machine (fixed by pressing space or esc)

My favorite hitbox bugs are not being able to hit FTs properly with arrows while they’re mudding up. You have to hit them in the ass for it to register. And also if you try to shoot an FT member reviving a downed FT, if the arrow flies over the downed FT it hits them rather than the person reviving them.


Im not kidding, aim for their balls.

Literally like “The dick…is right there…” and you’ll hit them. Even probably get the kill shot but you will not miss. Mudding, downed, touching the computer, turning wheels and shit. Aim for the balls.

yea you are, predator cant claim or eat a pig

predator has his attack stuck on ON.

the arrow passing through players trying too mud up with out them taking any dmg

Edit: oh yea and after a leap the stun is delayed for a second making you wait befor you can wait giving the fire team time to shoot you.

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Some things I’ve noticed are that the predator can get stuck at the base of certain trees and I saw a ft guy get under a hut where I couldn’t melee

Awesome post, thanks for the work you put into that list. I just lost another game because of the stamina glitch and afterwards the entire FT teabagged me :D Them’s the breaks, I guess.

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Predator energy slam exploit as a glitch that can lose ft the game hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I can add also the arrow of Yautja bow bug that doesnt coincide with the red cross air. So if you aim the head of a ft member the arrow go above and doesnt hit.


Good job mate. This one has to be share for sure. The 9 point is absolutly a disaster for pred because if you kill some one close to a tree and you jump in to do a quick execution you get launch into the tree and you lose your opportunity.

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Am I still missing Bugs that should be in this list? Actual game-breaking bugs?

I’m not sure if this is due to macros or a bug but based on the post history it seems to be bug related. Predator doesn’t get melted, they get sent to another dimension.

This one is on “the list”. The “entire mag” in less than a second is 100% a macro. The fault lies that "you can shoot as fast as you can click/ pull the trigger. But with a macro, you can increase that firerate into oblivion.

yea idk why u get magnetized to a dang tree when u try to quick claim smh. Tree= giant A** magnet

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Maybe we should keep this list current and cross things off if they get fixed

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Agree, maybe you copy the entire list so it’s on the top as well? I’ll update mine whenever I find new stuff :)

This is a bit situational but could apply if it were the only boar around. I killed a boar with my bow and went to walk over it then the body flew away. Opened up my minimap and saw the feeding icon fly off the map.

It was pretty funny, pigs can fly after all.