Airstrip campers inside rock

Ew, you’re an indian. GTFO off my forum twink.


How can you trust a source that has shit like this

Dude I’ll admit CNN are pretty shit news, however that mostly just for our own politics, their coverage elsewhere has been decent

However you don’t see what your source is? It’s propaganda dude, not news. Everything they’ve posted has been dick sucking the same countries you do.

You’re a tool dude, you ain’t got your own thoughts, you’ve been brainwashed by propaganda. Open your eyes man.

I got a simple question, Why is Russia invading Ukraine?

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You just sent the video that says facts. My sources are based on facts and not propaganda, while you sent the worst and factual propaganda source. IDF killed their own people in Gaza to false blame Hamas and Palestine, that is a fact. So you are the tool my kiddo. You in fact got no your own thoughts and been brainwashed by CNN/Fox propaganda. Open your eyes man. Also Russia did not invade Ukraine, it protected it’s territory from Ukrainian via NATO proxy invasion on Russia. So Ukraine invaded Russia.

“Putin’s Revenge” and you’re saying it ain’t propaganda?

Is that why Russia entered Ukraine with tanks. Dude I legit wanted to have a conversation with you, however it’s pointless, you ain’t gonna listen to no one other than yourself. What country are you from if you don’t mind me asking, I’m from the US that’s pretty obvious, however I can’t tell which you’re from because you dick suck so many

Also I wanna let you know, you call everyone else SJWs get a lot of the shit you say is the same shit they say, think about that.

