About Naru... (Prey 2022)

Oh I’m not expecting them to win, but just foolishly hoping. Hopefully the action scenes are really good.

I think that’s the best outcome.

On that we agree. I want cool action. If anything my biggest problem so far is that the movie is gonna be R Rated, too dark, too bloody. Needs to be a bit lighter in tone.


Unless its Samus, with her power suit, you tell me how realistically a human kills a pred without plot armor?

With good writing.

Now you damn fool, I just want a movie where the pred wins. That’s it.
It doesn’t matter who the human is.

Honestly its the same for pred 1 and 2.

But if it’s going to be a fight, I’d rather see a character that makes more sense win.
And I mentioned a few female characters that could do it so you literally can’t continue your argument of it being people against female characters.

I can name more if you want.

You’re the one acting like it’s wrong to want the pred yo win.
You want her to win, ok, I want her to get throphied.


So plot armor.

I think that even judging by the trailer it’s kinda obvious that the fight is gonna be a struggle.

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Well, mmm, actually…
Jeez, that’s such a lame and insignificant thing to be upset about and try to use as a gotcha. Come on, just let it go.

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Give. To me.

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Because this notion of “having the Predator win for once” never came up until this film and her name came about. Like I’m supposed to believe this wasn’t because of the lead being female? Come on now, I’m not blind to this nonsense. I fucking hate this culture war bullshit, so fucking much.

We had films of male leads doing dumber shit but never hearing about how them being dudes ruin the film. Have some woman leads do dumb shit and suddenly its all political bullshit. Idk what else to say about this then just stop falling for this nonsense.

No, one side sucks, the other is good and cool
That’s my unbiased opinion.
Ah, yes, sorry, I forgot my approved PREDATOR TM fan card TM, hence I’m not a Predator fan since I think that Predator - however cool they are - are slasher villains and there is literally nothing wrong with them being taken out.

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Now this. This is funny.

It’s not actually true. 40-50 was an average lifespan. Child mortality brings it down though.
That’s the case with Edo Japan at least.

If you think of them like that you literally dont sound like a fan of preds. You just like seeing them killed.
So ya not a true fan.

Alas, I was deprived of my PREDATOR TM fan membership.


Predator 2 was great. Added tons of lore, interesting characters, and lots of action balanced by cautious suspense, but all human protagonists retained their shirts.


A damn shame too because Glover is hot.



Nothing a shower couldn’t fix.


Out of context moment right here, this shit is gold. Man is just done with this shit hahahaaha

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