
I actually do weight lifting but what exactly does that have to do with anything?

Pop quiz how much can you lift with just your wrist off a flat surface assuming predators still obey the laws of physics. Now whatever youā€™re picking up also needs to flail around trying to kill you

Aliens prying reinforced doors off of hinges I can get behind because they function like hydraulics, not flesh and muscle.

Dude, the angle is not clear, it does not mean he was lifting with his wrists aloneā€¦ FFS manā€¦

I just looked at the movie, AGAIN, his arms are curbed and those aliens are a bit above his heads. Its not raising them with his wrists ffs. You can apply quite a bit of force that way. He is not doing front raises ffsā€¦

Lmao he stood upright like dracula rising from a coffin with both of them in his hands because they knew that scene was impossible to film.

Iā€™m done, Iā€™m going home and not coming back

I just looked at the movie, AGAIN, his arms are curbed and those aliens are a bit above his heads. Its not raising them with his wrists ffs. You can apply quite a bit of force that way. He is not doing front raises ffsā€¦

If you donā€™t have something to post that would involve rubbing 2 neurons together then donā€™t botherā€¦

This guy has broken the glass ceiling science behind one handed lifts

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I see you guys are running out of arguments so result to petty comments, ok then. Have a good day.

Honestly bud just taking your advice from another post. Enjoy your day

I mean besides the sentry guns. Do they really even shoot that many aliens? Lll

He doesnā€™t seem to understand the concept of skill and advantage being two different things lol

I only saw 2 I didnā€™t think it had a third

Geez ā€œthe marines would be fine in an open field with infinite ammo!ā€ is the biggest non argument. I guess vietnam was a win because we killed more of them while gaining 0 territory because you cannot occupy vietcong tunnels.

Ok assuming they donā€™t have numbers to just mob rush & pry open your APC, every single settlement on the planet turns into A Quiet Place 3 in 24 hours while youā€™re camping in a field. Xenomorphs are the worst things to have on earth next to necromorphs, the T-virus, and the flood because everyone just dies. We have to eat and sleep, all of the above do not and infect anything bigger than a cat and youā€™re stuck nuking them hoping with a stroke of luck none escape. You canā€™t fight a battle of attrition with something that doesnā€™t need resources & digs a hole to wait around in until you start slacking.

In the words of Ho Chi Minh ā€œYou can kill ten of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and we will win.ā€

Even if we assume the predaliens brood were all defective and mentally impaired like they behave throughout the movie, itā€™s still garbage choreography and Fox has 0 quality control but hey it was an era of versus movies. Disney now though so possible reboot on the horizon.

lol its called skylin3 or something awfully similar with a 3 in it

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Far more kills then the Aliens get, that is for sure, even Vasquez kills a bunch of them in those vents as she tries to get away.

I think you need to dig a bit into the Vietnam war. Yes, US pulled out because of the tunnels, just lol.

You seem to think the marines are as moronic as the Aliens, you think they would just sit and allow territories to be conquered? The moment they noticed the aliens are there they can check where they are going (satellite , ships, space ships ffs). They would just sound an alarm and at most 1 would fall, the rest would evacuate or dig in heavily. When Aliens try to cover open ground would be bombed into the next age.
The reason why they conquered 1 single instalation in the movie was because if was full of civs that had no clue what they where doing and what they had on their hands.
You even suggesting those animals can cover the entire planet and take everything down in 24 hours, over oceans, mountains, ravines and so on tells me you are just a massive alien fanboy.
There is a reason why even in games they had bases that had no problem holding against xeno infestation to the point the defenses go down and then they SWARM!

You are comparing something with claws FIGHTING SPACESHIPS IN ORBIT!

If anything its garbage writing to put those animals are as threat to a military force with tanks, spaceships, missiles and the likes. FFS its like putting lions against modern age military.

What exactly are you talking about?
I feel youā€™re underestimating xenomorphs lol.

Btw you getting the alien game?
It looks kinda cool but if you cant play as xenomorphs god thatā€™s going to be boring lol.

Idk depends if I know a lot of ppl who are getting it, then I might too. Idk.

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Nah, I donā€™t think I am. Both the Predators as well as the humans would wipe them out if engage in any real warfare. They are dangerous creatures against civilians and small groups of marines that go in like dumbasses with a dumbass leader like in Aliens 2 but any real warfare scenario would get them wiped out, in the end they only have claws and teeth, what can they do against long range missiles, tanks, spaceships and so on. Predators would blast them even worse.

I am not sure if I am getting it for full price since I donā€™t know how good it will be.
From what Iā€™ve read on STEAM you can only play as marines (killing countless xenos, again, marines>xenos) in a 3 man team with friends or bots trough some campaign stuff.
Here is the steam link, I donā€™t think anybody would be playing as aliens at any point.

Thatā€™s disappointing.
People love playing as xenomorphs lol.

Honestly it depends.
I think youā€™re putting too much faith in humans.


Well I am open for someone to explain to me how those aliens can fight against spaceships, dropships and other type of fighter jets, tanks, long range missiles, nukes and so on. Just consider the type of weapons we have today then do a x1000 for a far future scenario like in the movies.

Not only that aliens canā€™t reproduce if they donā€™t have HUMANS to do so. This is a major disadvantage. They also need to grab humans and take them alive over huge distances to whatever hive they have. Yeah, good luck with that one.

Automated defences, electrified fences, regular marines with miniguns would provide so much death to aliens trying to take a compound even assuming they donā€™t use fire support. Then if any installation does fall, just bomb it to bits, Aliens would take major losses that they canā€™t replace.

There is no scenario where aliens would go against marines that are fully armed for war where the aliens can win.

Bruhā€¦dumb monster movies arenā€™t meant to be taken this seriously lmfao. Who cares if itā€™s accurate to real life most people only care if it looks cool and thatā€™s all that really matters when it comes to monster mashups. Nobodyā€™s watching AvP to see if real life physics apply to it lol

F me whatā€™s gonna happen when Godzilla Vs Kong comes out?

ā€œIā€™ll have you know Kong CANā€™T do this because gorillas in real lifeā€¦blah, blah, blahā€

Fucking hell this has given me a good laugh