You are just proving my point further.
On the internet I find that Vladimir the Great, or Volodymyr the Great, was Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ (Scandinavian descendants) from 980 to 1015. He converted to Christianity in 988 and Christianized the Kievan Rus’. Due to this act, which fundamentally altered the historical trajectory of the Rus’ and led to his declaration as a saint in both Western Christianity and the Eastern Orthodox Church, Vladimir is thus also known as Saint Vladimir. Vladimir’s effigy on one of his coins contains a Khazar-inspired trident (possibly symbolizing those he defeated, then).
Many Ukrainians seem to have a problem with anger management, resolving to physical violence for the slightest thing.
The Eastern Orthodox, Byzantine Rite Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches celebrate the feast day of Saint Vladimir on 15/28 July. (Spelet om Heilag Olav, or Stiklestadspelet, is an outdoor theater about the events taking place at Sul Gård in Norway on the night going into the 29th of July in 1030, 42 years later.)
The Russian Federation is fighting a battle for peace. It’s not against a nation. It is against the fascists, the Nazis who 16 years ago (after both the ‘Rose Revolution’ and the ‘Orange Revolution’) staged a coup d’état there in Ukraine and settled there (“Yats is our guy” ~ Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland). It is Hitler’s children who are ruling there. The children, the grandchildren of Hitler, of Goebbels. Because the Nazis during the war managed to install a great force there and there it remained (Operation Red Sox). And then they started to make war on the Russians, to persecute them, Russians born on that land too, to kill them. And they culminated with a coup d’état. And in the meantime, NATO, harassing Russia, surrounding Russia, with more weapons, more bases, and the US leading the orchestra of international terrorists. WWIII is already underway. This is WWIII. Why? Because it’s the US and Europe using Ukraine to seek how to disappear (to) Russia. The same thing that happened in WWII. In WWII, when Hitler formed his party in Germany, nobody criticized him. No one condemned him in Europe, but rather big European capital and big capital in the US supported him, so that he could become the head of that country (Germany). The enemy at that time was not Hitler, the enemy was Russia. It was the Soviet Union, the enemy they had in their sight, the Europeans and the US, the Soviet Union was the enemy they had blocked, slandered, conspiracy of all kinds against the Soviet Union. Suddenly, Hitler then, who is the son of capitalism, son of European and American democracy, he’s their child, well, it occurred to him to do Napoleon’s idea of taking over Europe, to take over Russia. And it was that heroic struggle of Russia with millions and millions of lives (also lost), but there Hitler was defeated. And the first troops that entered the bunker there in Germany, in Hitler’s bunker, were the troops of the Soviet Union. And they put the Red Army flag there. They were the first to enter. In other words, the victory, the great defeat and the victory of the peoples rested on the Russian people, on the Red Army, on the Soviet people. And now we’re seeing the same story.
I just don’t believe many people even understand this world we now live in today. And it’s because they’ve not paid any attention to anything that we’ve all been watching for the last 25 years. We see so many debates over so many of these various geopolitical issues today, but we still don’t see anybody asking what this is all really about? Or even asking why this is all happening?
Today, it seems that nobody wants to know, let alone try to work it out (to then understand it)? Only, when we just look at everything we’ve all seen over these last 25 years? Surely we all must understand at least a part of it? Only it seems it’s the truth that nobody wants to hear, and that’s understandable, yet they’ll also deny anything that can explain all of this, and deny it, without being able to offer up anything themselves.
Could it actually be, that all we’ve been watching over these last 25 years, is the US carrying out a plan they’ve put in place, knowing their economy had to collapse? Could it be, the US has known for many years now, the only way they can avoid complete collapse, would be to force in a “single world currency”? The US has known for many years now, their economy had to collapse, (and I believe, they’ve actually planned for it). And everything else points to it.
The effect of them doing so, would see the US, overnight, become completely debt free, this explains their endless massive military overspending, it also explains China being allowed to hold do much US debt with so many US government bonds – (US debt of about $1.4 trillion). And it would see the US achieve full global financial & military control, (a very nice achievement, some fools might argue). It would become American Tyranny, (in other words), and that’s no different from Nazi tyranny. How Ironic!
The US dollar is the world’s reserve currency, and is/was used by many countries to sell/purchase their oil/gas/energy etc, meaning billions of dollars are kept by those countries for their energy purchasing. What that allowed the USA to do, was to print billions of US currency, without ever-showing the real rate of inflation that would always arise from such massive currency printing, but because so much US currency sits in bank vaults all over the world those dollars would/should never find their way into the actual US economy, (meaning the USA could hold their rate of inflation well below the rate It always should have been).
The problem today, is, that many countries are now buying and selling their energy in other currencies so they’ll all need to dump/exchange all those dollars they’ve held for so many years, with the gold or the currency they’re going to use. When those dollars filter into the main US economy, the inflation will explode (as It can’t be hidden any more), it will see hyperinflation, with the price of a loaf of bread, (for example), skyrocketing to well over $10, Collapsing the US as we’ve never seen before, the US will be left in enormous debt for hundreds of years to come, yet with no way of creating any more debt. It will all be over. And that will see a break-up of the Union, and a complete separation of the states, much like we saw with the collapse of the USSR.
This is why we’re seeing this attempt to drag Russia and China into a war, as I’ll explain. The US can’t force in a single world currency, with both Russia and China’s nuclear threats saying get lost, so, to avoid complete collapse, sees the USA, today, needing to remove those nuclear threats, (to then force in a single world currency), or it’s soon going to be, all over, and the USA will collapse just like the USSR.
They nearly had it done with the collapse of the USSR, (what an unexpected bonus that was), it meant they could do it, without war! Only they messed that right up because they took their eye off one man, — Putin. After the collapse of the USSR, the CIA were bribing Yeltsin throughout the 1990s, and it ended with the US really believing that Russia couldn’t ever become a threat to them again. They really believed they’d finished Russia off after the collapse of the USSR, to the point that Russia couldn’t ever become a threat to them again, they helped to keep Russia in a state of pandemonium through Yeltsin’s reign, believing they had sealed Russia’s fate to the toilet.
When Putin came to power, the US could not work him out, but when they invaded Iraq, and Putin, (craftily as it bought him time), did not veto them, they believed they still had Russia under their control, and Putin was just a pushover like Yeltsin. History will come to see Putin’s tactic of not vetoing the Iraq invasion, as a brilliant geopolitical move and as “world changing”, as he completely fooled the US not to bother looking at Russia as any sort of potential threat, (and that really damaged their plans), as while the US were invading countries around the world, (with no one to stop them). Putin had quietly begun creating Russia an extremely effective military defence, and he’d upgraded all Russian weaponry to a level able to hold its own, if not beat any nation on the planet.
The US, blind to this, carried on, as they used NATO to murder Gaddafi, and as they kept Iraq destabilized, (by transferring hundreds of well known terrorist commanders, into Iraq from Guantánamo Bay), to help keep it in chaos over the next decade. They then set their sights on Syria, and were preparing for a ground invasion (as with Iraq), when out of the blue Putin vetoed that action, stopping them dead in their tracks.
The US then took a much closer look at Russia, when the US understood how they’d misread Putin, they then set out to demonize him throughout the entire world, but it still left the USA unable to use ground troops in Syria.
In Ukraine, the US were at first all upbeat about Yanukovych winning the Presidency of Ukraine, because he’d shown an interest in joining the EU, and it was only when he refused to sign to the EU, but instead, he asked Russia for a loan, and said he was trying to work on a closer relationship with Russia, did all this then really kick off. And we’re still seeing the results today. But it really does show Russia just how desperate the US is to force this all into a war.
In Syria, the US decided to use proxy’s in the form of terrorists, they recruited, trained, armed, paid and then sent those terrorists into Syria, and they murdered people in the streets, they took over towns and cities across Syria with murder and butchery. It was all done long before we saw ISIS cross into Syria from Iraq.
This is all about the USA’s attempt to force in a single world currency, and with NATO’s really treacherous and pathetic stance in all of this, it seems that if the US $ collapses then so does the Euro. Things have dramatically changed over these last 25 years, and they’ve changed to such an extent, that it sees us, today, becoming exactly what we fought the second world war to prevent. That’s the bottom line of what we’re all really facing.
Putin knows all he needs is time, he knows he must avoid getting into a war with the USA, but never lay down to them, he knows that sooner rather than later it’s all got to start to collapse, so he’ll avoid war and let them crumble. After all, Russia had to start again, and they didn’t force it to war, (after getting an agreement that NATO would never encroach further towards Russia, they allowed it all to collapse). But the US know that’s what he’s doing, so we’ve seen them provoke and provoke Russia, they’ve non-stop encroached further and further towards Russia’s borders, using NATO’s ridiculous excuse of protecting the Baltic’s from Russian aggression.
We’ve witnessed Putin, four times, seriously, and clearly warn them to stop this nonsense, and the US have purposely ignored him every time, because they don’t want compromise, they don’t want talks, and they don’t want peace, no, they must have war (to remove Russia’s nuclear threat), force in a single world currency, or they’re finished, and they will collapse. And collapse to the extent it will see a break-up of the Union and a separation of the States.
This is what no one wants to admit. Yet you only need to understand, that for all Western governments, and the mainstream media, to be following the same scripted lies? (unprecedented in history), we simply must know the reason is huge! It is!
After reading this, you can go back and look at everything that has happened leading up to now, and you’ll now understand all of it.Things that made no sense at the time, and things you never really understood, now become very clear, and it becomes obvious exactly what the US are really doing, and you’ll now know why they’re doing this.
Only then?, well then, you’ll also realise the US will never stop, because they can’t, or they’re bankrupt to the point of complete collapse. This is what’s facing us all, right now, as we speak.
I mean, anyone, tell me I’m wrong? I’d love to be wrong! Only the problem you have now, is, you actually can’t tell me I’m wrong, because this makes much more sense than anything you’ve ever heard coming from any of our criminal governments!
But now, doesn’t the whole picture become as clear as day?

