
Bro you know I like you lol we have had some good discussions. My only point was in my opinion, alien stomps. But I could be wrong!

I know this might be hard to believe, but I have an IQ over 60 , trust me , its been tested



I thought people who play PHG were dumb :p

I do have the unrated version so maybe that helps.

Or maybe Iā€™m used to the dark fromā€¦

Something idk

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I will maybe try and rewatch it , i used to have the alien and predator boxset but I gave it away I think . I have the first 3 preds on bluray , they are sweet to watch and pred 87 is meant to be amazing in 4k hdr


Iā€™ve maybe became a snob , anything before bluray looks like cave paintings to me now

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PHG must look like itā€™s on the atariā€¦

I donā€™t know why Iā€™m trashing PHG so much recently I need help :p

Its good to vent , considering its almost a year since release and what still goes on with the game? Its understandable. I only recently started playing on the ps4 pro and with the framerate cap off? It looks somewhat better

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But Iā€™m not venting though. Iā€™m not mad at the game and Iā€™ve been playing a lot of other good games.

I have nothing to vent about in the first place.

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I dont know what to tell you then buddy , maybe you are a closeted hater? šŸ˜† in denial ? I need to start playing other games

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Looks somewhat promising

Is this only gonna be humans tho?
Looks cool but if I canā€™t play xenos then meh.

Looks like only humans unfortunately but you get to set shit on fire so thereā€™s that, Iā€™m also a sucker for Xenos and Preds.

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Why you tryna see shit on me?
Wtf did I do???

Lol it looks kinda fun but meh I wanna kill humans and crawl around on ceilings.

If itā€™s only humans they really missed a chance at a good game.


Stop looking at me like that.

predator-hunting-grounds (1)

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He was holding them and then blasted them. Wolf is a highly skilled predator and weā€™ve noticed even humans pinning aliens (vazquez) as I said above. If humans can pin 1, donā€™t see why this super awesome pred canā€™t. The qulity of the movie does not matter.

Iā€™ve never seen aliens (drones) winning 1v1s with predators, perhaps by getting the drop on them or something but predators should have no problems defeating them in a 1v1 and also this is with just his wristblades, if the predator has his tech, its not even a fight.
Wolf god a draw (after he was already injured) with the predatorian, predalien (or whatever those aliens that come from predators are called, I am no lore buff).

Even humans have FAR less of an issue killing aliens AT ALL TIMES then they do with predators. Aliens deep down are animals that do have showed some signs on inteligence but nothing compared to a predator that has tech and can travel between stars.


Serpent hunts and kills Xenomorphs with his bare hands and doesnā€™t use any vision mode, so that proves Predators are pretty much superior.

But I do think the Xenomorph Queen, the White Xenomorph from Resurrection, and maybe the Predalien could be capable of doing very intelligent things like humans or Preds can do if given enough time or taught

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We have never seen any of it at all cause those movies arenā€™t cannon. And if they were we have seen a basic alien kill 2 predators

Sheā€™d already shot the alien in the neck and was using her entire body as leverage in a vent while she mag dumped its weakpoint and the xeno has no room to actually move its tail around. Completely different from the power rangers villain xenos in AvPR that just stand there and wait for their cue to be thrown to the floor, shit lazy cinematography is most definitely a factor.

And the Alien STILL tried to grab her with itā€™s one open hand, even with the vent walls in the way of its tail but was busy getting shot. They do not panic they are murderous flailing killing machines lol.
In the very next scene, Gorman tries pistoling an alien and the bullets just bounced off of it.