A response to the devs Stroking all the DLC

There’s plenty of skill involved in this game just blew my mind trying to say there’s none in DBD lol

While I will not argue about dbd skill. But it is common knowledge that in Dbd the only true skill u need to master is looping. Once you master that everything else in the game kinda falls into place.

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Meh. You know, while there’s arguing, so far I’m the only person “in the room” that’s being directly shit upon. And the conversation in broad strokes is actually interesting, so I’ll permit it to stay as long as people don’t make things personal.

Funny side note: I’ve done “professional”. It would take 0 work to find my linkedin, and I spent literally 9.5 years at Logitech, where you wouldn’t last long being unprofessional. Let’s not confuse me being direct and conversational, which is exactly what you should want from a gaming company, with it being anything other than that.

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I mean mastering each tile, knowing when to chase, map pressure, making builds that work that maybe aren’t always the exact meta so you can catch people off guard, and each killer does genuinely play different. THE LAST PART is what I WANT for this game. I want each predator to play a little different. After testing, Zerk is honestly not much tankier than scout lol. And scout leaps a few more times than hunter. They all have the same playstyle. (Assuming you’re playing to win)

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The unprofessional remark came directly from you answering a genuine question with “the game is fun dammit”. I don’t know you obviously, so I can’t say you are entirely unprofessional. Was merely an observation of one incident. Also, not sure you mind me saying it either. Cause you’re the one working on a video game and I’m random person on the internet number 678 or some shit

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I always play to win! Lol.

Yeah the preds all feel the same! While the new specialist have changed the game slightly for the better the meta for preds is still cast to win!

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So since your being vocal, and most try not to shit on you. Is there anyway we could maybe get a reason why there is a huge lack of communication!

Most of the forum users understand that you cant give direct details about what’s coming but it would be nice to stay in the loop of minor things

Yeah maybe I’m freaking out a bit much cause I’m still bothered by the bundle nonsense so any little thing about this game sets me off atm. But I do stand by killers in dbd feel different. Preds all feel the same unfortunately

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Lol. Yeah the bundle was a spit in the face. I think they should have gave access to all the players who bought the dlc, or made them available as a free part of the update.

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He has been a lot more active as of recent. And I also appreciate him letting us talk about shit he definitely doesn’t like as well. Freedom of speech lol. So I’ll atleast give them that

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This is true.

Just little announcements would be fine. Like hard at work update is on track to come out on time. Thats it nothing else!

I think that would help smooth over the angry players if there was that!

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Also I feel like every other game ever tells you what the dlc is ahead of time to hype you. We literally find out the day of lol

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Lol. Yeah but I understand why they dont do that cause lets say they teased mr black and lets just say his Mask didn’t have that dent in it there would be ppl like thats nkt right!

Now if there was tiny announcements about the update being on track or that they ran into a snag and they have to delay it this might help ease the hate towards them at least by the normal ppl loo

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Being kept in the dark for two months tho was not right! By any standard!

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What he said.
You don’t win 20 matches in DBD because the 4 people just need to know how to sprint circles and have general game sense.
You actually have to aim in PHG & there’s more decison making involved. Bad teammates can cripple an FT.

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Try this strategy against half of the current killers lol

People will die. Yes the bad killers you can just loop but a lot of killers have good anti loop now. The problem is more the gen speeds

And the fact that the game is focused on skillchecks anyone can hit after putting a couple hours into the game of course people rush gens.

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There is definitely a high skill ceiling with some weapons in hunting grounds. But it definitely comes down to way more basic shit than dbd. No mind games no builds no counter play to each perk or killer. You literally run down range and plasma. Lol I mean atleast tell me you’ll admit that. Maybe if you’re nasty you can use some disc

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