
When predator has low showing its not plot armor, when alien has low showing, nah man… We can’t use that! That is what this is all about and how much plot armor is about… I would say not more then that predator losing in a katana fight. I think we need to make our minds if we use predators losing to sticks as valid then I don’t see why we can’t hold aliens up for those things just as well.

Also and yes, its the best I could do, its a very dark scene, tried to capture it the best I could. I would also say Predators is somewhat garbage just as well but to each his own.

Fuck yeah. My next digital addiction for sure. Thanks for sharing, you just made my day.

Plot armor. Preach 😂

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I was always under the impression that the movie lore was sort of its own thing? Maybe the comics played around with that lore but movie wise? Not so much

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Nope. Not untill prometheus ret conned every single pre-prometheus alien story. Then it became Predator universe only.

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oh it’s a vermintide style game
Choose from five unique classes - Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc and Recon - each with their own special abilities and character perks. Utilize an extensive arsenal of 30+ weapons and 70+ mods/attachments in your effort to eradicate the Alien threat. over 20 enemy types, including 11 different Xenomorphs takes place 23 years after the original Alien trilogy taking place abourd the USS Endeavor

taken from their official website

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comparing a pred losing a swordfight to the aliens power rangers cinematography where they literally just stand there waiting for him to pick them up and do his WWE moves is a joke

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Is…that it? No playable alien? Presumably one survival mode? Sure there’s a varied amount of class customisation and enemy types but…it looks like it will get boring fast if all it is, is a survival wave shooter.

Not a choke. Just a hold.

Aliens have multiple times been shown to be aweful when under pressure I.E Vasquez boot in aliens, even Grid had problems getting off the floor in AVP.

The only Xeno we’ve seen if my memory serves well that actauly did decent in a situation like that is the queen and it’d make sense that she would have better survival instincts.

Yes it is.

Predator was amazing though

Hey you even looking at my comment or are you distracted by the clock?

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Its very unfair to say AVPR is garbage, 80% of the movie was too dark to even see , that 80% could have been golden for all we know


Yes that is a factor to it sucking.

Too bad the producers messed up the lighting then.


A. I can see it personally

B. It’s mainly the humans that are poorly done. Both the Yautja and Xeno’s are done well.

I love it dispite it being bad.


I’m on the clock we’ll discuss the artistic value and amazing cinematography of avpr in a couple hours lol

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Did you happen to notice the hanged, skinned predators in the crashed ship before wolf set off the self destruct? So many other things coulda been missed xD

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It has some qualities , but I couldn’t see shit . I think I’ve only ever watched it on dvd , maybe the bluray is better?

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I’m watching on dvd

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Anything that wasn’t in daylight? I probably didn’t fully get to enjoy 😁

Alot of the dark scenes i genuinely could barely see what was going down

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I know it sound dumb but have you tried turning your brightness up?