Airstrip campers inside rock

He’s gonna fix your computer for $500

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How may old women you scammed lately?

Now when did I say I believe the western props? Did I say I believe my vote actually makes a difference? No. Do I believe that any of the wars since ww2 have been worth my time fighting? No. Do I believe that my country is superior to all others, and that politicians are anything other than backstabbing cumstains out to fill their own pockets? No. Did I believe ANY of the shit they tried to feed us about the danger of covid? Nope.
There’s no ‘real news’, it’s all bullshit no matter what country you’re from. Russia is just as bad.

I mean I am an entertaining guy, but I think you’re kinda missing the point. You can’t help the fact that this little conversation gives me some level of joy, and therefore you can’t help the fact that you’re entertaining me; thus, you are my entertainment. You see the logic here?

Again, no. If I wanted to scare you, I would have to meet you in person, and like I said, you seem like the kind of person who would physically disgust me to be around.

I don’t know if you think you’re making sense here, but you’re not.

Now where did I say I believe the Russian props? Did I say I believe my vote actually makes difference? No. Do I believe that any of the wars since ww2 have been worth of my time fighting? No. Do I believe that my country is superior to all others, and that politicians are anything other than backstabbing cumstains out to fill their own pockets? No. Did I believe ANY of the shit they tried to feed us about the danger of covid? Nope.
I said what is factual and true. Also there are real news, so it’s not all bullshit and it very much matters what country you’re from. Russia is not nearly as bad. In fact Russia is victim that fights for justice and peace. (not brainwash, but fact)

You don’t seem nor act entertaining, more like cringe, but if you believe that, that means your surroundings are probably as braindead as much as you. But hey to each is own. Your attitude and behavior of people like you is not having very long lifespan. Usually people like you have shortest lifespan. So I don’t see logic of self-destructive guy, since self-destructive people have no logic.

Just because you didn’t say you want to meet me in person, doesn’t equate that you don’t have that desire, the way you threat is very much INDIRECT approach you want to meet me up and I offered and offer still stands. Apparently you are scared with good reason (I personally don’t want to meet you nor have anything to do with you) I just offered if you want to.

I think that joke is on you kiddo.

When you tried to convince everyone else to believe russian propaganda XD

You mean, what the indians told you russia said is factual and true.

You see, this kinda shit. THIS is propaganda. They tell people the same stuff in america, and they tell people the same stuff in britain. None of it’s true.

My logic is rather simple: If you wanna live till you’re a barely-functional degenerative sack of bones and disgusting fluids, you’re a fucking idiot. Go down young and go out with a bang. Getting old is torture for the mind, body and soul. A short lifespan was always the plan, even if nobody ends it for me I plan on ending my life sometime around 60. I’m 39 btw, so for these last 20-something years I’m gonna cram as much living as I can, and when I go out, it’s when I decide to.

I’ve repeatedly stated I don’t want to be anywhere near you, as you come off as someone that would repulse me. And, once more, I will state that I can’t feel fear. Like literally incapable of it.

The only thing anyone fights for is money and resources. Just that simple. If you’re fighting, it’s to either gain new resources or to protect your existing resources from being taken.

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Nothing I said was based on propaganda nor was I convincing to believe ‘‘Russian propaganda’’ that is not Russian propaganda, it’s common global FACT, not Russian, but global.

Nobody told me that, I observe independent sources and come to conclusion of what is fact mr wannabe murderer.

It’s not propaganda. In fact they DON’T tell people only that stuff in America and in Britain which is not true. Only independent sources say that and Russia. In fact in America and Britain it’s ‘‘Russiabad’’ propaganda.

That’s your way of living, if you wanna be certified dead man who is miserable (which speaks volume out of you), I wouldn’t mind seeing you sink deeper than you are already sunked. My opinion about life is far different than yours. Living till the very old age and having longer life is far more desirable and healthier for every human being. Only pathetic and miserable lowlife people have same mentality as you. Not healthy and not common sense. But I am glad to see you thinking like that, since I can understand that you are even more pathetic in real life than you representing yourself to be as ‘‘john wick macho’’ who is far from anything, but deathwish guy. But OK, your choices in your life.

That is your statement. Every person in the planet is afraid, including me and you. Hiding your fears is doesn’t make you not being afraid. And you threatened me multiple times, then decided to change your mind when you saw that I am not afraid of your threats. You even wanted to meet me face to face and I again offered. But I digress…

I’d personally go by your own biological clock so to speak. My grandfather is in his early 80s and is still up and moving (albeit now beginning to slow down).
I plan to end it when I’m at the point where I cannot live independently. Whenever that may be. I refuse to be confined to a chair to watch myself slowly waste away while others prolong my life.

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So your logic of fighting for Alaska is already sunked. America is willing to give Alaska for the money LOL

No they ain’t. Alaska is too valuable in terms of natural resources and strategic position. If you genuinely believe Alaska will be sold back or taken by force and give russia a foothold on the continent, you are a damn fool.

Not taken by force, because it will not be necessary, but America is willing to sell it for money. They are indirectly already selling other states. SF, NY, everything is controlled by Mexican clans and casinos by Italians and Russians.

If you genuinely believe that, you are so lost in the propaganda sauce that you live in a world of delusion.

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It’s not belief, it’s a fact my dude

The rate I’m going, it will be sometime around 60. Might make it to 65 or 70 if I’m lucky, but considering how quickly my parents aged, I doubt I’ll get further than that.

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I’m going to go back to small comments and japes, this essay-writing shit is beginning to get old.

Good, probably even lower than that.

Well you already exposed too much of yourself, so you are past that.

God you’re boring

God bless 🙏🏻