2020-2021 Archive of leaks
Good stuff guys I wanna cover this on a video and give shout outs is that okay?
Yeah the slow production is definitely to COVID, NECA probably had to reschedule their releases. I mean some Predator figures are arriving at a later time than previously said back in early 2020. My worry with making stuff more “buyable” is if they go really crazy with it and we get more things being able to be bought without skill or progress. Also I bet you a lot of people who got money to spend may just buy everything that is hard to obtain to just brag, when they hardly play. Ironic due to honor code of the Yautja.
I didn’t find anything myself
I’m just compiling it together and putting it here
Some of this stuff I could find the original post, especially if it wasn’t originally here on the forum. Like a lot of this stuff was from reddit and then someone put it here
We are technically getting stuff in February.
We are definitely getting the rocket launcher in February, and it looks like Isabelle from Predators
But this is still my production
Cool so we are getting a little something in February ok well then that spring update might be March and could be maps and modes
Any other theories about the backpack radio thing?
Nope, the only theories I’ve got are
- It’s an unfinished class
- Specializations where planed on changing your characters appearance
You know thats boss talk! It would have been awesome if were true. in retrospect, all them specializations were kind of lacking in virtue. instead it had very little change in what it did. I mean little effect.
And then there is Field Medic
some exxcceptions with quantifyable characteristics. Others were just heresay. If they added more tangable, audible, or visble characteristics that would have been cool.
But that radio on the guys back doesnt make any sense. as in reality, it would allow one to do something very specific. I think those exist the real life military.
Mobile reinforcement radio for a “protect the vip” type of respawn system? (No more stationary respawns)
Maybe there’s 1 team or 3 smaller teams and its an “elimination” style of game mode?
Your radio guy dies, no more respawns?
I think it would have been for the comms, if indeed specializations changed/added to your classes appearance
I believe there was a VIP mission listed in one of the leaked posts, going to find it right now
I’m more thinking the backpack reinforce could be for gauntlet mode.
Wither 1 big team have 1 or 2 of these or multiple smaller teams with the radios. Keeping everyone mobile and moving and respawning into the game.
I feel a protect the VIP could easily be a mission slid into the current mold of the game we have now. 1 ft has to interact with the vip, vip stays close to person that interacted and follows movements, if either teams shoot vip, points deducted to endgame. Maybe when the pred attacks, vip flees, ft have to chase after the vip to bring them back to take to exfil?
Spitballing lol
I see escort!
Looking at the items now, it looks like we might get a junkyard in one of the maps
Test 5