A response to the devs Stroking all the DLC

You have to hit those which is more than can be said for waving a flashlight in the killers face or vaulting a window.
You cant kill the killer in DBD so teamwork is meh aside from cheesing people on discord.

Ok now you’re trolling. Dbd teamwork is infinitely more important hahah you can literally 1v1 the predator in this game

Its really not hence the lack of ingame comms. Its hide and seek and hope someone else is doing gens or im hopping down the hatch lol.

DBD is actually balanced around a lack of communication which is why premades on discord are so broken.

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When I used to play dbd I used to play with a team. I think we lost maybe a handful of times

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The second someone announces the killers position the games screwed at a fundamental level.
Its why fogs and auras are even there. And no mics.

All the skill in DBD is literally just positioning & knowing where broken loops are. They can’t fix it to make it more adequate for ranked aside from reworking the foundation of the game which isnt going to happen so they just nerf whatever premades are abusing and wait for DBD2

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You are talking directly out of your ass and I can tell you don’t ever play this game. Cause Yes. Being off coms IS a big deal. You vastly increase your chances of losing. But people play in party chats. If you don’t help eachother you will die. You have a SOLID shot at 1v1 killing the predator and absolutely 0 shot winning even 3v1 in dbd

Cause teamwork lol

Just not true. You can break down walls at the powerful loops now to make them not nearly as strong. And knowing where the loop is doesn’t mean you will be able to get there every time. BUT I can win a game of hunting grounds in 3-4 minutes flat by sprinting through with my team

The foundation of DBD is and always will be just positioning.

Ooh Is that skill pushing an interact button to make loops less oppressive?
There’s a reason they don’t want ingame comms or “teamwork” it breaks their game dude. Its like trying to play among us over comms in discord with people announcing who the traitor is when they die lol.

Its a casuaaal game.
Its not designed around me being a sweat in discord telling you when its safe to do gens because I can see the killer lol. What do you mean its impossible to 3v1 in DBD? Just one person tracking the killer kills the game. Discord lets me switcheroo exit gates. And it takes 1 person to walk the hatch.

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Ok bud let’s play both games.

0 team work in me running you down through the trees and kill you 1 on 1. WHICH HAPPENS IN THIS GAME. There’s NO DEBATE here! You CAN 1v1 the predator, you will NEVER win by yourself in DBD you need your team. Argument over. Show me where you can solo win in dbd. Then I’ll hear out this nonsense. And pretending like there’s no skill in dbd is just laughable. You would get shat on 100% by 4 rank 1 survivors. And If you think just knowing where loops are will save you, a rank 1 killer is gonna delete you too

Also I just red the part about tracking the killer. Yikes. Yeah have 1 person follow the killer all game 😂😂 alright now officially done with this convo. I’ll give it to you, you know your stuff as it comes to HG. But you blatantly have 0 knowledge of DBD. Like. Having someone… track?? The killer ??😂 I won’t even explain why that’s dumb anyone who plays at a high level and reads that will just laugh with me

Its almost like they’re all discord premades or something because its the easiest route to rank 1 wow.

Auras. Not that you have to be staring at the killer to know where hes at.

Walk to hatch. Congratz you 1v1’d the killer?

I like DBDs perk system and all but everything else is crap, the community is actual ass, and I don’t see the appeal of playing hide and seek tag with 4 people on discord annoucing where the seeker is lol. It just makes no sense.

PHG has some actual interaction with the killer not just people bitching about the killer tunnelling and hook camping etc etc. I literally had a more enjoyable experience playing League in Gold V. DBD is everyone thinking their hot shit sitting in discord in a hide and seek game because it has a tacked on ranked mode lol.

You can close the hatch now too cutie 😘 and auras? So you’re gonna use what?? Object? They nerfed it, it doesn’t work that way anymore

Again. You don’t know what you’re talking about just stop lol

Oh no how will premades ever use their eyes to figure out where the killer is and communicate it to everyone else now?

I cant believe they lost their literal wallhack nooo

I do agree the community is worse tho. Lots of toxic players

You just said auras. So you’re back tracking (again) and yeah use your eyes ok hoss. Let’s play a match try that out

But yeah the object nerf was very necessary lol

Are all the maps indoors and hallways now instead of open fields and grass with crows screeching or what? That hard to track the killer huh?