Airstrip campers inside rock

Idk when it’ll be for me, but my family has had several people live over a century. If I’m somehow still trolling the universe with my existence in the 2100’s I’ll die laughing.

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Cancer dying patients never die laughing, unless it’s caused by some accident like car crash, murder or other event.

That’s what my old band’s name was.


You should try it, especially in Alaska.

He should try forming a band? In Alaska?


He should consume some of the Fentanyl so he can ease up his own demise there.

You ever done drugs dude? I was around them, (never a junkie myself) for a large part of my life, and what you said sounds like someone that’s never seen drugs irl.

Also you’re talking about Fentanyl like it’s cocaine or meth, so you’d OD real quick. And if you wanna ease up whiskey does the trick, doubt you’ve ever drank though by the way you talk.

Never my kiddo, but unlike me. You and Senate did crack. You were around them and you probably even likely joined them. You sound like a miserable junkie. That’s why I am trying to help you to even shorten your own lifespan, join together with Senate, Jim (the wannabe butcher) and defend Alska with your overrated 2nd amendment that means absolutely nothing in real practicality. I am just being your own helping hand in your own demise. You need Fentanyl kiddo. You will feel far better and far more braindead than you already are.

oh well thank you very much :D

Again you don’t know what that sounds like, if you did you’d know I’m far from it.

What it does is allow me to defend myself from random tweekers trying to jump me in the middle of the night. It allows me to defend myself if my home is broken into, and it allows me to defend the ones I love. Hell it even allows me to defend my country.

You’ve obviously never touched a gun, and you’ve obviously never been in a scenario where you need to pull one, (lucky you) if you’ve ever been attacked by someone with a gun or knife and you ain’t armed yourself you’d wish you were.

Frustration and misery from your response. You are more closer to it than you ever were ;) you are probably thinking of hanging yourself like mass

Yeah, but not defending yourself against police and military LOL who have drones, tanks and missiles and projectiles. It only adds bonus weaponry for civil war and weaponizes even the criminals, that’s why you are biggest number 1 state with most criminals HAHAHA. You are your own threat to your own self. Why would I be in scenario for that? Because population is safe by government. You have no chance against military with or without 2nd amendment and that overrated garbage fuels even more criminals, since criminals have also freedom to smoke you. So it’s loss-loss situation for you my kiddo.

Wrong there man, I’m just trying to explain to you that if you knew what you were talking aout you’d think differently.

You act like the military are mindless zombies that will support the government on whatever issue they need them to, maybe it’s like that where you’re from but not here. The military ain’t super soldiers, they’re people with training and body armor, which average citizens can get.

Until it gets overthrown by another government and your people can’t defend yourselves.

Once again, the military ain’t super soldiers, they’re people with gear I can buy in 10 minutes from an arms dealer in any city.

You’re from India correct? Well are you aware of how corrupt your country is, if so? Like criminals are the ones that own your country and can “smoke you” whenever they please and you can’t do shit about it

The second amendment ends with the phrase, “Shall not be infringed” that means it can’t be taken away. And abc news are run by liberals who are notoriously anti 2A and will make up shit to push their narrative. Find a different source, “kiddo”

kaka Russia kaka America…Who are the Americans???Some prostitutes, I will answer you. Who is Russia?? I’m waiting for your opinions… Ukrainians drive expensive cars, Rombak wonders why they don’t fight in the war?? Kaka kaka kaka…

Pictograma Verificată de Comunitate

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Some prostitues that get their asses kicked every couple decades

Nah, very factual here man. I knew you will react with impulse ;) ;) I was expecting you’d bite.

Yes military would support government on whatever issue they need them to when it comes to 2nd amendment, since military suffers from criminals just like civilians, especially that you cannot have 2 enemies at the same time and pass completely unharmed, if in the one hand your own governemnt de-arms you and in the other hand you have Russia and Mexico in the other side. You have to pick 1 side. And that one side is your own government if you wanna survive your own demise, whether you agree disarming you or not. Or you can just drown yourself even easier to satisfy ‘‘enemies’’. So yeah, picking your poison would be your best option. You will support it, California supported it because they had to, NY and many others are on the same page of agreeing and supporting it, because you cannot win war in your own doorstep against your own government and enemy outside your doorstep.

There is people and there is military, people have military to protect them. Not civilians, because gun rights are only increasing criminal activity and self-destructive population like USA is.

I am from any stupid place that your thick brain imagines to be, first I am from Russia, now I am from India, later I will be from China, whatever your fantasy dream world suits you. Criminals in my country cannot smoke me, because they are also civilians and like every population disarmed. There can always be certain minority to access illegally guns on black market, but they are quickly apprehnended and disarmed once again. Therefore erasing criminality in statistics. So I don’t need to worry about criminals, since our government and police worries and military. ;)

2nd amendment was written by random skinhead 150 years ago in era where there were no such thing as drones and hypersonic missiles. 2A = destabilization and endangerment of it’s own population. 2A is only pushing America into self-destruct mode. And it’s very much getting taken away, just not on the paper. USA is getting disarmed more and more by government on daily basis and military and politicians in majority support that.

Like you got kicked from Afghanistan and Syria?

What is this marker over here? I am always wondering?

Listen I ain’t gonna have this conversation cause it’s pointless, I’ll insult you cause it’s fun, however every time anyone tries to have this exact conversation with you it always goes the same way, your points get destroyed, you make weird and/or stupidly incorrect statements about the US because you’re brainwashed into thinking it’s bad, then those points are called out as stupid or just propaganda, so you keep making them just worded slightly different each time until we get bored and leave.

Stop using propaganda as all your bases for your arguments. Or at least be funny like @Rmus40 or Fantasma

Shit @TheSenate you know who this guy reminds me of, that one fucking streamer, his name is like Hasan or some shit.

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It’s pointless, because facts hurt, don’t worry I am not at all angered on your insults, because it’s just showing how pissed and frustrated you are for the facts. In fact insulting me is a badge of honor, because it exposes your immature and emotional instability, it only boosts my credibility. When someone tries to have this exact conversation with me, it’s easily going same way, because people do not want to accept the facts just like you can’t. Nothing in my statement is stupid nor incorrect, I provided you with 2 fact checking articles and you are still in denial. Again pick your poison, you cannot rebel against government and believe that you can beat entire superpower and your own nation in the same time as regular ordinary armed citizen against the might of your own and enemy’s navy, carriers, ICBM missiles, bitch please LOL HAHA. There is nothing propaganda in my statement in any of my arguments. Keep crying me a river. As for Rmus and Fantasma, hmm I don’t see them being on my side, they are just mocking you and me ( I am not baited ofc). Go cry to Senate and admins once again. Your own comfort zone and misery is crying to admins to get rid of me. If you mean Hasan Piker, he is in some points 50% correct, but another 50% he is full of shit. All and all he does not practice what he preaches. I am more for a streamer called Jackson Hinkle, Jimmy Dore, Scott Ritter, Col Douglas McGregor, HistoryLegends and Redacted, they are common sense and based people. Go OD on Fentanyl and mix Xylazine with @TheAlmightyJim and @TheSenate