
lol wolf being the only predator means he can’t be allowed to die or take any considerable damage until the very end of the movie. Tail lift is plausible, choke hold is not.

I mean, we’ve CONSTANTLY seen them use their tails as piercing and whipping weapons…two aliens literally forget their primary weapons at the same time?
Bitch shoulda been Pred-kabob like boy from AVP

All the Alien had to free itself was it’s head in Aliens injured in a crawlspace, but lel I guess that thought-out choreography is comparable to wolf ragdolling aliens just by touching them

But this is coming from directors that think aliens eat people to live lest they starve so shouldve expected as much. Whole movie’s as dumb as a predalien holding two predators by the neck

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I also am upset about a movie with space monsters punching each other in Colorado being unrealistic. Buff FT nerf pred


Gentlemen. 3 things to let go of. Canon, lore and your virginity.

James Cameron can make a ruling on the vent scene. Like Tony Starks father, I was limited by the technology of my time. A clumsy to move in costume was basically thrown onto the actress. For the sake of realness you can kind of see how the momentum carries the xeno around her body onto the floor of the vent. Now consider that Vasquez is physically strong and if you were to put your back against the wall of the vent and push with your legs then you can move a couple of hundred kilos. If you put that force against the xenos head and neck in that split second where it crashes into the vent then you could briefly pin it and start shooting. Also remember it takes less force to control a person or animal when you are manipulating their head or neck. Look at martial arts for a million examples of this.

In conclusion, this scene is possible. As for other scenes from other movies? Sometimes you just want shiz to look cool.

James Cameron has spoken


I am also invested in contemplating who’d win between my decepticon microwave and autobot toaster

No one disagrees that Aliens are useless at long range. It’s when people try to monopolize close range so the alien is functionally good at nothing at all why is it even there

JAmes nobody listens especially the virgins.just use thy Ban Hammer and all will be silenced.

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Attempting to emulate the gilgamesh statue of him holding the two lions is a nice literally reference, but batshit retarded within the context of an actual movie and this is why Strauss bros career ended on direct-to-dvd trash.

Yeah don’t get me wrong wolf is bad ass, but avp is a plot armor series for sure

Let me tell you why the predalien standing there watching Wolf honor striptease on the rooftop was perfectly valid and AvPR is a fantastic film

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The Predalien was supposed to have taken on some Predator characteristics like skinning people and its also why it took that guys spine. Waiting for Wolf to do his thing may have been apart of that but since the Predalien doing Predator stuff was partially cut it’s a bit lost in translation.

The pred died before the rooftop scene in Salerno’s original script so chances are we wouldn’t have been graced with xenomorph honor cringe at all. We almost got the OG draft with predalien using a combistick.

Again. The film was dumb and pretty much allows a bunch of bullshit to happen for the sake of “plot”. I definitely believe an alien would stomp the shit out of a predator. I’m just saying regardless of all that I do like wolf’s design lol

They would not “take on predator characteristics”. Hunting is cultural for predators, it’s not in there fuckin DNA lol that’s inherently stupid

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Even if not canon I don’t see why we can’t use them?! Those people had the rights to the predator and alien characters. I don’t even know who at this point dictates canon but it matters little.
What alien? The one in the pyramid under the ice? Those where noob, unarmed predators. Even so I never said they are invincible.

I can’t even tell where she shoot him, point is the alien was not incapacitated in any way and the alien got the DROP on her in a perfect environment for the alien. The alien had ample space to move its tail, the vents are damn big man and even if it did not, it has its claws. Its just that the alien decided to overpower her with her arms as he was wiggling about.
Still, after getting the drop on a HUMAN, the human won in CLOSE COMBAT. Now if a woman can pin the alien like that, what do you think a predator can do when its FAR stronger then a buff guy like arnold?
I’ve actually poted the vid above with the alien and vasquez. I don’t even get what you mean its open hand lol. The alien had 2 arms and 1 tail.

Aliens are NOTHING even to space marines, forget the predators. The only reason they can do anything is because the marines went in like idiots, got overwhelmed and that’s about it. Claws and teeth will NEVER beet tech. Marines or predators don’t even need to sacrifice people, just glass the planet from orbit…

That said even marines have power armor type of things with powerful weapons (check AVP 2 and primal hunt)…

When your film stops trying to make sense within the context of its own movie, it can’t be held up to the rest of the franchise.

IE Predators collecting trophies all this time so they could achieve their true ultimate goal - harvesting autism so they can invade earth.

You are disregarding feats in the movie with “I don’t like it and thus its irrelevant”. The aliens are shit even to marines. There is a reason why they die in countless numbers in movies. A properly armed force would make short work of them.

PS. I also did not like that movie but that is meaningless.

Quite literally incapacitated being shot in the neck and only had its head and a free arm to free itself, rewatch the film? She leveraged herself in a vent against its skull, she wasn’t wrestling the alien to the ground. Cameron explained this entire scene already.

You’re comparing a Strauss film to Cameron’s Aliens lol. If we’re using AvP2/primal hunt as a reference now aliens can literally fly through the air.

They die in countless numbers because there are countless numbers of them to be disposed. They use mob tactics when mob tactics are viable and guerilla tactics when they aren’t. We have superior tech over vietnam that didn’t stop people from dying in tunnels.

“Ok but if we nuke vietnam we win”
Amazing take.

The movie is literally an allegory for Vietnam which proves the exact OPPOSITE of this statement.

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Imagine missing the point of the movie so hard you think xenomorphs are still an allegory for thriller zombies lumbering around.

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