Ain’t no way you typed that in 3 minutes, where’d you copy paste that from?

Lad… How do I put this…
That was a joke.
You’re way too entertaining to get rid of, and fire was starting to bore me.

From my own notepad of banned accounts and deleted posts on this thread that I was fact checking you. My own words, but preserved. Best regards

Classic comeback when you realize that you fucked up.

Honestly I reckon it’s just as ridiculous as the rest of what the press says at the bequest of corrupt politicians. Just cos something is at odds with the current norm (which, don’t get me wrong, is completely busted) doesn’t mean that that ‘something’ is automatically the truth.

My guy you ain’t gonna kill me over the computer any more than I can kill you.

@LukeSkywalker how many scam calls you done today?

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It is truth when it comes to USA at least 90% of the time, but when it comes from Russia it’s 10%, which is far less. So Russia is more based than USA, Aussies and rest of the west.

I never said I will, lol, you said you will kill me. OFC thinking I will be scared, while in reality you are only digging yourself.

My computer ain’t got a virus dude, stop calling here

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Er, no.
This is objectively wrong. The only difference between russian propaganda and western propaganda is that you believe russian propaganda for some reason.

I mean I do be digging me
And you think I’m stupid enough to think you’re gonna be scared of email death threats? XD
If I thought it would be scare you off I wouldn’t have posted them, as I said, you’re too valuable an addition to my entertainment repatoire to lose.

Both countries have their own version of propaganda, but you are the one objectively wrong. The only difference between Russian propaganda and Western propaganda is that Russia has 5-10% of it, whiel West has 90-95% of it and also that you believe Western propaganda for some reason.

Well if you believe that I am your entertainment, you are in reality your own miserable entertainment. In fact you thought that I was scared, but you sadly failed in that attempt. In fact if you wouldn’t have posted them, nobody would be able to be scared, because nobody would even know what you want and what you threat, since threats would not exist.