
Looks cool, still want playable xeno’s though

New deep dive into gunner and tech class

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Just watched this , not sure how to feel about the game yet

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Yeah I really hope Cold Iron studios puts out a Beta or Demo

They might , even then , ive learned from buying games after playing the beta 😁 i will wait until reviews after release

Beats the shit out of the generic zombie hordes

It really doesnt and xenomorphs make for shitty horde games because they’re either melee or spit acid which means the gameplay loop is standing in a hallway shooting at AI running in straight lines which has no appeal in an oversaturated market and there are horde games that execute the same concept a million times better because they arent confined to “shooting at sameish looking enemies in sameish looking maps.” Also why the waist high cover is everywhere for the inevitable working joe enemies because even the devs know xenos make for shit horde shooters.

Low faith low budget garbage 2 years in development hell that doesn’t have an original bone in its body with devs that have no other games under their belt with their goal being to be a left4dead clone lol. Maybe after colonial marines 2 fails again they’ll get the point.
People praising this 4 hour $40 cashgrab and giving illfonic shit is hilarious but atleast Illfonic is making their own game instead of trying to emulate DBD bc its popular.
You swap pred out with a different killer you still have a vertical asymmetrical here. You swap the aliens out of this game and its the most generic horde shooter imaginable, CODs tacked on zombie gamemodes do it better and you can get a couple hundred hours out of just endless waves and dumb easter eggs.

Give me three reasons to play it over KF2, L4D, Deep Rock Galacticn Vermintide or Risk of Rain aside from beating the 12 missions?

After watching the 25 min gameplay demo I am less enthused

They need to announce post release content is planned

I’m glad they don’t have any exclusive pre-order bonuses, so far, just on the incase it becomes a Aliens Colonial Marines 2.0

Holy shit, who hurt you?

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Gearbox’s outsourced development and Randy Pitchford.

Pre order now to play as Ellen Ripley 😅

Don’t count stuff like that out just yet

Yes finally some one who understands it. ;p

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To begin with my opinion is set- that it exceeds the level of detail and esthetic that L4D have expected with that L4D franchise (as every review will look to that since they authored it).

There really is no point to say this game is an amatuer re-skin with aliens unless you’re asking for a punch in the face.

I think if they follow the model of light narrative like what franchises like Predator Hunting Grounds have done that they will strike a chord with a viable audience. I think this trend sort of started with F18, so to continue with it would probably spark a wide range of copy cats, like Ninja Turtles, or The Things, or other IP.

I only hope they make the best of their allowances and stick with what makes the game awesome, and keep people interested. Its like comicbooks, get you hooked and you not ask for a finality but you kind of continue to wanting something nobody really understand.

cough cough Laundering ACM’s budget to Borderlands 2’s budget cough cough

That’s literally what it is though lmao. I can barely call it Aliens Colonial Marines 2 because atleast that had pvp to hold the playerbase 3 months before it died.

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So you know what amatuer art looks like? You can valuate this? You have some degree and knowledge of the facts and qualities of our times? I think you’re over estimating your judgement calls. I trust you? I trust you to make a call of saying what is professional quality assets? Looks like u gloss over many things like this game is just another way of saying how “boss” your opinion is. If you dont know a thing about this, just throw your opinions of esthetics out your window. please. just please.
Lots of people with degrees in art and design are going like “whats Finessology beef?” he adds nothing to a discussion about it. He just think that it stinks. Yet for the most part, its the least of anyones issues or concerns with what has been seen. Jeezus Finessology, say something about what grinds you. You’re just doing yourself a miscarriage of your own opinions.

Yeah when you copy someone elses art and change the color pallette. Next.

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Finessology opinions:

Its the same as when you want something and disregard the reason.
FYI: artistic opinions come with great responsibility.

When you start to say this artist is just copying someone else’s model, you KIND OF MISS THE POINT OF THE ART:

Do you get Finessology? Do you get it?

I guess my TED talk called for a mic drop (guess im going to have to leave the room for a long while).
Art isn’t all about compensation for ‘work done’ sometimes, when you carve the curves that make up body of work that is based off of a model of inspiration, you don’t really judge the art, you judge the craftsmen ship. Whether or not it lives up to the original material. If the Statue of Liberty looked like 4 year old’s interpretation of it, you’re bound to get a problem with it from the general public. Its pretty obvious the craftsmanship goes along way, and architectural works also fall in this catagory.

Ah yes the art of imitation, the sign of a talentless hack