
In defense…unlike most modern films (including his more recent work like Avatar) the subtext isn’t rammed down your throat, which is part of what makes it such a great film

How was it incapacitated when he was struggling like crazy and moving about trying to kill her? Also how did he have only 1 free arm? I’ve just watched the video on YT.
I never said she wrestled it to the ground, at al times I’ve said pined. She could pin him even if she used her entire body, predator has more strenght in 1 arm.

I am not comparing quality man and I’ve seen nothing in those other movies that does not make sense based on what Aliens and Alien showed.

They throw numbers because they are at that level of “tactics” and “intelligence”. Vietnam was lost for different reason. You also can’t just use any type of tactics in human warfare, yes, a nuke would also end that really fast.

If for instance the marines in Aliens (second movie) would’ve decided to just bomb that instalation from a distance what exactly could the aliens do?


I miss nothing, you guys just refuse to see that animals will never win over tech! There is a reason why lions can’t stand a fucking chance in a “war” with humans.

Because it had 100+lbs of force leveraged into its head in a confined space?
How is that comparable to lifting aliens into the air?

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If I lock you in a dark room with a gun, flashlight, and a lion you are fucked. Multiple lions and your chances go down signifigantly. It’s not a “war.”

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This…is this some troll, or like a tribute to Hudson? This can’t be a serious statement

Did you noticed how strong the predators are? They can lift humans into tress like nothing, leap like the damn hulk. You actually think a predator can’t lift 2 aliens like that? Its questionable if he could hold them there and for how long, but LIFT them? Really?

You should try give a cat a bath with one hand and come back

You are going to have to elaborate a bit. Aliens are deep down animals, going against an army with the apropiate weapons would stand no chance.

I did a quitck google on yautja strenght, people where saying 1-2 tons, yeah, he can lift aliens.

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Let me know when they get to build spaceships, I did admit they show rudimentary inteligence some place above. How is that relevant? Do you seem them having weapons do you? What exactly will they do if humans or yautha decide to nuke them from orbit?

And aliens can open hydraulic lockdown doors. You’re applying physical strength without any context. The predalien can pickup two predators that however doesn’t make the scene make any sense whatsoever.

I give up. You’re literally giving me Forrest Whitaker eye over here.

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What? I’ve showed you in the movie when a predator lifts 2 drones? You don’t like it because you don’t like the movie, it still happened.
An alien has about 270 kg in weight from what I found googling. You think a predator that can lift upwards of 2 tons can’t lift that? Then you tell me I am not applying that in context?

That said its still meaningless to the fact that a predator has far superior tech and an alien would not stand a chance unless some insane luck plays its part (or the predator is a complete newb). Predators have defeated queens in comics (yeah, googled that one just as well). A drone would not be much of a problem.

If you keep going on trying to work out the numbers we have to get into the physics of necklifts and i’m going to ruin your day. 2 tons of force all in the wrist, sure.

You’re better off going back to justifying how you’d fight off a lion in the dark with a pistol.

What, you mean because of the the arms where in front of him so he can’t apply force? I have no fucking clue of the anatomy of an alien or a yautja and just as well of how exactly he grabbed them in that dark scene. So be my guess!

The difference is, predators have guns that auto target in the target and as well as vision mode that allows them to view the prey in the dark and are physically more imposing then the “lion”. So yeah, no problem with that. Xenos have better “cutting” and impaling tools in their body but I’ve seriously did not see anything they do that would make them as physically strong as yautja.

Tfw explaining the mechanics of weightlifting to people on the internet what the fuck lol

At the time the franchise was doing dumb things.