A painful goodbye to the game we've been waiting so long for

I have a guy in my group who just started playing and is low level FT but he does really good, he is out Support player and we never leave him behind (support is slow) unless we chase down the pred but he stays with someone else never alone. So yes, its like you say, it all depends on how you plan it before the match starts.

Funny - I am support too… And I love playing the sniper part. My impact on the predators health sometimes is nearly none and sometimes I kill him nearly alone - all depends whether I find a good position fitting to what is going on.

As a beginner I am not very used to the maps and so, in the rush, I sometimes manage to find a good spot in time and sometimes not…

But I am improving :) If you play the sniper, you need a team, who knows how to embed a sniper in its play. So I already had really great teams and games - and also games, where the others just ran away from me…

So, send some greetings to said support guy - we supports should stick together:)

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yea man, support soldier is our back bone, he’s there when we need med kits or more ammunition because we like to light up the jungle, we don’t even use silencers we like the noise and we’re not scared to let the pred know where we are lol…keep improving and send me a request when you’re ready.

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That I will do!

Welcome to the club brother… weevo has quit, even shifo has stated the end is near for him as well… i have tons of other games that are 3-5 years old and are still fun to play…this game died within 4 months of release…

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Yeah, and as a result its meta for the pred to set off all the alarms at the start of the match and let the AI do the work for them… not sure that was intended…


Being a terribly bad predator, I intend to try out this next time… Does it really work for ALL AIs or just for those which are near the FT?

There at least WERE games (as FT) when I had the impression, that really ALL Ais were attacking. Meanwhile some people say, the real threat is the AI now…

I don’t know honestly. Its weird. Sometimes the ai start running toward them wherever they are on the map. Other times they just stay in the camps.


Pretty sure the ai can ‘track’ players. If there is a player close by (not sure the range) who isnt crouched or is shooting it gives the position away to the bots. I have also seen them checking out footprints

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Yeah, it’s funny. The AI have the potential to be a real interesting part of the game, but they’re not consistant. I’ve litterally stood right in front of them before and they act like im not there. Other times they shoot at me in the trees from across the map.

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Today, in a private match, they hit me quite hard inside the camp but did not follow me a step to the outside - I was soldier…

The game is fine if you are up against 4 PS4 players sure, but all it takes for you to lose is 1 good PC sniper. As FT I am running with an AWP and I cant lose against PC preds. PS4 preds have zero chances against a good sniper. I’ve been playing since release and noticed lately that it is almost unplayable for casual predators. I can’t enjoy a single match both as FT or as pred, since it is Super easy to play as FT and super hard as predator if ur up against a PC sniper who can kill you alone.

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Yeah, I feel the same. There’s no worries whenever I play FT, I just switch my brain off and go into an autopilot state. Occasionally there will be that Predator who has skills, and is able to win but that’s rare. Playing as Predator, trading 50-80% health per claim is stressful provided I can get close enough to even down an FT. The game has lost its sparkle for me.


Super soakers tear ducts lmao

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Danny Glover killed a predator whilst on his knees…with its own weapon.

Until we can do that I don’t think the fireteam is powerfull enough 👍

Did anything change? I lost nearly all FT games today…

I thoroughly tried out the sniper style from the very beginning and my conclusion today: the sniper style just works in about one out of five games.

You need a good spot, be the first at said spot and everything around the spot must last long enough (often I just have established my position and already everything is moving to the next area) - which happens seldomly at the same time, at least with me.

I decided to change to join all the hurry-scurry using the GOSL in the next game…

Snipers work in teams

Bring a buddy next time

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Having fun it’s playing FT 24/7 and see no chalange is good when Predator is trying to kill you and you go:
Or another gun with Yautjas Bane. Don’t worry, if illfonic will not listen to community to change invisibility and balance you will see sooner or later timer on FT 20 minutes because all Predators will leave from this game. And yep, “it’s just a game” need balance too and Predator mainers need having fun too, but not play like he is on championship

Unfortunatly fireteam is not fun any more to play, you kill the Predator too fast, or the Predator just keep escaping because he knows he will will get melted quickly. Yautja Bane…

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